< Jeremias 31 >

1 Thus has the Lord said concerning MOAB, Woe to Nabau! for it has perished: Cariathaim is taken: Amath and Agath are put to shame.
Во время оно рече Господь, буду в Бога роду Израилеву, и тии будут Ми в люди.
2 There is no longer any healing for Moab, [nor] glorying in Esebon: he has devised evils against her: we have cut her off from [being] a nation, and she shall be completely still: after you shall go a sword;
Тако рече Господь: обретох теплоту в пустыни со изгибшими от меча: идите и не потребите Израиля,
3 for [there is] a voice of [men] crying out of Oronaim, destruction and great ruin.
Господь издалеча явится ему: любовию вечною возлюбих тя, того ради вовлекох тя в щедроты.
4 Moab is ruined, proclaim [it] to Zogora:
Яко возгражду тя, и возградишися, дево Израилева: возмеши тимпаны своя и изыдеши с собором играющих.
5 for Aloth is filled with weeping: one shall go up weeping by the way of Oronaim; you have heard a cry of destruction.
Еще насадите винограды в горе Самарийстей, насаждающе насадите и похвалите.
6 Flee you, and save your lives, and you shall be as a wild ass in the desert.
Яко есть день воззвания отвещавающих в горах Ефремовых: востаните и взыдите в Сион ко Господеви Богу нашему:
7 Since you have trusted in your strong-hold, therefore you shall be taken: and Chamos shall go forth into captivity, and his priests, and his princes together.
яко тако рече Господь Иакову: возвеселитеся веселием и воскликните на главу языков: слышано сотворите и похвалите, рцыте: спасе Господь люди Своя, останок Израилев.
8 And destruction shall come upon every city, it shall by no means escape; the valley also shall perish, and the plain country shall be completely destroyed, as the Lord has said.
Се, Аз веду их от севера и соберу их от конец земли в праздник Пасхи: и чадородит народ мног, и возвратятся семо.
9 Set marks upon Moab, for she shall be touched with a plague-spot, and all her cities shall become desolate; whence [shall there be] an inhabitant for her?
С плачем изыдоша, а со утешением возведу я, проводя чрез ровенники вод по пути праву, и не заблудят по нему: яко Аз бех Израилеви во отца, и Ефрем первенец Ми есть.
10 Cursed is the man that does the works of the Lord carelessly, keeping back his sword from blood.
Слышите, языцы, слово Господне, и возвестите во островех дальних и рцыте: Развеявый Израиля соберет его и снабдит его, яко пастырь стадо свое.
11 Moab has been at ease from a child, and trusted in his glory; he has not poured out [his liquor] from vessel to vessel, and has not gone into banishment, therefore his taste remained in him, and his smell departed not.
Яко избави Господь Иакова и изят его от руки сильнейших его.
12 Therefore, behold, his days come, says the Lord, when I shall send upon him bad leaders, and they shall lead him astray, and they shall utterly break in pieces his possessions, and shall cut his horns asunder.
И приидут и возвеселятся в горе Сион, и приидут ко благотам Господним, на землю пшеницы и вина и плодов, и скотов и овнов: и будет душа их якоже древо плодовито, и не взалчут ктому.
13 And Moab shall be ashamed of Chamos, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Baethel their hope, having trusted in them.
Тогда возрадуются девицы в собрании юношей, и старцы возрадуются: и обращу плачь их на радость, и утешу их, и сотворю их веселы.
14 How will you say, We are strong, and men strong for war?
Возвеличу и упою душу жерцев сынов Левииных, и людие Мои благот Моих насытятся.
15 Moab is ruined, [even] his city, and his choice young men have gone down to slaughter.
Тако рече Господь: глас в Раме слышан бысть плача и рыдания и вопля: Рахиль плачущися чад своих, и не хотяше утешитися, яко не суть.
16 The day of Moab is near at hand, and his iniquity moves swiftly [to vengeance].
Тако рече Господь: да почиет глас твой от плача и очи твои от слез, яко есть мзда делом твоим, глаголет Господь, и возвратятся от земли вражия:
17 Shake [the head] at him, all you that are round about him; all [of you] utter his name; say you, How is the glorious staff broken to pieces, the rod of magnificence!
и есть надежда последним твоим, (глаголет Господь, ) и возвратятся сынове твои в пределы своя.
18 Come down from [your] glory, and sit down in a damp place: Daebon shall be broken, because Moab is destroyed: there has gone up against you one to ravage your strong-hold.
Слышя слышах Ефрема плачуща: наказал мя еси, (Господи, ) и наказахся: аз якоже телец не научихся: обрати мя, и обращуся, яко Ты еси Господь Бог мой:
19 Stand by the way, and look, you that dwell in Arer; and ask him that is fleeing, and him that escapes, and say, What has happened?
понеже последи пленения моего покаяхся и последи разумения моего возстенах в день посрамления и показах тебе, яко приях укоризну от юности моея.
20 Moab is put to shame, because he is broken: howl and cry; proclaim in Arnon, that Moab has perished.
Сын любезен Мне, Ефрем, отроча питеющееся, понеже словеса Моя в нем, памятию воспомяну и: того ради потщахся о нем, милуяй помилую его, рече Господь.
