< Jeremias 41 >
1 The word that came to Jeremias from the Lord (now Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and all his army, and all the country of his dominion, were warring against Jerusalem, and against all the cities of Juda, ) saying,
Et factum est in mense septimo, venit Ismahel filius Nathaniæ, filii Elisama de semine regali, et optimates regis, et decem viri cum eo, ad Godoliam filium Ahicam in Masphath: et comederunt ibi panes simul in Masphath.
2 Thus has the Lord said; Go to Sedekias king of Juda, and you shall say to him, Thus has the Lord said, This city shall certainly be delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he shall take it, and shall burn it with fire:
Surrexit autem Ismahel filius Nathaniæ, et decem viri, qui cum eo erant, et percusserunt Godoliam filium Ahicam filii Saphan gladio, et interfecerunt eum, quem præfecerat rex Babylonis terræ.
3 and you shall not escape out of his hand, but shall certainly be taken, and shall be given into his hands; and your eyes shall see his eyes, and you shall enter into Babylon.
Omnes quoque Iudæos, qui erant cum Godolia in Masphath, et Chaldæos, qui reperti sunt ibi, et viros bellatores percussit Ismahel.
4 But hear the word of the Lord, O Sedekias king of Juda; Thus says the Lord,
Secundo autem die postquam occiderat Godoliam, nullo adhuc sciente,
5 You shall die in peace: and as they wept for your fathers that reigned before you, they shall weep also for you, [saying], Ah lord! and they shall lament for you down to the grave: for I have spoken the word, said the Lord.
venerunt viri de Sichem, et de Silo, et de Samaria octoginta viri: rasi barba, et scissis vestibus, et squallentes: et munera, et thus habebant in manu, ut offerrent in domo Domini.
6 And Jeremias spoke to king Sedekias all these words in Jerusalem.
Egressus ergo Ismahel filius Nathaniæ in occursum eorum de Masphath, incedens et plorans ibat: cum autem occurrisset eis, dixit ad eos: Venite ad Godoliam filium Ahicam.
7 And the host of the king of Babylon warred against Jerusalem, and against the cities of Juda, and against Lachis, and against Azeca: for these strong cities were left among the cities of Juda.
Qui cum venissent ad medium civitatis, interfecit eos Ismahel filius Nathaniæ circa medium laci, ipse et viri, qui erant cum eo.
8 The word that came from the Lord to Jeremias, after king Sedekias had concluded a covenant with the people, to proclaim a release;
Decem autem viri reperti sunt inter eos, qui dixerunt ad Ismahel: Noli occidere nos: quia habemus thesauros in agro, frumenti, et hordei, et olei, et mellis. Et cessavit: et non interfecit eos cum fratribus suis.
9 That every one should set at liberty his servant, and every one has handmaid, the Hebrew man and Hebrew woman, that no man of Juda should be a bondman.
Lacus autem, in quem proiecerat Ismahel omnia cadavera virorum, quos percussit propter Godoliam, ipse est, quem fecit rex Asa propter Baasa regem Israel: ipsum replevit Ismahel filius Nathaniæ occisis.
10 Then all the nobles, and all the people who had entered into the covenant, [engaging] to set free every one his man-servant, and every one his maid, turned,
Et captivas duxit Ismahel omnes reliquias populi, qui erant in Masphath: filias regis, et universum populum, qui remanserat in Masphath: quos commendaverat Nabuzardan princeps militiæ Godoliæ filio Ahicam. Et cepit eos Ismahel filius Nathaniæ, et abiit ut transiret ad filios Ammon.
11 and gave them over to be menservants and maidservants.
Audivit autem Iohanan filius Caree, et omnes principes bellatorum, qui erant cum eo, omne malum, quod fecerat Ismahel filius Nathaniæ.
12 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias, saying,
Et assumptis universis viris, profecti sunt ut bellarent adversum Ismahel filium Nathaniæ, et invenerunt eum ad aquas multas, quæ sunt in Gabaon.
13 Thus says the Lord; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day wherein I took them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, saying,
Cumque vidisset omnis populus, qui erat cum Ismahel, Iohanan filium Caree, et universos principes bellatorum, qui erant cum eo, lætati sunt.
14 When six years are accomplished, you shall set free your brother the Hebrew, who shall be sold to you: for he shall serve you six years, and [then] you shall let him go free: but they listened not to me, and inclined not their ear.
Et reversus est omnis populus, quem ceperat Ismahel, in Masphath: reversusque abiit ad Iohanan filium Caree.
15 And this day they turned to do that which was right in my sight, to proclaim every one the release of his neighbor; and they had concluded a covenant before me, in the house whereon my name is called.
Ismahel autem filius Nathaniæ fugit cum octo viris a facie Iohanan, et abiit ad filios Ammon.
16 But you turned and profaned my name, to bring back every one his servant, and every one his handmaid, whom you had sent forth free [and] at their own disposal, to be to you menservants and maidservants.
Tulit ergo Iohanan filius Caree, et omnes principes bellatorum, qui erant cum eo, universas reliquias vulgi, quas reduxerat ab Ismahel filio Nathaniæ de Masphath, postquam percussit Godoliam filium Ahicam: fortes viros ad prælium, et mulieres, et pueros, et eunuchos, quos reduxerat de Gabaon.
17 Therefore thus said the Lord; You have not listened to me, to proclaim a release every one to his neighbor: behold, I proclaim a release to you, to the sword, and to the pestilence, and to the famine; and I will give you up to dispersion [among] all the kingdoms of the earth.
Et abierunt, et sederunt peregrinantes in Chamaam, quæ est iuxta Bethlehem, ut pergerent, et introirent Ægyptum
18 And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant, who have not kept my covenant, which they made before me, the calf which they prepared to sacrifice with it,
a facie Chaldæorum: timebant enim eos, quia percusserat Ismahel filius Nathaniæ Godoliam filium Ahicam, quem præposuerat rex Babylonis in Terra Iuda.
19 the princes of Juda, and the men in power, and the priests, and the people;
20 I will even give them to their enemies, and their carcases shall be food for the birds of the sky and for the wild beasts of the earth.
21 And I will give Sedekias king of Judea, and their princes, into the hands of their enemies, and the host of the king of Babylon [shall come upon] them that run away from them.
22 Behold, I [will] give command, says the Lord, and will bring them back to this land; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire, and the cities of Juda; and I will make them desolate without inhabitants.