< Esias 20 >

1 In the year when Tanathan came to Azotus, when he was sent by Arna king of the Assyrians, and warred against Azotus, and took it;
Bara ajajaan muummichi Sargoon mooticha Asooriin ergame sun gara Ashdood dhufee lolee ishee qabate sana keessa,
2 then the Lord spoke to Esaias the son of Amos, saying, Go and take the sackcloth off your loins, and loose your sandals from off your feet, and do thus, going naked and barefoot.
yeroodhuma sanatti Waaqayyo karaa Isaayyaas ilma Amoosiitiin dubbate. Innis, “Uffata gaddaa dhagna kee irraa, kophees miilla kee irraa baasi” jedheen. Innis akkasuma godhe; qullaa fi miilla duwwaa asii fi achi deeme.
3 And the Lord said, As my servant Esaias has walked naked and barefoot three years, there shall be three years for signs and wonders to the Egyptians and Ethiopians;
Kana irratti Waaqayyo akkana jedhe; “Akkuma garbichi koo Isaayyaas, akka Gibxii fi Itoophiyaaf mallattoo fi akeekkachiisa taʼuuf jedhee waggaa sadii qullaa fi miilla duwwaa deeme sana,
4 for thus shall the king of the Assyrians lead the captivity of Egypt and the Ethiopians, young men and old, naked and barefoot, having the shame of Egypt exposed.
akkasuma mootiin Asoor boojiʼamtoota Gibxii fi baqattoota Itoophiyaa dargaggeessaa fi jaarsa, qullaa fi miilla duwwaa hambisee teessuma isaanii illee qullaa godhee fudhatee deeme; kun warra Gibxiitiif qaanii dha.
5 And the Egyptians being defeated shall be ashamed of the Ethiopians, in whom they had trusted; for they were their glory.
Warri Itoophiyaa amanatanii Gibxiin boonan ni sodaatu; ni qaanaʼus.
6 And they that dwell in this island shall say in that day, Behold, we trusted to flee to them for help, who could not save themselves from the king of the Assyrians: and how shall we be saved?
Gaafas warri qarqara galaanaa irra jiraatan akkana jedhu; ‘Warra nu itti irkanne, warra mooticha Asoor jalaa nu baasu jennee gargaarsaaf itti baqanne sana irra waan gaʼe mee ilaalaa! Yoos nu akkamitti jalaa baʼuu dandeenya?’”

< Esias 20 >