< Esias 26 >

1 In that day they shall sing this song in the land of Judea; Behold a strong city; and he shall make salvation [its] wall and bulwark.
Iti dayta nga aldaw, maikantanto daytoy a kanta iti daga ti Juda: Addaankami iti natibker a siudad; inaramid ti Dios a pakaisalakanan dagiti pader ken dagiti sarikedked daytoy.
2 Open you the gates, let the nation enter that keeps righteousness, and keeps truth,
Lukatanyo dagiti ruangan, tapno makastrek ti nalinteg a nasion a mangsalsalimetmet iti pammati.
3 supporting truth, and keeping peace: for on you, O Lord,
Ti panunot a sitatalinaed kenka, ket pagtalinaedemto ti naan-anay a kinatalnana, ta agtaltalek daytoy kenka.
4 they have trusted with confidence for ever, the great, the eternal God;
Agtalekka kenni Yahweh iti agnanayon; ta kenni Yah, ni Yahweh ket agnanayon a dakkel a bato.
5 who have humbled and brought down them that dwell on high, you shall cast down strong cities, and bring them to the ground.
Ta ipababananto dagiti agbibiag a sipapalangguad, ipababananto ti nasarikedkedan a siudad, rebbaennanto daytoy a naan-anay iti daga; ipatadnanto daytoy iti tapuk.
6 And the feet of the meek and lowly shall trample them.
Ipayatpayatto dagiti napanglaw ken ibaddebaddekto dagiti marigrigat.
7 The way of the godly is made straight: the way of the godly is also prepared.
Patad ti dalan dagiti nalinteg, O Apo a Nalinteg; palpalintegem ti dalan dagiti nalinteg.
8 For the way of the Lord is judgment: we have hoped in your name, and on the remembrance [of you],
Wen iti wagas ti panangukommo, O Yahweh, urayendaka; ti nagan ken kinasin-awmo ti tarigagaymi.
9 which our soul longs for: my spirit seeks you very early in the morning, O God, for your commandments are a light on the earth: learn righteousness, you that dwell upon the earth.
Iti rabii, sapsapulenka; wen, sigagagar a birbirukennaka toy espirituk. Ta inton dumteng dagiti panangukommo ditoy daga, sursuroento dagiti agnanaed iti daga ti maipapan iti kinalinteg.
10 For the ungodly one is put down: no one who will not learn righteousness on the earth, shall be able to do the truth: let the ungodly be taken away, that he see not the glory of the Lord.
Uray mapakitaan iti asi ti nadangkes, saannanto a masursuro ti kinalinteg. Iti daga ti kinalinteg, dakes ti ar-aramidenna ket saanna a makita ti kinatan-ok ni Yahweh.
11 O Lord, your arm is exalted, yet they knew it not: but when they know they shall be ashamed: jealousy shall seize upon an untaught nation, and now fire shall devour the adversaries.
Yahweh, nakatag-ay ta imam, ngem saanda a makita. Ngem makitadanto ti kinagagarmo a mangbendision kadagiti tattao ket maibabaindanto, gapu ta alun-onento ida ti apuy dagiti kabusormo.
12 O Lord our God, give us peace: for you have rendered to us all things.
O Yahweh, talna koma ti iyegmo kadakami; ta pudno a lineppasmo met para kadakami dagiti amin a trabahomi.
13 O Lord our God, take possession of us: O Lord, we know not [any] other beside you: we name your name.
O Yahweh a Diosmi, inturayandakami dagiti dadduma nga apo malaksid kenka; ngem ti naganmo laeng ti idaydayawmi.
14 But the dead shall not see life, neither shall physicians by any means raise [them] up: therefore you have brought [wrath] upon [them], and slain [them], and have taken away every male of them. Bring more evils upon them, O Lord;
Natayda, saandanto nga agbiag; natayda, saandanto a bumangon. Pudno unay, dimtengka a mangukom ken dinadaelmo ida, ket pinukawmo ti tunggal pakalaglagipan kadakuada.
15 bring more evils on the glorious ones of the earth.
Pinadakkelmo ti nasion, O Yahweh, pinadakkelmo ti nasion; naidayawka; pinalawam ti amin a masakupan ti daga.
16 Lord, in affliction I remembered you; your chastening was to us with small affliction.
Yahweh, iti tiempo ti riribuk, kimmitada kenka; nagiyebkasda pay kadagiti orasion a maibusor iti dakes idi dinisiplinaam ida.
17 And as a woman in travail draws near to be delivered, [and] cries out in her pain; so have we been to your beloved.
Kas iti masikog nga umadanin nga agpasngay, agpasikal isuna ket agriaw iti panagpasikalna; kasta met ti napasaranmi iti sangoanam, Apo.
18 We have conceived, O Lord, because of your fear, and have been in pain, and have brought forth the breath of your salvation, which we have wrought upon the earth: we shall not fall, but all that dwell upon the land shall fall.
Nagsikogkami, nagpasikalkami, ngem kasla la naganakkami laeng iti angin. Saankami a nangyeg iti pannakaisalakan ditoy daga, ket saan a natnag dagiti agbibiag iti lubong.
19 The dead shall rise, and they that are in the tombs shall be raised, and they that are in the earth shall rejoice: for the dew from you is healing to them: but the land of the ungodly shall perish.
Agbiagto dagiti minatayyo, bumangonto dagiti minataymi. Agriingkayo ket agkantakayo gapu iti rag-o, dakayo nga adda iti tapuk; gapu ta ti linnaawyo ket ti linnaw dagiti ruot, ket agungarto manen dagiti natay manipud iti daga.
20 Go, my people, enter into your closets, shut your door, hide yourself for a little season, until the anger of the Lord have passed away.
Mapankayo, tattaok, sumrekkayo kadagiti siledyo ket iserrayo dagiti ridaw iti likudanyo; aglemmengkayo pay laeng, agingga nga agbaaw ti pungtot ni Yahweh.
21 For, behold, the Lord is bringing wrath from [his] holy place upon the dwellers on the earth: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall not cover her slain.
Ta, kitaenyo, umadanin a rummuar ni Yahweh iti ayanna a mangdusa kadagiti agbibiag iti daga gapu kadagiti basolda; ikkatento ti daga ti naiyabbong iti nagsayasay a dara iti daga, ket saanton a mailemmeng ti daga dagiti napapatay nga adda iti daytoy.

< Esias 26 >