< Esias 17 >

1 THE WORD AGAINST DAMASCUS. Behold, Damascus shall be taken away from among cities, and shall become a ruin;
Raajii Damaasqoodhaan mormu: “Kunoo, Damaasqoon tuullaa diigamte taati malee siʼachi magaalaa hin taatu.
2 abandoned for ever, to [be] a fold and resting-place for flocks, and there shall be none to go after them.
Magaalaawwan Aroʼeer ni onu; bushaayeen achi ciciisu; wanni isaan sodaachisu tokko iyyuu hin jiru.
3 And she shall no longer be a strong place for Ephraim to flee to, and there shall no longer be a kingdom in Damascus, or a remnant of Syrians; for you are no better than the children of Israel, [even] than their glory; thus says the Lord of hosts.
Magaalaan jabeeffamtee ijaaramte Efreem keessaa, humni mootummaas Damaasqoo keessaa ni bada; hambaan Sooriyaa akka ulfina Israaʼelootaa taʼa” jedha Waaqayyoon Waan Hunda Dandaʼu.
4 There shall be in that day a failure of the glory of Jacob, and the riches of his glory shall be shaken.
“Bara sana keessa ulfinni Yaaqoob gad deebiʼa; furdinni dhagna isaas ni huqqata.
5 And it shall be as if one should gather standing corn, and reap the grain of the ears; and it shall be as if one should gather ears in a rich valley;
Akkuma namni midhaan haamu tokko, midhaan dhaabbatu walitti qabee irree isaatiin haamu sana kunis akkuma yeroo namni tokko Sulula Refaayim keessaa qarmii funaanuu ni taʼa.
6 and [as if] there should be left stubble therein, or [as it were] the berries of an olive tree, two or three on the topmost bough, or [as if] four or five should be left on their branches; thus says the Lord, the God of Israel.
Taʼus akkuma yeroo mukni ejersaa dhaʼamuutti, qarmii guuruun amma iyyuu jira; fiixee ol aanu irratti gumaa lama yookaan sadiitu hafa; damee gad aanu irratti gumaa afur yookaan shantu hafa” jedha Waaqayyo, Waaqni Israaʼel.
7 In that day a man shall trust in him that made him, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.
Gaafas namoonni gara Uumaa isaanii ilaalu; ija isaaniis gara Qulqullicha Israaʼel deebifatu.
8 And they shall not at all trust in their altars, nor in the works of their hands, which their fingers made; and they shall not look to the trees, nor to their abominations.
Isaan gara iddoo aarsaa, gara hojii harka isaanii hin ilaalan; isaan galma waaqeffannaa Aasheeraa, iddoo aarsaa ixaanaa kan quba isaaniitiin tolchanis wayittuu hin lakkaaʼan.
9 In that day your cities shall be deserted, as the Amorites and the Evaeans deserted [theirs], because of the children of Israel; and they shall be desolate.
Gaafas magaalaawwan jajjaboon isaan sababii Israaʼelootaatiif keessaa baʼan sun akkuma lafa bosona keessaa kan namni dhiisee deemee taʼu. Hundi ni onu.
10 Because you have forsaken God your Saviour, and have not been mindful of the Lord your helper; therefore shall you plant a false plant, and a false seed.
Ati Fayyisaa kee, Waaqa irraanfatteerta; ati kattaa, daʼoo kee hin yaadanne. Kanaafuu yoo biqiltuu akka malee gaarii dhaabbattee muka wayinii kan alaa dhufe biqilfatte iyyuu,
11 In the day wherein you shall plant you shall be deceived; but if you sow in the morning, [the seed] shall spring up for a crop in the day wherein you shall obtain an inheritance, and as a man's father, you shall obtain an inheritance for your sons.
yoo guyyuma dhaabde sana akka inni biqilu goote iyyuu ganama yeroo dhaabdetti akka inni daraaru goota; garuu guyyaa dhukkubaa fi dhibee hin fayyineetti wayinichi homaa hin fayyadu.
12 Woe [to] the multitude of many nations, as the swelling sea, so shall you be confounded; and the force of many nations shall sound like water;
Saboota baayʼee kanneen aaraniif wayyoo! Isaan akkuma galaana aaruutti aaru! Saboota wacaniif wayyoo! Isaan akkuma bishaan guddaan huursutti huursu.
13 many nations like much water, as when much water rushes violently: and they shall drive him away, and pursue him afar, as the dust of chaff when men winnow before the wind, and as a storm whirling the dust of the wheel.
Saboonni akkuma huursaa bishaan cabsee deemuu yoo huurse iyyuu yommuu inni isaanitti dheekkamu isaan baqatanii badu; akkuma habaqiin tulluu irraa fuula bubbee dura ariʼamu, akkuma awwaarri fuula bubbee hamaa duraa bittinnaaʼu isaan ni bittinnaaʼu.
14 Toward evening, and there shall be grief; before the morning, and he shall not be. This is the portion of them that spoiled you, and the inheritance to them that robbed you of your inheritance.
Galgala sodaan akkuma tasaa isaan qabatti! Isaan utuu lafti hin bariʼin ni dhabamu! Kun qooda warra nu boojiʼee, hiree warra nu saamee ti.

< Esias 17 >