< Osee 5 >

1 Hear these things, you priests; and attend, O house of Israel; and listen, O house of the king; for the controversy is with you, because you have been a snare in Scopia, and as a net spread on Itabyrium,
Sacerdotes, oíd esto, y estad atentos, Casa de Israel; y Casa del Rey, escuchad: porque para vosotros es el juicio, pues habéis sido lazo en Mizpa, y red extendida sobre Tabor.
2 which they that hunt the prey have fixed: but I will correct you.
Y matando sacrificios han bajado hasta lo profundo; por tanto, yo seré la corrección de todos ellos.
3 I know Ephraim, and Israel is not far from me: for now Ephraim has gone grievously a-whoring, Israel is defiled.
Yo conozco a Efraín, e Israel no me es desconocido; porque ahora, oh Efraín, has fornicado, y se ha contaminado Israel.
4 They have not framed their counsels to return to their God, for the spirit of fornication is in them, and they have not known the Lord.
No pondrán sus pensamientos en volverse a su Dios, porque espíritu de fornicación está en medio de ellos, y no conocen al SEÑOR.
5 And the pride of Israel shall be brought low before his face; and Israel and Ephraim shall fall in their iniquities; and Judas also shall fall with them.
Y la soberbia de Israel le desmentirá en su cara; e Israel y Efraín tropezarán en su pecado; tropezará también Judá con ellos.
6 They shall go with sheep and calves diligently to seek the Lord; but they shall not find him, for he has withdrawn himself from them.
Con sus ovejas y con sus vacas andarán buscando al SEÑOR, y no le hallarán; se apartó de ellos.
7 For they have forsaken the Lord; for strange children have been born to them: now shall the cankerworm devour them and their heritages.
Contra el SEÑOR se rebelaron, porque engendraron hijos extraños; ahora los devorará un mes con sus heredades.
8 Blow you the trumpet on the hills, sound aloud on the heights: proclaim in the house of On, Benjamin is amazed.
Tocad el shofar en Gabaa, trompeta en Ramá; sonad tambor en Bet-avén; tras ti, oh Benjamín.
9 Ephraim has come to nothing in the days of reproof: in the tribes of Israel I have shown faithful [dealings].
Efraín será asolado el día del castigo; en las tribus de Israel hice conocer mi verdad.
10 The princes of Juda became as they that removed the bounds: I will pour out upon them my fury as water.
Los príncipes de Judá fueron como los que traspasan mojones; derramaré sobre ellos como agua mi ira.
11 Ephraim altogether prevailed against his adversary, he trod judgment under foot, for he began to go after vanities.
Efraín es vejado, quebrantado en juicio, porque quiso andar en pos de mandamientos.
12 Therefore I [will be] as consternation to Ephraim, and as a goad to the house of Juda.
Yo, pues, seré como polilla a Efraín, y como carcoma a la Casa de Judá.
13 And Ephraim saw his disease, and Judas his pain; then Ephraim went to the Assyrians, and sent ambassadors to king Jarim: but he could not heal you, and your pain shall in nowise cease from you.
Y verá Efraín su enfermedad, y Judá su llaga: irá entonces Efraín al Assur, y enviará al rey de Jareb; mas él no os podrá sanar, ni os curará la llaga.
14 Therefore I am as a panther to Ephraim, and as a lion to the house of Juda: and I will tear, and go away; and I will take, and there shall be none to deliver.
Porque yo seré como león a Efraín, y como cachorro de león a la Casa de Judá; yo, yo arrebataré, y andaré; tomaré, y no habrá quien escape.
15 I will go and return to my place, until they are brought to nothing, and [then] shall they seek my face.
Andaré, y tornaré a mi lugar, hasta que conozcan su pecado, y busquen mi rostro. En su angustia madrugarán a mí.

< Osee 5 >