< Jeremias 42 >

1 THE WORD THAT CAME TO JEREMIAS from the Lord in the days of Joakim, king of Juda, saying,
Ergasii ajajjoonni waraanaa hundi Yoohaanaan ilma Qaareyaatii fi Yezaaniyaa ilma Hooshaʼiyaa dabalatee, namni hundi, xinnaa guddaan dhufanii
2 Go to the house of the Archabin, and you shall bring them to the house of the Lord, into one of the courts, and give them wine to drink.
Ermiyaas raajichaan akkana jedhan; “Maaloo kadhaa keenya dhagaʼiitii hambaa kana hundaaf Waaqayyo Waaqa kee kadhadhu. Nu dur baayʼee turre; amma garuu akkuma ati argitu kana nu nama muraasa qofattu hafe.
3 So I brought forth Jechonias the son of Jeremin the son of Chabasin, and his brethren, and his sons, and all the family of the Archabin;
Akka Waaqayyo Waaqni kee gara nu dhaquu qabnuu fi waan nu gochuu qabnu nutti himuuf nuu kadhadhu.”
4 and I brought them into the house of the Lord, into the chamber of the sons of Joanan, the son of Ananias, the son of Godolias, a man of God, who dwells near the house of the princes that are over the house of Maasaeas the son of Selom, who kept the court.
Ermiyaas raajichis, “Ani isin dhagaʼeera; akkuma isin na gaafattan sana ani dhugumaan Waaqayyo Waaqa keessan nan kadhadha. Waan Waaqayyo dubbatu hundas isinitti nan hima; waan tokko illees isin hin dhoksu” jedhee deebise.
5 And I set before them a jar of wine, and cups, and I said, Drink you wine.
Jarris Ermiyaasiin akkana jedhan; “Yoo nu akkuma Waaqayyo Waaqni kee akka ati nutti himtuuf si erge sana gochuu baanne Waaqayyo mataan isaa dhuga baatuu dhugaatii fi amanamaa nutti haa taʼu.
6 But they said, We will on no account drink wine, for our father Jonadab the son of Rechab commanded us, saying, You shall on no account drink wine, [neither] you, nor your sons for ever:
Akka yeroo nu dubbii Waaqayyo Waaqa keenyaatiif ajajamnutti wanni hundi nutti toluuf yoo wanni sun jaallatamaa yookaan jibbamaa taʼe illee nu dubbii Waaqayyo Waaqa keenyaa kan itti si erganne sanaatiif ni ajajamna.”
7 nor shall you at all build houses, nor sow any seed, nor shall you have a vineyard: for you shall dwell in tents all your days; that you may live many days upon the land, in which you sojourn.
Dubbiin Waaqayyoos guyyaa kudhan booddee gara Ermiyaas dhufe.
8 And we listened to the voice of Jonadab our father, so as to drink no wine all our days, we, and our wives, and our sons, and our daughters;
Kanaafuu inni Yoohaanaan ilma Qaareyaatii fi ajajjoota waraanaa kanneen isa wajjin turan hunda, akkasumas nama xinnaa guddaa hunda walitti waame.
9 and so as to build no houses to dwell in: and we have had no vineyard, nor field, nor seed:
Innis akkana isaaniin jedhe; “Waaqayyo Waaqni Israaʼel inni isin akka ani iyyata keessan itti isinii dhiʼeessuuf itti na ergitan sun akkana jedha:
10 but we have lived in tents, and have listened, and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.
‘Yoo biyya kana keessa turtan, ani isinan ijaara malee isin hin diigu; ani isinan dhaaba malee isin hin buqqisu; ani badiisa isinitti fide sanaaf gaabbeeraatii.
11 And it came to pass, when Nabuchodonosor came up against the land, that we said we would come in; and we entered into Jerusalem, for fear of the host of the Chaldeans, and for fear of the host of the Assyrians: and we lived there.
Mootii Baabilon isa amma sodaattan kana hin sodaatinaa. Ani isin baraaree harka isaatii isin baasuuf isin wajjin jiraatii. Isa hin sodaatinaa, jedha Waaqayyo.
12 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Ani akka inni garaa isinii laafee biyya keessanitti isin deebisuuf garaa isiniif nan laafa.’
13 Thus says the Lord, Go, and say to the men of Juda, and to them that dwell in Jerusalem, Will you not receive correction to listen to my words?
“Garuu yoo isin, ‘Nu biyya kana keessa hin turru’ jettanii akkasiin Waaqayyo Waaqa keessaniif ajajamuu diddan,
14 The sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have kept the word which he commanded his children, that they should drink no wine; and they have not drunk [it]: but I spoke to you early, and you listened not.
amma illee yoo isin, ‘Hin taʼu, nu biyya Gibxi keessa iddoo itti waraana hin argine yookaan malakata hin dhageenye yookaan iddoo itti hin beelofne sana dhaqnee achi jiraanna’ jettan,
15 And I sent to you my servants the prophets, saying, Turn you every one from his evil way, and amend your practices, and go not after other gods to serve them, and you shall dwell upon the land which I gave to you and to your fathers: but you inclined not your ears, and listened not.
egaa yaa hambaa Yihuudaa, dubbii Waaqayyoo dhagaʼaa. Waaqayyo Waan Hunda Dandaʼu, Waaqni Israaʼel akkana jedha: ‘Yoo isin biyya Gibxitti galuu barbaaddanii achi jiraachuu dhaqxan,
16 But the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have kept the command of their father; but this people has not listened to me.
goraadeen isin sodaattan sun achumatti isin argata; beelli isin sodaattanis hamma Gibxitti isin faana buʼa; isinis achitti dhumtu.
17 Therefore thus says the Lord; Behold, I [will] bring upon Juda and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evils which I pronounced against them.
Dhugumaan warri biyya Gibxitti galanii achi qubachuu barbaadan hundi goraadeen, beelaa fi dhaʼichaan dhumu; isaan keessaa namni badiisa ani isaanitti fidu jalaa baʼu yookaan miliqu tokko iyyuu hin jiru.’
18 Therefore thus says the Lord; Since the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have listened to the command of their father, to do as their father commanded them:
Waaqayyo Waan Hunda Dandaʼu, Waaqni Israaʼel akkana jedha: ‘Akkuma aariin koo fi dheekkamsi koo warra Yerusaalem keessa jiraatan irratti dhangalaʼe sana, yoo isin biyya Gibxitti galtan dheekkamsi koo isin irratti ni dhangalaʼa. Isinis waan abaarsaa, waan sodaa, waan yakkaatii fi waan fafaa ni taatu; iddoo kana illee gonkumaa deebitanii hin argitan.’
19 there shall never be lacking a man of the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab to stand before my face while the earth remains.
“Yaa hambaa Yihuudaa Waaqayyo, ‘Biyya Gibxi hin dhaqinaa’ isiniin jedheera. Waan kana qalbeeffadhaa: Ani harʼa isin akeekkachiisaatii;
Isin gaafa ‘Waaqayyo Waaqa keenya nuu kadhadhu; waan inni dubbate hundas nutti himi; nus ni ajajamnaaf’ jettanii gara Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii na ergitan sana balleessaa guddaa hojjettan.
Ani harʼa isinitti himeera; isin garuu waan inni akka ani isinitti himuuf na erge sana hundaan Waaqayyo Waaqa keessaniif hin ajajamne.
Kanaafuu isin amma waan kana qalbeeffadhaa: Isin iddoo jiraachuu dhaquu feetan sana keessatti goraadeen, beelaa fi dhaʼichaan ni dhumtu.”

< Jeremias 42 >