< Jeremias 17 >
1 Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and will lean his arm of flesh upon him, while his heart departs from the Lord.
Judin grijeh upisan je željeznom pisaljkom, urezan dijamantnim vrškom u pločicu njihova srca i u rogove njihovih žrtvenika,
kao spomen sinovima njihovim na žrtvenike njihove i ašere njihove oko zelenog drveća na visokim brežuljcima,
na brdima i usred polja. Tvoje bogatstvo i sve blago tvoje pljački ću predati. Tako ćeš platiti za grijeh svoj po svoj zemlji.
Morat ćeš pustiti baštinu koju sam tebi poklonio. Učinit ću te robljem neprijatelja u zemlji koju ne poznaješ. Jer gnjev moj planu ognjem koji će vječno gorjeti.
Ovako govori Jahve: “Proklet čovjek koji se uzdaje u čovjeka, i slabo tijelo smatra svojom mišicom, i čije se srce od Jahve odvraća.
6 And he shall be as the wild tamarisk in the desert: he shall not see when good comes; but he shall dwell in barren [places], and in the wilderness, in a salt land which is not inhabited.
Jer on je kao drač u pustinji: ne osjeća kad je sreća na domaku, tavori dane u usahloj pustinji, u zemlji slanoj, nenastanjenoj.
7 But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord shall be.
Blagoslovljen čovjek koji se uzdaje u Jahvu i kome je Jahve uzdanje.
8 And he shall be as a thriving tree by the waters, and he shall cast forth his root toward a moist place: he shall not fear when heat comes, and there shall be upon him shady branches: he shall not fear in a year of drought, and he shall not fail to bear fruit.
Nalik je na stablo zasađeno uz vodu što korijenje pušta k potoku: ne mora se ničeg bojati kad dođe žega, na njemu uvijek zelenilo ostaje. U sušnoj godini brigu ne brine, ne prestaje donositi plod.
9 The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man, and who can know him?
Podmuklije od svega je srce. Jedva popravljivo, tko da ga pronikne?
10 I the Lord try the hearts, and prove the reins, to give to every one according to his ways, and according to the fruits of his devices.
Ja, Jahve, istražujem srca i ispitujem bubrege, da bih dao svakom po njegovu vladanju, prema plodu ruku njegovih.
11 The partridge utters her voice, she gathers [eggs] which she did not lay; [so is a man] gaining his wealth unjustly; in the midst of his days [his riches] shall leave him, and at his latter end he will be a fool.
Prepelica što leži na jajima a ne leže jest onaj što nepravdom stječe bogatstvo: usred dana svojih ostavit' ga mora i na kraju ostaje lÓuda.
12 An exalted throne of glory is our sanctuary.
Slavan prijestol dignut od davnina, to je naše sveto mjesto.
13 O Lord, the hope of Israel, let all that have left you be ashamed, let them that have revolted be written on the earth, because they have forsaken the fountain of life, the Lord.
O Jahve, nado Izraela, svi koji te ostave postidjet će se, koji se odmetnu od tebe bit će u prah upisani, jer ostaviše Izvor žive vode.
14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for you are my boast.
Iscijeli me, Jahve, i bit ću zdrav, spasi me, i bit ću spašen, jer ti si pjesma moja.
15 Behold, they say to me, Where is the word of the Lord? let it come.
Evo ih što mi govore: Gdje je riječ Jahvina? Neka se ispuni!
16 But I have not been weary of following you, nor have I desired the day of man; you know; the [words] that proceed out of my lips are before your face.
Ta ja se nisam vrzao oko tebe za njihovu nesreću niti sam želio kobni Dan! - ti to znaš, sve što je izlazilo iz usta mojih pred tobom je.
17 Be not to me a stranger, [but] spare me in the evil day.
Ne budi mi na užas, ti, utočište moje, u Dan nesretni.
18 Let them that persecute me be ashamed, but let me not be ashamed: let them be alarmed, but let me not be alarmed: bring upon them the evil day, crush them with double destruction.
Progonitelji moji nek' se postide, ne ja, njih smeti, ne mene. Na njih dovedi Dan nesretni, zatri ih dvogubim zatorom!
19 Thus says the Lord; Go and stand in the gates of the children of your people, by which the kings of Juda enter, and by which they go out, and in all the gates of Jerusalem:
Ovako mi reče Jahve: “Idi i stani na vrata Sinova naroda na koja ulaze i izlaze kraljevi judejski i na sva vrata jeruzalemska.
20 and you shall say to them, Hear the word of the Lord, you kings of Juda, and all Judea, and all Jerusalem, [all] who go in at these gates:
Reci im: Čujte riječ Jahvinu, vi, kraljevi judejski i svi Judejci i Jeruzalemci koji prolazite kroz ova vrata.
21 thus says the Lord; Take heed to your souls, and take up no burdens on the sabbath-day, and go not forth [through] the gates of Jerusalem;
Ovako govori Jahve: 'Čuvajte se ako vam je život mio i ne nosite tereta u dan subotnji, i ne unosite ga na vrata jeruzalemska.
22 and carry forth no burdens out of your houses on the sabbath-day, and you shall do no work: sanctify the sabbath-day, as I commanded your fathers.
I ne nosite bremena iz kuće u dan subotnji, i nikakva posla ne radite, nego svetkujte dan subotnji, kao što sam zapovjedio vašim ocima.
23 But they listened not, and inclined not their ear, but stiffened their neck more than their fathers [did], so as not to hear me, and not to receive correction.
Oni me ne poslušaše i ne prikloniše uha svojega, nego tvrdovrato ne poslušaše i ne prihvatiše nauka.
24 And it shall come to pass, if you will listen to me, says the Lord, to carry in no burdens through the gates of this city on the sabbath-day, and to sanctify the sabbath-day, so as to do no work [upon it],
A vi, ako me poslušate - riječ je Jahvina - i ako ne budete nosili bremena na vrata ovoga grada, nego budete svetkovali dan subotnji, ne radeći nikakva posla,
25 that there shall enter through the gates of this city kings and princes sitting on the throne of David, and riding on their chariots and horses, they, and their princes, the men of Juda, and the dwellers in Jerusalem: and this city shall be inhabited for ever.
tada će na vrata ovoga grada ulaziti kraljevi koji sjede na prijestolju Davidovu, koji se voze kolima i jašu na konjima, oni i njihovi časnici, Judejci i Jeruzalemci, i ovaj će grad ostati dovijeka.
26 And [men] shall come out of the cities of Juda, and from round about Jerusalem, and out of the land of Benjamin, and out of the plain country, and from the hill country, and from the south [country], bringing whole burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and incense, and manna, and frankincense, bringing praise to the house of the Lord.
I dolazit će iz gradova judejskih, iz okolice Jeruzalema, iz zemlje Benjaminove i iz Šefele, iz Gorja i iz Negeba, da prinesu paljenice, klanice, prinosnice i kad i da prinesu žrtvu zahvalnicu u Domu Jahvinu.
27 But it shall come to pass, if you will not listen to me to sanctify the sabbath-day, to bear no burdens, nor go in [with them by] the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath-day; then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the streets of Jerusalem, and shall not be quenched.
Ali ako me ne poslušate te ne budete svetkovali dan subotnji, i ako budete nosili bremena ulazeći na vrata jeruzalemska u dan subotnji, tada ću potpaliti oganj na vratima njegovim: i plamen će proždrijeti dvore jeruzalemske, i neće se ugasiti.'”