21 And judgment is coming against the land of Misor, upon Chelon, and Rephas, and Mophas,
Постави себе самого, Сионе, стражу, сотвори мучение, направи сердце твое на путь прав, имже ходил еси: возвратися, девице Израилева, обратися во грады твоя рыдающи.
22 and upon Daebon, and upon Nabau, and upon the house of Daethlathaim,
Доколе отвращаешися, дщи обезчествованая? Яко созда Господь спасение в насаждение ново, в немже спасении обыдут человецы.
23 and upon Cariathaim, and upon the house of Gaemol, and upon the house of Maon,
Яко тако рече Господь: еще рекут слово сие в земли Иудейстей и во градех ея, егда возвращу преселение его: благословен Господь на праведней горе святей своей:
24 and upon Carioth, and upon Bosor, and upon all the cities of Moab, far and near.
и живущии во градех Иудиных и во всей земли его, купно со земледельцем, и вознесется во стаде.
25 The horn of Moab is broken, and his arm is crushed.
Яко упоих всяку душу жаждущу и всяку душу алчущу насытих.
26 Make you him drunk; for he has magnified himself against the Lord: and Moab shall clap with his hand, and shall be also himself a laughing stock.
Того ради востах от сна и видех, и сон ми сладок бысть.
27 For surely Israel was to you a laughing stock, and was found among your thefts, because you did fight against him.
Се, дние грядут, глаголет Господь, и всею Израиля и Иуду семя человечо и семя скотское.
28 The inhabitants of Moab have left the cities, and lived in rocks; they have become as doves nestling in rocks, at the mouth of a cave.
И будет, якоже бдех на ня потребити и озлобити, тако бдети буду о них, еже созидати и насаждати, рече Господь.
29 And I have heard of the pride of Moab, he has greatly heightened his pride and his haughtiness, and his heart has been lifted up.
В тыя дни не рекут ктому: отцы ядоша кислая, а зубы детем оскомнишася:
30 But I know his works: is it not enough for him? has he not done thus?
но кийждо своим грехом умрет, и ядшему кислая оскоменятся зубы его.
31 Therefore howl you for Moab on all sides; cry out against the shorn men [in] a gloomy place. I will weep for you,
Се, дние грядут, глаголет Господь, и завещаю дому Израилеву и дому Иудину завет нов,
32 O vine of Aserema, as with the weeping of Jazer: your branches are gone over the sea, they reached the cities of Jazer: destruction has come upon your fruits, [and] upon your grape gatherers.
не по завету, егоже завещах отцем их в день, в оньже емшу ми за руку их, извести я от земли Египетския, яко тии не пребыша в завете Моем, и Аз небрегох их, глаголет Господь.
33 Joy and gladness have been utterly swept off the land of Moab: and [though] there was wine in your presses, in the morning they trod it not, neither in the evening did they raise the cry of joy.
Яко сей завет, егоже завещаю дому Израилеву по днех онех, глаголет Господь: дая законы Моя в мысли их, и на сердцах их напишу я, и буду им в Бога, и тии будут Ми в люди:
34 From the cry of Esebon even to Aetam their cities uttered their voice, from Zogor to Oronaim, and their tidings [as] a heifer of three years old, for the water also of Nebrin shall be dried up.
и не научит кийждо ближняго своего и кийждо брата своего, глаголя: познай Господа: яко вси познают Мя от мала даже и до великаго их: яко милостив буду неправдам их и грехов их не помяну ктому.
35 And I will destroy Moab, says the Lord, as he comes up to the altar, and burns incense to his gods.
Аще возиесется небо на высоту, рече Господь, и аще смирится испод земли низу, и Аз не отвергу рода Израилева о всех, яже сотвориша, глаголет Господь.
36 Therefore the heart of Moab shall sound as pipes, my heart shall sound as a pipe for the shorn men; forasmuch as what [every] man has gained has perished from him.
Тако рече Господь, давый солнце во свет дне, луну и звезды на свет нощи, и вопль на мори, и возшумеша волны его, Господь Вседержитель имя Ему.
37 They shall all have their heads shaved in every place, and every beard shall be shaved; and all hands shall beat [the breasts], and on all loins shall be sackcloth.
Аще премолкнут законы сии от лица Моего, рече Господь, то и род Израилев престанет быти язык пред лицем Моим во вся дни.
38 And on all the housetops of Moab, and in his streets [shall be mourning]: for I have broken [him], says the Lord, as a vessel, which is useless.
Се, дние грядут, рече Господь, и созиждется град Господеви от столпа Анамеиля до врат уголных:
39 How has he changed! how has Moab turned [his] back! Moab is put to shame, and become a laughing stock, and an object of anger to all that are round about him.
и изыдет размерение его противу ему до могил Гарив, и оымется окрест избранным камением,
40 For thus said the Lord;
и всю юдоль мертвых и пепела, и весь Ассаримоф даже до водотечи Кедрския, даже до угла коний врат восточных, освящение Господеви, и ктому не исторгнется и не потребится даже до века.
41 Carioth is taken, and the strongholds have been taken together.
42 And Moab shall perish from being a multitude, because he has magnified himself against the Lord.
43 A snare, and fear, and the pit, are upon you, O inhabitant of Moab.
44 He that flees from the terror shall fall into the pit, and he that comes up out of the pit shall even be taken in the snare: for I will bring these things upon Moab in the year of their visitation.

< Jeremias 31 >