< Esias 38 >

1 And it came to pass at that time, [that] Ezekias was sick even to death. And Esaias the prophet the son of Amos came to him, and said to him, Thus says the Lord, Give orders concerning your house: for you shall die, and not live.
Nan jou sa yo, Ézéchias te vin malad, prèt pou mouri. Epi Ésaïe, pwofèt la, fis a Amots la, te vin kote li. Li te di l: “Konsa pale SENYÈ a: ‘Mete lakay ou an lòd, paske ou va mouri; ou p ap viv.’”
2 And Ezekias turned his face to the wall, and prayed to the Lord, saying,
Ézéchias te vire figi li vè mi kay la pou te priye a SENYÈ a.
3 Remember, O Lord, how I have walked before you in truth, with a true heart, and have done that which was pleasing in your sight. And Ezekias wept bitterly.
Li te di: “Sonje koulye a, O SENYÈ, mwen mande Ou souple, pou jan mwen te mache devan Ou nan verite, ak yon kè entèg e te fè sa ki te bon devan zye Ou.” Konsa, Ézéchias te plere byen fò.
4 And the word of the Lord came to Esaias, saying, Go, and say to Ezekias,
Alò, pawòl SENYÈ a te rive kote Ésaïe, epi te di l:
5 Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father, I have heard your prayer, and seen your tears: behold, I [will] add to your time fifteen years.
“Ale pale ak Ézéchias epi di li: ‘Konsa pale SENYÈ a: “Mwen te tande lapriyè ou, Mwen te wè dlo ki t ap sòti nan zye ou. Gade byen, Mwen va mete kenzan sou lavi ou.
6 And I will deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of the Assyrians: and I will defend this city.
Mwen va delivre ou ak vil sa a soti nan men a wa Assyrie a, epi Mwen va defann vil sa a.”’
7 And this [shall be] a sign to you from the Lord, that God will do this thing;
Konsa, sa va sign pou ou soti nan SENYÈ a, ke SENYÈ a va fè bagay sa ke Li te pale a:
8 behold, I will turn back the shadow of the degrees [of the dial] by which ten degrees on the house of your father the sun has gone down—I will turn back the sun the ten degrees; so the sun went back the ten degrees by which the shadow had gone down.
Gade byen, Mwen va fè lonbraj sou eskalye a, lonbraj ki te desann avèk solèy la sou eskalye Achaz la, pou fè back dis pa.” Epi konsa lonbraj solèy la te fè bak dis pa sou menm eskalye kote li te desann nan.
Men yon chanson ke Ézéchias te ekri apre li te malad e te vin refè a:
10 I said in the end of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I shall part with the remainder of my years. (Sheol h7585)
Mwen te di: “Nan mitan lavi m, mwen gen pou antre nan pòtay Sejou mò yo. Mwen gen pou pèdi tout rès ane mwen yo.” (Sheol h7585)
11 I said, I shall no more at all see the salvation of God in the land of the living: I shall no more at all see the salvation of Israel on the earth: I shall no more at all see man.
Mwen te di: “Mwen p ap wè SENYÈ a; SENYÈ nan peyi vivan yo. Mwen p ap wè moun ankò pami sila ki viv nan mond yo.
12 [My life] has failed from among my kindred: I have parted with the remainder of my life: it has gone forth and departed from me, as one that having pitched a tent takes it down [again]: my breath was with me as a weaver's web, when she that weaves draws near to cut off [the] thread.
Tankou tant a yon bèje, lakay mwen va rache retire sou mwen. Tankou yon bòs twal, m ap woule fè monte lavi m. L ap koupe m fè m sòti nan ankadreman bòs twal la. Soti lajounen rive nan lannwit, Ou va fè yon fen ak mwen.
13 In that day I was given up as to a lion until the morning: so has he broken all my bones: for I was so given up from day [even] to night.
Mwen te kalme nanm mwen jis rive nan maten. Tankou yon lyon—se konsa Li kraze tout zo m, soti lajounen jis rive lannwit, ou fè yon fen ak mwen.
14 As a swallow, so will I cry, and as a dove, so do I mourn: for mine eyes have failed with looking to the height of heaven to the Lord, who has delivered me, and removed the sorrow of my soul.
Tankou yon iwondèl, tankou yon zwazo se konsa mwen kriye. Mwen plenyen kon yon toutrèl. Zye m gade ak feblès vè wotè yo. O Senyè, mwen oprime! Fè m sekou!
Kisa mwen kapab di? Non sèlman Li te pale ak mwen, Men Li, Li menm, te fè l. Mwen va mache an règ pandan tout ane m yo akoz gou anmè kè m fin goute.
16 [Yes], O Lord, for it was told you concerning this; and you have revived my breath; and I am comforted, and live.
O Senyè, se pou bagay sa yo ke moun viv, e nan sa yo, lespri m jwenn lavi. Ou te fè m twouve lasante e te fè m viv!
17 For you have chosen my soul, that it should not perish: and you have cast all [my] sins behind me.
Alò, mwen te manke gen lapè; men Ou menm ki te kenbe nanm mwen, pou l pa antre nan fòs gwo abim nan, Ou te jete tout peche m yo dèyè do Ou.
18 For they that are in the grave shall not praise you, neither shall the dead bless you, neither shall they that are in Hades hope for your mercy. (Sheol h7585)
Paske Sejou mò yo p ap ka remèsye Ou. Lanmò menm p ap ka bay Ou lwanj. Sila ki desann nan fos yo p ap ka gen espwa fidelite Ou. (Sheol h7585)
19 The living shall bless you, as I also [do]: for from this day shall I beget children, who shall declare your righteousness,
Se vivan, vivan yo ki bay Ou remèsiman, tankou mwen menm, mwen fè jodi a. Yon papa va pale ak fis li yo selon fidelite Ou.
20 O God of my salvation; and I will not cease blessing you with the lute all the days of my life before the house of God.
Anverite, SENYÈ a va sove mwen. Konsa, nou va chante chanson mwen yo sou enstriman kòd yo pou tout lavi nou lakay SENYÈ a.”
21 Now Esaias had said to Ezekias; Take a cake of figs, and mash them, and apply them as a plaster, and you shall be well.
Alò Ésaïe te di: “Kite yo fè yon pomad ak gato fig etranje e mete li sou abse a, pou l ka geri.”
22 And Ezekias said, This is a sign to Ezekias, that I shall go up to the house of God.
Epi Ézéchias te di: “Se kisa k ap sign ke mwen va monte lakay SENYÈ a?”

< Esias 38 >