< Esias 48 >

1 Hear these [words], you house of Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel, and have come forth out of Juda, who swear by the name of the Lord God of Israel, making mention [of it, but] not with truth, nor with righteousness;
“Ku kasa kunne ga wannan, ya gidan Yaƙub, waɗanda ake kira da sunan Isra’ila suka kuma fito daga zuriyar Yahuda, ku da kuke yin rantsuwa da sunan Ubangiji kuna kuma kira sunan Allah na Isra’ila, amma ba da gaskiya ko adalci ba,
2 maintaining also the name of the holy city, and staying themselves on the God of Israel: the Lord of hosts is his name. The former things I have already declared;
ku da kuke kiran kanku’yan ƙasar birni mai tsarki kuna kuma dogara ga Allah na Isra’ila, Ubangiji Maɗaukaki ne sunansa,
3 and they that have proceeded out of my mouth, and it became well known; I wrought suddenly, and [the events] came to pass.
na nanata abubuwan da suka riga suka faru tuntuni, bakina ya yi shelar su na kuma sanar da su; sai nan da nan na aikata, suka kuma faru.
4 I know that you are stubborn, and your neck is an iron sinew, and your forehead brazen.
Gama na san yadda kuke da taurinkai; jijiyoyin wuyanku ƙarafa ne, goshinku tagulla ne.
5 And I told you of old what [should be] before it came upon you; I made it known to you, lest you should say, [My] idols have done [it] for me; and should say, [My] graven and molten images have commanded me.
Saboda haka na faɗa waɗannan abubuwa tuntuni; kafin su faru na yi shelarsu gare ku saboda kada ku ce, ‘Gumakana ne suka yi su; siffar itacena da allahn zinariyana ne ya ƙaddara su.’
6 You have heard all this, but you have not known: yet I have made known to you the new things from henceforth, which are coming to pass, and you said not,
Kun riga kun ji waɗannan abubuwa; kuka gan su duka. Ba za ku yarda da su ba? “Daga yanzu zuwa gaba zan faɗa muku sababbin abubuwa, na ɓoyayyun abubuwan da ba ku sani ba.
7 Now they come to pass, and not formerly: and you heard not of them in former days: say not you, Yes, I know them.
Yanzu an halicce su, ba da daɗewa ba; ba ku riga kun ji game da su kafin yau ba. Saboda haka ba za ku ce, ‘I, na san da su ba.’
8 You have neither known, nor understood, neither from the beginning have I opened your ears: for I knew that you would surely deal treacherously, and would be called a transgressor even from the womb.
Ba ku ji ko balle ku gane ba; tun da kunnenku bai buɗu ba. Tabbatacce na san yadda kun zama masu tayarwa; an kira ku’yan tawaye daga haihuwa.
9 For mine own sake will I show you my wrath, and will bring before you my glorious acts, that I may not utterly destroy you.
Saboda girman sunana na jinkirta fushina; saboda girman yabona na janye shi daga gare ku, don dai kada a yanke ku.
10 Behold, I have sold you, [but] not for silver; but I have rescued you from the furnace of affliction.
Duba, na tace ku, ko da yake ba kamar azurfa ba; na gwada ku cikin wutar wahala.
11 For mine own sake I will do [this] for you, because my name is profaned; and I will not give my glory to another.
Saboda girmana, saboda girmana, na yi haka. Yaya zan ƙyale a ƙazantar da kaina? Ba zan raba ɗaukakata da wani ba.
12 Hear me, O Jacob, and Israel whom I call; I am the first, and I endure for ever.
“Ka kasa kunne gare ni, ya Yaƙub, Isra’ila, wanda na kira cewa, Ni ne shi; ni ne na farko ni ne kuma na ƙarshe.
13 My hand also has founded the earth, and my right hand has fixed the sky: I will call them, and they shall stand together.
Hannuna ne ya kafa harsashen duniya, hannuna na dama kuma ya shimfiɗa sammai; sa’ad da na kira su, duka suka miƙe tsaye gaba ɗaya.
14 And all shall be gathered, and shall hear: who has told them these things? Out of love to you I have fulfilled your desire on Babylon, to abolish the seed of the Chaldeans.
“Ku tattaru, dukanku ku kuma saurara, Wanne a cikin gumakan ya iya faɗa waɗannan abubuwa? Zaɓaɓɓen da Ubangiji yake ƙauna zai aikata nufinsa a kan Babilon; hannunsa zai yi gāba da Babiloniyawa.
15 I have spoken, I have called, I have brought him, and made his way prosperous.
Ni kaina, na faɗa; I, na kira shi. Zan kawo shi, zai kuma yi nasara a cikin aikinsa.
16 Draw near to me, and hear you these words; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning: when it took place, there was I, and now the Lord, [even] the Lord, and his Spirit, has sent me.
“Ku zo kusa da ni ku kuma saurari wannan. “Daga farkon shela ban yi magana a ɓoye ba; a lokacin da ya faru, ina nan a wurin.” Yanzu kuwa Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka ya aiko ni, da Ruhunsa.
17 Thus says the Lord that delivered you, the Holy One of Israel; I am your God, I have shown you how you should find the way wherein you should walk.
Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, Mai Fansarku, Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila ya ce, “Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku, wanda ya koya muku abin da ya fi muku kyau, wanda ya muku hanyar da za ku bi.
18 And if you had listened to my commandments, [then] would your peace have been like a river, and your righteousness as a wave of the sea.
Da a ce kawai za ku mai da hankali ga umarnaina, da salamarku ta zama kamar kogi, adalcinku kamar raƙuman teku.
19 Your seed also would have been as the sand, and the offspring of your belly as the dust of the ground: neither now shall you by any means be utterly destroyed, neither shall your name perish before me.
Da zuriyarku ta zama kamar yashi,’ya’yanku kamar tsabar hatsin da ba a iya ƙidayawa; da ba za a taɓa yanke sunansu balle a hallaka su daga gabana ba.”
20 Go forth of Babylon, you that flee from the Chaldeans: utter aloud a voice of joy, and let this be made known, proclaim it to the end of the earth; say you, The Lord has delivered his servant Jacob.
Ku bar Babilon, ku gudu daga Babiloniyawa! Ku yi shelar wannan da sowa ta farin ciki ku kuma furta shi. Ku aika shi zuwa iyakokin duniya; ku ce, “Ubangiji ya fanshi bawansa Yaƙub.”
21 And if they shall thirst, he shall lead them through the desert; he shall bring forth water to them out of the rock: the rock shall be cloven, and the water shall flow forth, and my people shall drink.
Ba su ji ƙishi ba sa’ad da ya bishe su a cikin hamada; ya sa ruwa ya malalo dominsu daga dutse; ya tsage dutse ruwa kuwa ya kwararo.
22 There is no joy, says the Lord, to the ungodly.
“Babu salama ga mugaye” in ji Ubangiji.

< Esias 48 >