< Jeremias 47 >
1 The word that came from the Lord to Jeremias, after that Nabuzardan the captain of the guard had let him go out of Rama, when he had taken him in manacles in the midst of the captivity of Juda, [even] those who were carried to Babylon.
A palavra do Senhor, que veio a Jeremias, o profeta, contra os philisteus, antes que faraó ferisse a Gaza.
2 And the chief captain of the guard took him, and said to him, The Lord your God has pronounced all these evils upon this place:
Assim diz o Senhor: Eis que se levantam as águas do norte, e tornar-se-ão em torrente transbordante, e alagarão a terra e sua plenitude, a cidade, e os que moram nela; e os homens clamarão, e todos os moradores da terra uivarão;
3 and the Lord has done it; because you sinned against him, and listened not to his voice.
Por causa do som do estrépito das unhas dos seus fortes cavalos, por causa do arroido de seus carros e do estrondo das suas rodas: os pais não atenderam aos filhos, por causa da fraqueza das mãos;
4 Behold, I have loosed you from the manacles that were upon your hands. If it seem good to you to go with me to Babylon, then will I set mine eyes upon you.
Por causa do dia que vem, para destruir a todos os philisteus, para cortar a Tiro e a Sidon todo o resto que os socorra; porque o Senhor destruirá os philisteus, o resto da ilha de Caphtor.
5 But if not, depart; return to Godolias the son of Achicam, the son of Saphan, whom the king of Babylon has appointed governor in the land of Juda, and dwell with him in the midst of the people in the land of Juda: to whatever places it seems good in your eyes to go, do you even go. And the captain of the guard made him presents, and let him go.
A rapadura veio sobre Gaza, foi desarreigada Ascalon, com o resto do seu vale: até quando te sarjarás?
6 And he came to Godolias to Massepha, and lived in the midst of his people that was left in the land.
Ah espada do Senhor! até quando deixarás de repousar? volta para a tua bainha, descança, e aquieta-te.
7 And all the leaders of the host that was in the country, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Godolias [governor] in the land, and they committed to him the men and their wives, whom [Nabuchodonosor had] not removed to Babylon.
Mas como te aquietarias? pois o Senhor deu-lhe mandado contra Ascalon, e contra as bordas do mar: e ali lho tem prescrito.
8 And there came to Godolias to Massepha Ismael the son of Nathanias, and Joanan son of Caree, and Saraeas the son of Thanaemeth, and the sons of Jophe the Netophathite, and Ezonias son of the Mochathite, they and their men.
9 And Godolias swore to them and to their men, saying, Be not afraid before the children of the Chaldeans: dwell in the land, and serve the king of Babylon, and it shall be better for you.
10 And, behold, I dwell in your presence at Massepha, to stand before the Chaldeans who shall come against you: and do you gather grapes, and fruits, and oil, and put [them] into your vessels, and dwell in the cities which you have obtained possession of.
11 And all the Jews that were in Moab, and among the children of Ammon, and those [that were] in Idumea, and those [that were] in all [the rest of] the country, heard that the king of Babylon [had] granted a remnant to Juda, and that he had appointed over them Godolias the son of Achicam.
12 And they came to Godolias into the land of Juda, to Massepha, and gathered grapes, and very much summer fruit, and oil.
13 And Joanan the son of Caree, and all the leaders of the host, who were in the fields, came to Godolias to Massepha,
14 and said to him, Do you indeed know that king Beleissa son of Ammon has sent Ismael to you to kill you? But Godolias believed them not.
15 And Joanan said to Godolias secretly in Massepha, I will go now and strike Ismael, and let no man know [it]; lest he kill you, and all the Jews that are gathered to you be dispersed, and the remnant of Juda perish.
16 But Godolias said to Joanan, Do not the thing, for you speak lies concerning Ismael.