< Jeremias 26 >

1 In the beginning of the reign of king Sedekias, there came this word concerning Aelam.
Judah siangpahrang Josiah capa Jehoiakim a bawinae kamtawng nah hete lawk BAWIPA koe hoi a tho.
2 FOR EGYPT, AGAINST THE POWER OF PHARAO NECHAO KING OF EGYPT, who was by the river Euphrates in Charmis, whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon struck in the fourth year of Joakim king of Juda.
BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, BAWIPA e im thongma dawk kangdout haw, Judah khopuinaw pueng ni Cathut bawk hanlah BAWIPA e im dawk kathonaw pueng koe dei hanlah na poe e lawknaw hah buet touh hai pâhma laipalah dei pouh.
3 Take up arms and spears, and draw near to battle;
Yonnae a sak awh dawkvah ahnimae lathueng thoenae sak hanlah ka kâcai e let ka kâhno thai nahanlah tamipueng ni a yonae hah kamlang takhai teh, thai hanlah a ngai thai yawkaw han doeh.
4 and harness the horses: mount, you horsemen, and stand ready in your helmets; advance the spears, and put on your breastplates.
Nang ni ahnimouh koevah, BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, kaie lawk na thai ngai awh hoeh teh, nangmae hmalah ka ta e kâlawknaw tarawi ngai hoeh dawkvah,
5 Why do they fear, and turn back? even because their mighty men shall be slain: they have utterly fled, and being hemmed in they have not rallied, says the Lord.
amom ka thaw teh ka patoun e ka thaw ka tawk e profetnaw e lawk hah banglahai noutna awh hoeh pawiteh,
6 Let not the swift flee, and let not the mighty man escape to the north: the [forces] at Euphrates are become feeble, and they have fallen.
hete im heh Shiloh patetlah ka o sak vaiteh talai van e miphunnaw pueng ni thoebo e khopui lah ka coung sak han, telah na ti han, telah ati.
7 Who is this [that] shall come up as a river, and as rivers roll [their] waves?
Vaihmanaw hoi profetnaw hoi tamimaya ni BAWIPA im dawk Jeremiah ni a dei e lawk hah a thai awh.
8 The waters of Egypt shall come up like a river: and he said, I will go up, and will cover the earth, and will destroy the dwellers in it.
Hahoi hettelah o, tamimaya koe dei hanelah BAWIPA ni a poe e lawknaw pueng he a dei hnukkhu vaihma, profet hoi tamimaya ni, a man awh teh na due roeroe han!
9 Mount you the horses, prepare the chariots; go forth, you warriors of the Ethiopians, and Libyans armed with shields; and mount, you Lydians, bend the bow.
Bangkongmaw BAWIPA e min lahoi, hete im heh Shiloh patetlah ao vaiteh hete khopui dawk tami awm laipalah kingdi han telah na dei, telah ati awh. Hattoteh BAWIPA e im dawk taminaw pueng ni Jeremiah teh a cusin awh.
10 And that day [shall be] to the Lord our God a day of vengeance, to take vengeance on his enemies: and the sword of the Lord shall devour, and be glutted, and be drunken with their blood: for the Lord [has] a sacrifice from the land of the north at the river Euphrates.
Judah kahrawikungnaw ni hete kong a thai awh toteh siangpahrang im dawk e BAWIPA e im longkha katha koe a tahung awh.
11 Go up to Galaad, and take balm for the virgin daughter of Egypt: in vain have you multiplied your medicines; there is no help in you.
Vaihma hoi profetnaw ni kahrawikungnaw hoi tamihu koe, hete tami he due hanlah a kamcu. Bangkongtetpawiteh, hnâ hoi na thai e patetlah hete khopui taranlahoi a pâpho toe, telah ati awh.
12 The nations have heard your voice, and the land has been filled with your cry: for the warriors have fainted fighting one against another, [and] both are fallen together.
Kahrawikungnaw pueng hoi taminaw pueng koe Jeremiah ni, lawknaw pueng na thai awh e patetlah, hete im hoi khopui raphoe hane kong dei hanelah BAWIPA ni na patoun.
13 THE WORDS WHICH THE LORD SPOKE by Jeremias, concerning the coming of the king of Babylon to strike the land of Egypt.
Hatdawkvah, atu na hringnuen hoi na khosaknae hah pathoup awh nateh BAWIPA Cathut e lawk hah yuem awh, telah pawiteh, BAWIPA ni nangmae lathueng hawihoehnae pha sak hanlah a pâpho tangcoung e hah bout a kâhno han.
