< Esias 58 >

1 Cry aloud, and spare not; lift up your voice as with a trumpet, and declare to my people their sins, and to the house of Jacob their iniquities.
“Agpukkawka iti napigsa, saanka nga agsarsardeng, agpukkawka iti napigsa kas iti trumpeta, tubngarem dagiti tattaok iti panagsukirda, ken ti balay ni Jacob kadagiti basolda.
2 They seek me day by day, and desire to know my ways, as a people that had done righteousness, and had not forsaken the judgment of their God: they now ask of me righteous judgment, and desire to draw near to God,
Nu pay kasta, inaldaw a birbirokendak ken naragsakda iti pannakaammo kadagiti wagasko, a kas iti maysa a nasion a nagaramid iti kinalinteg ket saanda a binaybay-an ti linteg ti Diosda. Agkiddawda kaniak iti nalinteg a panangukom; agrag-oda iti iyaasideg ti Dios.
3 saying, Why have we fasted, and you regard not? [why] have we afflicted our souls, and you did not know it? Nay, in the days of your fasts you find your pleasures, and all them that are under your power you wound.
‘Ania ti serbi iti panagayunarmi,' kunada, ‘no saanmo met a makita? Ania ti serbi ti panagpakumbabami, no saanmo met nga ikaskaso?’ Kitaenyo, iti aldaw ti panagayunaryo birbirokenyo ti bukodyo a pakaragsakan ken idaddanesyo dagiti amin a trabahadoryo.
4 If you fast for quarrels and strifes, and strike the lowly with [your] fists, therefore do you fast to me as [you do] this day, so that your voice may be heard in crying?
Kitaenyo, agayunarkayo tapno agaapa ken agkikinabilkayo, ken tapno kumabil babaen iti gemgem ti kinadangkes; saankayo nga agay-ayunar ita tapno maipangag ti timekyo idiay langit.
5 I have not chosen this fast, nor [such] a day for a man to afflict his soul; neither though you should bend down your neck as a ring, and spread under you sackcloth and ashes, neither thus shall you call a fast acceptable.
Kastoy kadi a kita ti panagayunar ti kayatko: Aldaw para iti siasinoman a mangipakumbaba iti bagina, tapno idumogna ti ulona a kas runo, ken tapno mangiyaplag iti nakersang a lupot ken mangiwarakiwak iti dapu iti pagidaanna? Kastoy kadi ti aw-awaganyo a panagayunar, aldaw a makaay-ayo kenni Yahweh?
6 I have not chosen such a fast, says the Lord; but do you loose every burden of iniquity, do you untie the knots of hard bargains, set the bruised free, and cancel every unjust account.
Saan aya a kastoy ti pinilik a panagayunar: Ti panangikkatyo kadagiti kawar ti panangidadanes, ti panangwarwaryo kadagiti tali ti sangol, ti panangwayawayayo kadagiti maparparigat, ken ti panangpugsatyo iti tunggal sangol?
7 Break your bread to the hungry, and lead the unsheltered poor to your house: if you see one naked, clothe [him], and you shall not disregard the relations of your own seed.
Saan aya a ti panangiwarasyo ti tinapayyo iti mabisin ken ti panangpasangbayyo kadagiti marigrigat ken awan balayna?” No adda makitayo a tao a lamo-lamo, rumbeng a kawesanyo, ken masapul a saanyo nga illemmengan dagiti kabagianyo.
8 Then shall your light break forth as the morning, and your health shall speedily spring forth: and your righteousness shall go before you, and the glory of God shall compass you.
Iti kasta, agraniagto ti lawagyo a kasla init iti agsapa, ken mabiitto ti panagimbagyo; umunanto kadakayo ti kinalintegyo, ken ti dayag ni Yahweh ti agbalinto a salaknibyo iti malikudanyo.
9 Then shall you cry, and God shall listen to you; while you are yet speaking he will say, Behold, I am here. If you remove from you the band, and the stretching forth of the hands, and murmuring speech;
Kalpasanna, umawagkayto, ket sumungbat ni Yahweh; agasugkayto nga agkiddaw iti tulong, ket kunaenna, “Adtoyak.” No ikkatenyo ti sangol, ti manangitudo a ramay, ken ti panagsao iti dakes,
10 and [if] you give bread to the hungry from your heart, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall your light spring up in darkness, and your darkness [shall be] as noon-day:
no mangisabetkayo para kadagiti mabisin ken pennekenyo ti kasapulan dagiti nakakaasi; agraniagto ti lawagyo iti kasipngetan, ken agbalinto a kasla aldaw ti kinasipngetyo.
11 and your God shall be with you continually, and you shall be satisfied according as your soul desires; and your bones shall be made fat, and shall be as a well-watered garden, and as a fountain [from] which the water has not failed.
Ket itultuloyto ni Yahweh ti panangidalanna kadakayo ken pennekennakayo kadagiti lugar nga awan iti danum, ken papigsaenna dagiti tulangyo. Maiyarigkayonto iti nasibogan a minuyongan, ken kas iti ubbog, a saan a matianan.
12 And your old waste desert [places] shall be built up, and your foundations shall last through all generations; and you shall be called a repairer of breaches, and you shall cause your paths between to be in peace.
Bangonento dagiti dadduma kadakayo dagiti kadaanan a nadadael; ipatakderyonto dagiti nadadael iti adu a henerasion; maawagankayonto iti “Ti managtarimaan iti pader,” “Ti nangbangon manen kadagiti dalan a pagnaedan.”
13 If you turn away your foot from the sabbath, so as not to do your pleasure on the holy days, and shall call the sabbaths delightful, holy to God; [if] you shall not lift up your foot to work, nor speak a word in anger out of your mouth,
No koma ta gawidanyo ti sakayo iti panagdaliasat iti Aldaw a Panaginana, ken isardengyo ti panangaramid iti bukodyo a pakaragsakan iti nasantoan nga aldawko. No koma ta ibilangyo a panagrag-o ti Aldaw a Panaginana, ken ibilangyo a nasantoan ken natan-ok dagiti banbanag ni Yahweh. No koma ta raraemenyo ti Aldaw a panaginana babaen iti panangibatiyo iti negosyoyo, ken babaen iti saanyo a panangbiruk iti bukodyo a pakaragsakan ken babaen iti saanyo a panangibaga kadagiti bukodyo a sasao.
14 then shall you trust on the Lord; and he shall bring you up to the good places of the land, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken this.
“Masarakanyonto ti rag-o kenni Yahweh; ket pasakayennakayto kadagiti nangato a disso iti daga; pakanennakayto manipud iti tawid ni Jacob nga amayo— ta ti ngiwat ni Yahweh ti nangisao.”

< Esias 58 >