< Esias 51 >

1 Listen to me, you that follow after righteousness, and seek the Lord: look to the solid rock, which you have hewn, and to the hole of the pit which you have dug.
Whakarongo ki ahau, e koutou e whai na i te tika, e rapu na i a Ihowa; titiro ki te kohatu i haua mai ai koutou, ki te poka i te rua i keria mai ai koutou.
2 Look to Abraam your father, and to Sarrha that bore you: for he was alone when I called him, and blessed him, and loved him, and multiplied him.
Titiro ki a Aperahama, ki to koutou matua, ki a Hera hoki i whanau ai koutou: he kotahi hoki ia, karangatia ana ia e ahau, manaakitia ana, whakanuia ana.
3 And now I will comfort you, O Sion: and I have comforted all her desert places; and I will make her desert places as a garden, and her western places as the garden of the Lord; they shall find in her gladness and exultation, thanksgiving and the voice of praise.
Ta te mea kua whakamarie a Ihowa i Hiona; kua whakamarie ia i ona wahi katoa ka ururuatia, kua mea hoki i tona wahi koraha kia rite ki Erene, i tona wahi titohea kia rite ki te kari a Ihowa; he koa, he hari, ka kitea i roto, he whakawhetai, me te reo hoki e waiata ana.
4 Hear me, hear me, my people; and you kings, listen to me: for a law shall proceed from me, and my judgment [shall be] for a light of the nations.
Whakarongo ki ahau, e aku tangata, kia whai taringa ki ahau, e taku iwi: ka puta atu hoki he ture i roto i ahau, ka takoto ano i ahau taku whakawa hei whakamarama mo nga iwi.
5 My righteousness speedily draws near, and my salvation shall go forth as light, and on mine arm shall the Gentiles trust: the isles shall wait for me, and on mine arm shall they trust.
Kei te tata mai toku tika; kua puta taku whakaora, ma oku ringa e whakawa mo nga iwi: ka tatari ki ahau nga motu, ka okioki ki toku ringa.
6 Lift up your eyes to the sky, and look on the earth beneath: for the sky was darkened like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and the inhabitants shall die in like manner: but my righteousness shall not fail.
Anga ake o koutou kanohi ki nga rangi, tirohia iho te whenua i raro; ka memeha atu hoki nga rangi, ano he paowa, ka tawhitotia te whenua, me he kakahu, ko te hunga hoki e noho ana i reira ka apena te mate: ko taku whakaoranga ia ka mau tonu: e ko re ano toku tika e heke.
7 Hear me, you that know judgment, the people in whose heart is my law: fear not the reproach of men, and be not overcome by their contempt.
Whakarongo ki ahau, e koutou e mohio na ki te tika, e te hunga kei o koutou ngakau nei taku ture; kei wehi i te tawai a te tangata, kei numinumi i a ratou taunu.
8 For as a garment will be devoured by time, and as wool will be devoured by a moth, [so shall they be consumed]; but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation for all generations.
Ka kai hoki te purehurehu i a ratou, ano he kakahu, ka pau ratou, ano he huruhuru hipi i te huhu: ka mau tonu ia toku tika, taku whakaora ki nga whakapaparanga katoa.
9 Awake, awake, O Jerusalem, and put on the strength of your arm; awake as in the early time, as the ancient generation.
Maranga, maranga, kakahuria te kaha, e te ringa o Ihowa! maranga, kia rite ki nga ra o mua ra, ki nga whakatupuranga onamata. Ehara oti i a koe nana i kotikoti a Rahapa, i wero te tarakona?
10 Are you not it that dried the sea, the water, [even] the abundance of the deep; that made the depths of the sea a way of passage for the delivered and redeemed?
Ehara oti i a koe nana i whakamaroke te moana, nga wai o te rire nui? ko nga wai hohonu o te moana waiho ake e koe hei huarahi haerenga mo te hunga kua oti te hoko.
11 for by [the help of] the Lord they shall return, and come to Sion with joy and everlasting exultation, for praise and joy shall come upon their head: pain, and grief, and groaning, have fled away.
Na, ko a Ihowa i hoko ai ka hoki mai, ka haere mai ki Hiona, me te waiata ano ratou: i runga i o ratou mahunga he hari e kore e mutu: ka whiwhi ratou ki te koa, ki te hari; a rere ana te pouri me te aue.