14 Proclaim [it] at Magdol, and declare [it] at Memphis: say you, Stand up, and prepare; for the sword has devoured your yew tree.
Kai hah teh, atu nangmae kut dawk ka o, a lan, ahawi na ti awh e patetlah, kaie lathueng vah sak awh.
15 Therefore has Apis fled from you? your choice calf has not remained; for the Lord has utterly weakened him.
Kai na thet payon awh pawiteh namamouh hoi hete khopui hoi athung kaawmnaw pueng koe yonnae kaawm hoeh e thipaling na pha sak awh tie hah panuek awh. Atangcalah hete lawknaw heh na hnâthai awhnae koe dei hanelah BAWIPA ni na patoun e doeh, telah ati.
16 And your multitude has fainted and fallen; and each one said to his neighbor, Let us arise, and return into our country to our people, from the Grecian sword.
Hat toteh, kahrawikungnaw hoi tamimaya ni, vaihma hoi profetnaw koevah, hete tami heh due hanelah kamcu hoeh, bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA maimae Cathut min lahoi maimouh koe lawk a dei toe, telah ati awh.
17 Call you the name of Pharao Nechao king of Egypt, Saon esbeie moed.
Hote ram dawk e kacuenaw a kangdue awh teh, tamimaya koevah,
18 [As] I live, says the Lord God, he shall come as Itabyrion among the mountains, and as Carmel that is on the sea.
Mikah Morashtite tami ni Judah siangpahrang Hezekiah a bawi navah lawk a pâpho, hahoi Judah taminaw pueng koe, ransahu BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei. Zion teh laikawk patetlah thawn e lah ao han, Jerusalem teh songnawng lah o vaiteh, bawkim mon teh ratu hmuenrasang patetlah ao han, telah ati.
19 O daughter of Egypt dwelling [at home], prepare you stuff for removing: for Memphis shall be utterly desolate, and shall be called Woe, because there are no inhabitants in it.
Judah siangpahrang Hezekiah hoi Judah taminaw pueng ni ahni hah a thei awh maw. BAWIPA taki lahoi BAWIPA ni ngaikhainae doeh a pacei awh teh, BAWIPA ni ahnimae lathueng hawihoehnae pha sak hane hah bout a kâhno nahoehmaw. Hatei, maimouh teh kalenpounge hawihoehnae hah mamouh taranlahoi sak awh.
20 Egypt is a fair heifer, [but] destruction from the north is come upon her.
Hahoi alouke tami BAWIPA e min lahoi lawk ka dei e Kiriath tami Shemaiah capa Uriah hah bout ao. Jeremiah ni a dei e naw patetlah hete ram hoi khopui raphoe hane kong hah a dei.
21 Also her hired [soldiers] in the midst of her are as fatted calves fed in her; for they also have turned, and fled with one accord: they stood not, for the day of destruction was come upon them, and the time of their retribution.
Siangpahrang Jehoiakim hoi athakaawme taminaw hoi kahrawikungnaw pueng ni a thai awh toteh, siangpahrang ni thei hanelah a kâcai. Hatei, Uriah ni a thai toteh a taki teh Izip ram lah a yawng.
22 Their voice is as [that] of a hissing serpent, for they go upon the sand; they shall come upon Egypt with axes, as men that cut wood.
Hahoi siangpahrang Jehoiakim ni Izip ram lah Akbor capa Elnathan hoi alouke taminaw hoi a patoun.
23 They shall cut down her forest, says the Lord, for [their number] can’t at all be conjectured, for it exceeds the locust in multitude, and they are innumerable.
Izip ram dawk hoi Uriah a tâcokhai awh teh siangpahrang Jehoiakim koevah a thokhai awh, ama ni tahloi hoi a thei teh a ro hah lam teng mathoenaw e phuen dawk a tâkhawng, telah ati awh.
24 The daughter of Egypt is confounded; she is delivered into the hands of a people from the north.
Hatei, Shaphan capa Ahikam ni Jeremiah a kampangkhai dawkvah, thei hanelah tamimaya e kut dawk poe hoeh.
25 Behold, I [will] avenge Ammon her son upon Pharao, and upon them that trust in him.
27 But fear not you, my servant Jacob, neither be you alarmed, Israel: for, behold, I will save you from afar, and your seed from their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be at ease, and sleep, and there shall be no one to trouble him.
28 Fear not you, my servant Jacob, says the Lord; for I am with you: she [that was] without fear and in luxury, has been delivered up: for I will make a full end of every nation among whom I have thrust you forth; but I will not cause you to fail: yet will I chastise you in the way of judgment, and will not hold you entirely guiltless.

< Jeremias 26 >