< Esias 19 >
1 THE VISION OF EGYPT. Behold, the Lord sits on a swift cloud, and shall come to Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and their heart shall faint within them.
Isiphrofethi esimayelana leGibhithe sithi: Khangela uThixo ukhwele phezu kweyezi elilesiqubu esiza eGibhithe. Izithombe zaseGibhithe ziyathuthumela phambi kwakhe, njalo inhliziyo zamaGibhithe ziba buthakathaka ngaphakathi kwawo.
2 And the Egyptians shall be stirred up against the Egyptians: and a man shall fight against his brother, and a man against his neighbor, city against city, and law against law.
“Ngizadunga umGibhithe alwe lomGibhithe, umuntu uzakulwa lomfowabo, umakhelwane alwe lomakhelwane, idolobho lilwe ledolobho, umbuso ulwe lombuso.
3 And the spirit of the Egyptians shall be troubled within them; and I will frustrate their counsel: and they shall enquire of their gods and their images, and them that speak out of the earth, and them that have in them a divining spirit.
AbaseGibhithe bazaphelelwa lithemba, njalo ngizakwenza amacebo abo abe yize; bazabuza izithombe lemimoya yabafayo, amadlozi lezanuse.
4 And I will deliver Egypt into the hands of men, of cruel lords; and cruel kings shall rule over them: thus says the Lord of hosts.
AbaseGibhithe ngizabanikela enkosini elesihluku, inkosi eyesabekayo izababusa,” kutsho iNkosi, uThixo uSomandla.
5 And the Egyptians shall drink the water that is by the sea, but the river shall fail, and be dried up.
Amanzi omfula azakutsha, umfula uzacitsha, wome.
6 And the streams shall fail, and the canals of the river; and every reservoir of water shall be dried up, in every marsh also of reed and papyrus.
Imigelo izanuka, izifula zaseGibhithe zizakwentsha zitshe. Imihlanga lebhuma kuzabuna,
7 And all the green herbage round about the river, and everything sown by the side of the river, shall be blasted with the wind and dried up.
kanjalo lezihlahlanyana emakhunjini kaNayili lapho umfula othela khona. Konke okuhlanyelwe eduzane loNayili Kuzakoma, kuphephukele khatshana Kungabikhona.
8 And the fishermen shall groan, and all that cast a hook into the river shall groan; they also that cast nets, and the anglers shall mourn.
Abagoli benhlanzi bazabubula balile, bonke abaphosa amawuka kuNayili, loba abajika amambule emanzini bazaphela amandla.
9 And shame shall come upon them that work fine flax, and them that make fine linen.
Labo abasebenzisa isikusha bazadangala, abeluka ilineni elihle bazaphelelwa lithemba.
10 And they that work at them shall be in pain, and all that make beer shall be grieved, and be pained in their souls.
Izisebenzi zasemalenjini zizadana, njalo bonke abahola imiholo bazakuba lusizi.
11 And the princes of Tanis shall be fools: [as for] the king's wise counselors, their counsel shall be turned into folly: how will you say to the king, we are sons of wise men, sons of ancient kings?
Izikhulu zaseZowani azisilutho kodwa izithutha nje; abaluleki bakaFaro abahlakaniphileyo banika izeluleko zobuwula. Ungatsho kanjani kuFaro uthi, “Mina ngingomunye wamadoda ahlakaniphileyo, umfundi wamakhosi endulo?”
12 Where are now your wise men? and let them declare to you, and say, What has the Lord of hosts purposed upon Egypt?
Khathesi bangaphi abantu bakini abahlakaniphileyo? Kabalitshengise balazise ngalokhu uThixo uSomandla asecebe ukukwenza emelana leGibhithe.
13 The princes of Tanis have failed, and the princes of Memphis are lifted up [with pride], and they shall cause Egypt to wander by tribes.
Izikhulu zaseZowani sezibe yizithutha, abakhokheli baseMemfisi bakhohlisiwe, abazinsika zabantu bakhona sebedukise iGibhithe.