12 I, [even] I, am he that comforts you: consider who you are, that you were afraid of mortal man, and of the son of man, who are withered as grass.
Ko ahau, ina, maku koutou e whakamarie; ko wai koe, e wehi na i te tangata e matemate nei, i te tama a te tangata ka meinga nei hei tarutaru?
13 And you have forgotten God who made you, who made the sky and founded the earth; and you were continually afraid because of the wrath of him that afflicted you: for [whereas] he counselled to take you away, yet now where is the wrath of him that afflicted you?
Ka wareware nei hoki ki a Ihowa, ki tou kaihanga, nana nga rangi i hora, nana i whakatakoto te turanga mo te whenua; ka pawera tonu koe i nga ra katoa i te riri o te kaiwhakawhiu, i te mea e anga mai ana ia ki te whakamate? a kei hea te riri o t e kaiwhakawhiu?
14 For in your deliverance he shall not halt, nor wait;
Hohoro tonu te wetekina o te herehere i whakaraua; e kore hoki ia e mate, e heke ki te poka, e kore hoki e whakakorea he taro mana.
15 for I am your God, that troubles the sea, and causes the waves thereof to roar: the Lord of hosts is my name.
Ko Ihowa ia ahau, ko tou Atua, i whakakorikori nei i te moana, a hamama ana ona ngaru: ko Ihowa o nga mano tona ingoa.
16 I will put my words into your mouth, and I will shelter you under the shadow of mine hand, with which I fixed the sky, and founded the earth: and [the Lord] shall say to Sion, You are my people.
A kua hoatu e ahau aku kupu ki tou mangai; kua hipokina koe ki te marumaru o toku ringa, kia whakatokia ai nga rangi, kia takoto ai te turanga mo te whenua, hei mea hoki ki Hiona, Ko koe taku iwi.
17 Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, that have drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury: for you have drunk out and drained the cup of calamity, the cup of wrath:
Maranga, maranga, whakatika, e Hiruharama, i whakainumia nei e te ringa o Ihowa ki te kapu o tona riri: kua inu koe i nga nganga o te kapu wiri, he mea tatau nau.
18 and there was none to comfort you of all the children whom you bore; and there was none to take hold of your hand, not even of all the children whom you has reared.
Kohore kau tetahi hei tautiti i a ia o nga tama katoa i whanau i roto i a ia; kahore hoki tetahi o nga tama i atawhaitia e ia hei pupuri i tona ringa.
19 Therefore these things are against you; who shall sympathize with you in your grief? downfall, and destruction, famine, and sword: who shall comfort you?
Ka rua enei mea ka pono nei ki a koe; ko wai hei tangi ki a koe ko te whakangaromanga, ko te wawahanga, ko te matekai, ko te hoari: me pehea taku whakamarie i a koe?
20 Your sons are the perplexed ones, that sleep at the top of every street as a half-boiled beet; they that are full of the anger of the Lord, caused to faint by the Lord God.
Kua hemo au tama; e takoto ana i te ahunga mai o nga ara katoa, ano he anaterope i roto i te kupenga; ki tonu ratou i te riri o Ihowa, i te whakatupehupehu o tou Atua.
21 Therefore hear, you afflicted one, and drunken, [but] not with wine;
Mo reira, whakarongo ki tenei, e koe kua tukinotia nei; e haurangi ana, raia, ehara i te haurangi waina.
22 thus says the Lord God that judges his people, Behold, I have taken out of your hand the cup of calamity, the cup of my wrath; and you shall not drink it any more.
Ko te kupu tenei a tou Ariki, a Ihowa, ara a tou Atua, e tohe nei i ta tona iwi, Nana, ka tangohia e ahau te kapu wiri i tou ringa, nga nganga o te kapu o toku riri; e kore e inumia ano e koe a muri ake nei.
23 And I will give it into the hands of them that injured you, and them that afflicted you; who said to your soul, Bow down, that we may pass over: and you did level your body with the ground to them passing by without.
A ka hoatu e ahau ki te ringa o te hunga e whakatupu kino nei i a koe, i mea ra ki tou wairua, Piko iho nei, kia haere atu ai matou; na kua whakatakotoria e koe tou tuara hei whenua, hei huarahi mo te hunga i haere atu ra.

< Esias 51 >