< Jeremias 22 >

1 Thus says the Lord; Go you, and go down to the house of the king of Juda, and you shall speak there this word,
Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Ka gangara zuwa fadan sarkin Yahuda ka yi shelar wannan saƙo a can ka ce,
2 and you shall say, Hear the word of the Lord, O king of Juda, that sit on the throne of David, you, and your house, and your people, and they that go in at these gates:
‘Ka ji maganar Ubangiji, ya sarkin Yahuda, kai da kake zaune kan gadon sarautar Dawuda, kai, da fadawanka da mutanenka waɗanda suke shiga ta waɗannan ƙofofi.
3 thus says the Lord; Execute you judgment and justice, and rescue the spoiled out of the hand of him that wrongs him: and oppress not the stranger, and orphan, and widow, and sin not, and shed no innocent blood in this place.
Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, ka yi abin da yake gaskiya da kuma daidai. Ka kuɓutar da wannan da aka yi masa ƙwace daga hannun mai zaluntarsa. Kada ka yi abin da ba daidai ba ko ka cuci baƙo, maraya ko gwauruwa, kuma kada ka zub da jini marar laifi a wannan wuri.
4 For if you will indeed perform this word, then shall there enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting upon the throne of David, and riding on chariots and horses, they, and their servants, and their people.
Gama in ka lura da bin waɗannan umarnai, to, sarakunan da suke zaune a gadon sarautar Dawuda za su shiga ta ƙofofin wannan fada, suna hawan kekunan yaƙi da dawakai, fadawansu da mutanensu suna musu rakiya.
5 But if you will not perform these words, by myself have I sworn, says the Lord, that this house shall be [brought] to desolation.
Amma in ba ku kiyaye waɗannan umarnai ba, in ji Ubangiji, na rantse da kaina cewa wannan fada za tă zama kufai.’”
6 For thus says the Lord concerning the house of the king of Juda; You are Galaad to me, [and] the head of Libanus: [yet] surely I will make you a desert, [even] cities that shall not be inhabited:
Gama ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa game da wannan fadar sarkin Yahuda, “Ko da yake kina kamar Gileyad a gare ni, kamar ƙwanƙolin Lebanon, tabbatacce zan maishe ki hamada, kamar garuruwan da ba mazauna.
7 and I will bring upon you a destroying man, and his axe: and they shall cut down your choice cedars, and cast [them] into the fire.
Zan aika da mai hallakarwa a kanki, kowane mutum da makamansa, za su kuma yayyanka gumaguman al’ul na ki masu kyau su jefa su cikin wuta.
8 And nations shall pass through this city, and each shall say to his neighbor, Why has the Lord done thus to this great city?
“Mutane daga al’ummai da yawa za su ratsa cikin wannan birni su kuma tambayi juna suna cewa, ‘Me ya sa Ubangiji ya yi haka da wannan babban birni?’
9 And they shall say, Because they forsook the covenant of the Lord their God, and worshipped strange gods, and served them.
Amsar kuwa za tă zama, ‘Domin sun keta alkawarin Ubangiji Allahnsu, suka yi sujada suka kuma bauta wa waɗansu alloli.’”
10 Weep not for the dead, nor lament for him: weep bitterly for him that goes away: for he shall return no more, nor see his native land.
Kada ku yi kuka domin sarkin da ya mutu ko ku yi makoki saboda rashinsa; a maimako, ku yi kuka mai zafi saboda wanda aka kai zaman bauta, domin ba zai ƙara dawowa ba ko ya ƙara ganin ƙasarsa ta haihuwa.
11 For thus says the Lord concerning Sellem the son of Josias, who reigns in the place of Josias his father, who has gone forth out of this place; He shall not return there any more:
Gama ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa game da Shallum ɗan Yosiya, wanda ya gāji mahaifinsa a matsayin sarkin Yahuda amma bai bar wurin nan ba, “Ba zai ƙara dawowa ba.
12 but in that place whither I have carried him captive, there shall he die, and shall see this land no more.
Zai mutu a inda suka kai shi zaman bauta; ba zai ƙara ganin wannan ƙasa ba.”
13 He that builds his house not with justice, and his upper chambers not with judgment, who works by means of his neighbor for nothing, and will by no means give him his reward.
“Kaiton wanda ya gina gidansa ta hanyar rashin adalci, ɗakunansa na sama kuma ta hanyar rashin gaskiya, yana sa mutanen ƙasarsa suna aiki a banza ba ya biyansu wahalarsu.
14 You have built for yourself a well-proportioned house, airy chambers, fitted with windows, and wainscoted with cedar, and painted with vermilion.
Yana cewa, ‘Zan gina wa kaina babban fada da manyan ɗakuna.’ Ta haka sai ya yi musu manyan tagogi ya manne musu al’ul ya yi musu ado kuma da ruwan ja.
15 Shall you reign, because you are provoked with your father Achaz? they shall not eat, and they shall not drink: it is better for you to execute judgment and justice.
