< Esias 59 >

1 Has the hand of the Lord no power to save? or has he made his ear heavy, so that he should not hear?
Dhugumaan harki Waaqayyoo fayyisuuf gabaabaa miti; yookaan gurri isaa dhagaʼuu hin didne.
2 Nay, your iniquities separate between you and God, and because of your sins has he turned away [his] face from you, so as not to have mercy [upon you].
Yakki keessan garuu Waaqa keessaniin gargar isin baaseera; akka inni isin hin dhageenyeef, cubbuun keessan fuula isaa isin duraa dhokseera.
3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with sins; your lips also have spoken iniquity, and your tongue meditates unrighteousness.
Harki keessan dhiigaan, qubni keessan immoo yakkaan faalameeraatii. Afaan keessan soba dubbata; arrabni keessan immoo waan hamaa guunguma.
4 None speaks justly, neither is there true judgment: they trust in vanities, and speak empty [words]; for they conceive trouble, and bring forth iniquity.
Namni murtii qajeelaa barbaadu hin jiru; kan himata isaa amanamummaadhaan dhiʼeeffatu tokko iyyuu hin jiru. Isaan waan faayidaa hin qabne amanatan; soba dubbatan; gowwoomsaa ulfaaʼanii hammina dhalan.
5 They have hatched asps' eggs, and weave a spider's web: and he that is going to eat of their eggs, having crushed an addled egg, has found also in it a basilisk.
Isaan hanqaaquu buutii yaasan; manʼee sariitii foʼan. Namni hanqaaquu isaanii nyaatu kam iyyuu ni duʼa; yommuu tokkoon isaa cabutti buutiitu keessaa baʼa.
6 Their web shall not become a garment, nor shall they at all clothe themselves with their works; for their works are works of iniquity.
Foʼaan isaanii uffata hin taʼu; waan tolchaniinis dhagna isaanii haguuggachuu hin dandaʼan. Hojiin isaanii hojii hamminaa ti; harka isaanii keessas hojii fincilaatu jira.
7 And their feet run to wickedness, swift to shed blood; their thoughts also are thoughts of murder; destruction and misery are in their ways;
Miilli isaanii gara cubbuutti fiiga; isaan dhiiga qulqulluu dhangalaasuuf ariifatan. Yaadni isaanii jalʼaa dha; diiguu fi barbadeessuun mallattoo karaa isaanii ti.
8 and the way of peace they know not, neither is there judgment in their ways; for their paths by which they go are crooked, and they know not peace.
Isaan karaa nagaa hin beekan; murtiin qajeelaan karaa isaanii irra hin jiru. Daandii isaanii jalʼisaniiru; namni achi irra deemu tokko iyyuu nagaa hin beeku.
9 Therefore has judgment departed from them, and righteousness shall not overtake them: while they waited for light, darkness came upon them; while they waited for brightness, they walked in perplexity.
Kanaafuu murtiin qajeelaan nurraa fagaateera; qajeelummaanis nu bira hin gaʼu. Nu ifa barbaanna; garuu hundinuu dukkana; ifa guyyaa barbaanna; garuu dimimmisa keessa deemna.
10 They shall feel for the wall as blind [men], and shall feel [for it] as if they had no eyes: and they shall feel at noon-day as at midnight; they shall groan as dying men.
Nu akkuma jaamaa dallaa qaqqabachaa deemna; akkuma warra ija hin qabnee harkaan karaa keenya barbaaddanna. Akka nama halkaniin deemuu guyyaa saafaadhaan guggufanne; namoota jajjaboo gidduutti akka warra duʼanii taaneerra.
11 They shall proceed together as a bear and as a dove: we have waited for judgment, and there is no salvation, it is gone far from us.
Nu hundi akka amaaketaa gururiina; akka gugees gaddaan aadna. Murtii qajeelaa barbaanna; garuu hin arganne; fayyina barbaanna; inni garuu nurraa fagaateera.
12 For our iniquity is great before you, and our sins have risen up against us: for our iniquities are in us, and we know our unrighteous deeds.
Yakki keenya fuula kee duratti baayʼateeraatii; cubbuun keenyas dhugaa nutti baʼa. Yakki keenya nu wajjin jiraata; nus balleessaa keenya ni beekna;
13 We have sinned, and dealt falsely, and revolted from our God: we have spoken unrighteous words, and have been disobedient; we have conceived and uttered from our heart unrighteous words.
nu fincillee Waaqayyoon sobne; Waaqa keenya duukaa buʼuu irraa garagalleerra; goolii fi fincila kakaafneerra; soba garaan keenya yaades dubbanneerra.
14 And we have turned judgment back, and righteousness has departed afar off: for truth is consumed in their ways, and they could not pass by a straight [path].
Kanaafuu murtii qajeelaan duubatti deebifameera; qajeelummaanis fagoo dhaabata; dhugaan karaatti gufate; tollis ol seenuu hin dandaʼu.
15 And truth has been taken away, and they have turned aside [their] mind from understanding. And the Lord saw it, and it pleased him not that there was no judgment.
Dhugaan eessumattuu hin argamu; namni cubbuu irraa fagaatus waan hamaaf saaxilama. Waaqayyo akka murtii qajeelaan hin jirre arge; kunis isa gaddisiise.
16 And he looked, and there was no man, and he observed, and there was none to help: so he defended them with his arm, and established [them] with [his] mercy.
Inni akka namni tokko iyyuu hin jirre arge; kan gara isaatti kadhannaa dhiʼeessu waan dhabameefis ni dinqisiifate. Kanaafuu irreen isaa fayyina isaa fidde; qajeelummaan ofii isaas isa utube.
17 And he put on righteousness as a breast-plate, and placed the helmet of salvation on his head; and he clothed himself with the garment of vengeance, and with his cloak,
Qajeelummaa akka gaachana qomaatti kaaʼatee gonfoo fayyinaas mataatti gombifate; wayyaa ittiin haaloo baʼu uffatee akka nama waaroo uffatuuttis hinaaffaa ofitti marate.
18 as one about to render a recompence, [even] reproach to his adversaries.
Kanaafuu inni akkuma hojii isaaniitti, diinota isaatiif dheekkamsa, amajaajota isaaniitiif immoo adabbii malu ni kenna; biyyoota bishaan gidduutiifis hojii harka isaanii kennaaf.
19 So shall they of the west fear the name of the Lord, and they [that come] from the rising of the sun his glorious name: for the wrath of the Lord shall come as a mighty river, it shall come with fury.
Namoonni lixa biiftuu maqaa Waaqayyoo sodaatu; warri baʼa biiftuutti argaman immoo ulfina isaa kabaju. Inni akkuma lolaa, kan bubbeen Waaqayyoo oofuutti ni dhufaatii.
20 And the deliverer shall come for Sion's sake, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
“Furaan gara Xiyoon, gara warra mana Yaaqoob keessaa qalbii jijjiirratanii ni dhufa” jedha Waaqayyo.
21 And this shall be my covenant with them, said the Lord; My Spirit which is upon you, and the words which I have put in your mouth, shall never fail from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your seed, for the Lord has spoken it, henceforth and for ever.
“Gama kootiin kakuun koo kan ani isaan wajjin qabu kana” jedha Waaqayyo. “Hafuurri koo kan sirra jiru, dubbiin koo kan ani afaan kee keessa kaaʼe sun afaan keetii yookaan afaan ijoollee keetiitii yookaan afaan ijoollee ijoollee isaaniitii harʼaa jalqabee bara baraan hin badu” jedha Waaqayyo.

< Esias 59 >