14 For the Lord has prepared for them a spirit of error, and they have caused Egypt to err in all their works, as one staggers who is drunken and vomits also.
UThixo usethele umoya wesiyezi phakathi kwabo; benza iGibhithe ibhadazele kukho konke ekwenzayo, njengesidakwa sidiyazela emahlanzweni aso.
15 And there shall be no work to the Egyptians, which shall make head or tail, or beginning or end.
Akulalutho iGibhithe engalwenza, ikhanda loba umsila, ugatsha lwelala loba umhlanga.
16 But in that day the Egyptians shall be as women, in fear and in trembling because of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which he shall bring upon them.
Ngalolosuku abaseGibhithe bazafana labesifazane. Bazathuthumela ngokwesaba isandla esiphakanyisiweyo uThixo uSomandla abaphakamisele sona.
17 And the land of the Jews shall be for a terror to the Egyptians: whoever shall name it to them, they shall fear, because of the counsel which the Lord of hosts has purposed concerning it.
Lelizwe lakoJuda lizaletha ukwesaba kwabaseGibhithe. Bonke okuzakhulunywa kubo ngoJuda bazathuthumela, ngenxa yalokho uThixo uSomandla aceba ukukwenza kubo.
18 In that day there shall be five cities in Egypt speaking the language of Chanaan, and swearing by the name of the Lord of hosts; one city shall be called the city of Asedec.
Ngalolosuku amadolobho amahlanu aseGibhithe azakhuluma ulimi lwaseKhenani, afungele ukwethembeka kuThixo uSomandla. Elinye lawo lizathiwa liDolobho leNcithakalo.
19 In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the land of the Egyptians, and a pillar to the Lord by its border.
Ngalolosuku kuzakuba le-alithari likaThixo phakathi kwelizwe laseGibhithe, lelitshe lesikhumbuzo sikaThixo emngceleni walo.
20 And it shall be for a sign to the Lord for ever in the land of Egypt: for they shall presently cry to the Lord by reason of them that afflict them, and he shall send them a man who shall save them; he shall judge and save them.
Lizakuba yisibonakaliso lobufakazi kuThixo uSomandla elizweni laseGibhithe. Lapho bekhalaza kuThixo ngenxa yabancindezeli babo, uzabathumela umsindisi lomvikeli, abahlenge.
21 And the Lord shall be known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day; and they shall offer sacrifices, and shall vow vows to the Lord, and pay [them].
Kanjalo uThixo uzakwenza ukuba azakale kwabaseGibhithe, njalo ngalolosuku bazamvuma uThixo. Bazakhonza ngemihlatshelo langeminikelo yamabele; bazakwenza izifungo kuThixo, bazigcine.
22 And the Lord shall strike the Egyptians with a stroke, and shall completely heal them: and they shall return to the Lord, and he shall hear them, and thoroughly heal them.
UThixo uzatshaya iGibhithe ngesifo; uzabatshaya aphinde abasilise. Bazaphendukela kuThixo, njalo uzakuzwa imikhuleko yabo abasilise.
23 In that day there shall be a way from Egypt to the Assyrians, and the Assyrians shall enter into Egypt, and the Egyptians shall go to the Assyrians, and the Egyptians shall serve the Assyrians.
Ngalolosuku bazakuba lomgwaqo osuka eGibhithe usiya e-Asiriya. Abase-Asiriya bazakuya eGibhithe, abeGibhithe labo baye e-Asiriya. AbaseGibhithe labase-Asiriya bazakhonza ndawonye.
24 In that day shall Israel be third with the Egyptians and the Assyrians, blessed in the land which the Lord of hosts has blessed,
Ngalolosuku i-Israyeli izakuba ngeyesithathu kanye leGibhithe le-Asiriya kube yisibusiso emhlabeni.
25 saying, Blessed be my people that is in Egypt, and that is among the Assyrians, and Israel mine inheritance.
UThixo uSomandla uzababusisa esithi, “Kayibusiswe iGibhithe abantu bami, i-Asiriya umsebenzi wezandla zami le-Israyeli ilifa lami.”