“Wannan zai mai da kai sarki ne in kana da al’ul a kai a kai? Mahaifinka bai kasance da abinci da abin sha ba? Ya yi abin da yake gaskiya da kuma daidai saboda haka kome ya kasance da lafiya da shi.
16 They understood not, they judged not the cause of the afflicted, nor the cause of the poor: is not this your not knowing me? says the Lord.
Ya kāre muradin matalauta da mabukata, ta haka kome ya tafi masa daidai. Ba abin da ake nufi da ba san ni ke nan ba?” In ji Ubangiji.
17 Behold, your eyes are not good, nor your heart, but [they go] after your covetousness, and after the innocent blood to shed it, and after acts of injustice and slaughter, to commit them.
“Amma idanunka da zuciyarka sun kahu kawai a kan ƙazamar riba, da a kan zub da jinin marar laifi da kuma a kan danniya da zalunci.”
18 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning Joakim son of Josias, king of Juda, even concerning this man; they shall not bewail him, [saying], Ah brother! neither shall they at all weep for him, [saying], Alas Lord.
Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa game da Yehohiyakim ɗan Yosiya sarkin Yahuda, “Ba za su yi kuka dominsa ba, ‘Kaito, ɗan’uwana! Kaito,’yar’uwata!’ Ba za su yi kuka dominsa ba, ‘Kaito, maigidana! Kaito, darajarsa!’
19 He shall be buried with the burial of an ass; he shall be dragged roughly along and cast outside the gate of Jerusalem.
Za a binne shi kamar jaki za a ja shi a ƙasa a jefar a bayan ƙofofin Urushalima.”
20 Go up to Libanus, and cry; and utter your voice to Basan, and cry aloud to the extremity of the sea: for all your lovers are destroyed.
“Ka haura zuwa Lebanon ka yi kuka, bari a ji muryarka a Bashan, yi kuka daga Abarim, gama an murƙushe dukan abokanka.
21 I spoke to you on [occasion of] your trespass, but you said, I will not listen. This [has been] your way from your youth, you have not listened to my voice.
Na ja maka kunne sa’ad da kake zama lafiya, amma sai ka ce, ‘Ba zan saurara ba!’ Wannan halinka ne tun kana matashi; ba ka yi mini biyayya ba.
22 The wind shall tend all your shepherds, and your lovers shall go into captivity; for then shall you be ashamed and disgraced because of all your lovers.
Iska za tă koro dukan makiyayanka abokanka kuma za su tafi zaman bauta. Sa’an nan za ka sha kunya a kuma walaƙanta ka saboda dukan muguntarka.
23 O you that dwell in Libanus, making your nest in the cedars, you shall groan heavily, when pangs as of a travailing woman are come upon you.
Kai da kake zama a ‘Lebanon,’ kai da kake sheƙa a gine-ginen al’ul za ka yi nishi sa’ad da zafi ya auka maka, zafi kamar na mace mai naƙuda!
24 [As] I live, says the Lord, though Jechonias son of Joakim king of Juda were indeed the seal upon my right hand, thence would I pluck you;
“Muddin ina raye,” in ji Ubangiji, “ko kai, Yehohiyacin ɗan Yehohiyakim sarkin Yahuda, ka zama zoben hatimin dama a hannuna na dama, zan kwaɓe ka.
25 and I will deliver you into the hands of them that seek your life, before whom you are afraid, into the hands of the Chaldeans.
Zan ba da kai ga waɗanda suke neman ranka, waɗanda kake tsoro, ga Nebukadnezzar sarkin Babilon da kuma ga Babiloniyawa.
26 And I will cast forth you, and your mother that bore you, into a land where you were not born; and there you shall die.
Zan jefar da kai da mahaifiyar da ta haife ka zuwa wata ƙasa, inda babu ɗayanku da aka haifa a wurin, a can kuma za ka mutu.
27 But they shall by no means return to the land which they long for in their souls.
Ba za ka ƙara dawo ƙasar da kake marmarin dawowa ba.”
28 Jechonias is dishonored as a good-for-nothing vessel; for he is thrown out and cast forth into a land which he knew not.
Wannan mutum Yehohiyacin ne da aka rena, fasasshen tukunya, abin da babu wanda yake so? Me ya sa za a jefar da shi da’ya’yansa a jefar da su a ƙasar da ba su sani ba?
29 Land, land, hear the word of the Lord.
Ya ke ƙasa, ƙasa, ƙasa, ki ji maganar Ubangiji!
30 Write you this man an outcast: for there shall none of his seed at all grow up to sit on the throne of David, [or as] a prince yet in Juda.
Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Ka rabu da wannan mutum sai ka ce marar’ya’ya, mutumin da ba zai yi nasara a rayuwarsa ba, gama babu zuriyarsa da za tă yi nasara babu wani da zai zauna a kursiyin Dawuda ko ya ƙara yin mulkin Yahuda.”

< Jeremias 22 >