< Osee 13 >

1 According to the word of Ephraim he adopted ordinances for himself in Israel; and he established them for Baal, and died.
Sa’ad da Efraim ya yi magana, mutane sun yi rawan jiki; an girmama shi a cikin Isra’ila. Amma sai ya zama mai laifi na yin wa Ba’al sujada, ya kuwa mutu.
2 And now they have sinned increasingly, and have made for themselves a molten image of their silver, according to the fashion of idols, the work of artificers accomplished for them: they say, Sacrifice men, for the calves have come to an end.
Yanzu sai yin zunubi a kai a kai suke; suna yin gumaka wa kansu daga azurfansu, da wayo suna sarrafa siffofi, dukansu aikin masu aikin hannu ne. Ana magana waɗannan mutane cewa, “Suna miƙa hadayar mutum su kuma sumbaci gumakan maruƙa.”
3 Therefore shall they be as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that passes away, as chaff blown away from the threshing floor, and as a vapor from tears.
Saboda haka za su zama kamar hazon safiya, kamar raɓar safen da yakan kakkaɓe, kamar ƙaiƙayin da ake tankaɗe daga masussuka, kamar hayaƙin da yake fita daga taga.
4 But I am the Lord your God that establishes the heaven, and creates the earth, whose hands have framed the whole host of heaven: but I showed them not to you that you should go after them: and I brought you up out of the land of Egypt, and you shall know no God but me; and there is no Saviour beside me.
“Amma ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku, wanda ya fitar da ku daga Masar. Ba za ku yarda da wani Allah ba sai ni, ba wani Mai Ceto in ban da ni.
5 I tended you as a shepherd in the wilderness, in an uninhabited land.
Na lura da ku a hamada, cikin ƙasar mai ƙunar zafi.
6 According to their pastures, so they were completely filled; and their hearts were exalted; therefore they forgot me.
Sa’ad da na ciyar da su sun ƙoshi; sa’ad da suka ƙoshi, sai suka fara taƙama; sai suka manta da ni.
7 And I will be to them as a panther, and as a leopard.
Saboda haka zan hau kansu kamar zaki, zan ɓuya a bakin hanya kamar damisa.
8 I will meet them by the way of the Assyrians, as a she-bear excited, and I will rend the caul of their heart, and the lions' whelps of the thicket shall devour them there; the wild beasts of the field shall rend them in pieces.
Kamar beyar da aka ƙwace mata’ya’yanta, zan fāɗa musu in ɓarke su. Kamar zaki zan cinye su; kamar naman jeji zan yayyage su.
9 O Israel, who will aid [you] in your destruction?
“An hallaka ku, ya Isra’ila, domin kun tayar mini, kun tayar wa mai taimakonku.
10 Where is this your king? let him even save you in all your cities: let him judge you, of whom you said, Give me a king and a prince.
Ina sarkinku, da zai cece ku? Ina masu mulkinku cikin dukan garuruwanku, waɗanda kuka ce, ‘Ba mu sarki da shugabanni’?
11 And I gave you a king in mine anger, and kept [him] back in my wrath.
Saboda haka cikin fushina na ba ku sarki, kuma cikin hasalata na ɗauke shi.
12 Ephraim [has framed] a conspiracy of unrighteousness, his sin is hidden.
An yi ajiyar laifin Efraim, aka lissafta zunubansa.
13 Pains as of a woman in travail shall come upon him: he is your wise son, because he shall not stay in the destruction of [your] children.
Naƙuda ta zo masa kamar a mace mai haihuwa, amma shi yaro ne marar hikima; sa’ad da lokaci ya kai, ba ya zuwa inda mahaifa ta buɗe.
14 I will deliver [them] out of the power of Hades, and will redeem them from death: where is your penalty, O death? O Hades, where is your sting? comfort is hidden from mine eyes. (Sheol h7585)
“Zan fanshe su daga ikon kabari; zan cece su daga mutuwa. Ina annobanki, ya mutuwa? Ina hallakarka, ya kabari? “Ba zan ji tausayi ba, (Sheol h7585)
15 Forasmuch as he will cause a division among [his] brethren, the Lord shall bring upon him an east wind from the desert, and shall dry up his veins [and] quite drain his fountains: he shall dry up his land, and [spoil] all his precious vessels.
ko da ma ya ci gaba cikin’yan’uwansa. Iskar gabas daga Ubangiji za tă zo, tana hurawa daga hamada; maɓulɓularsa za tă kafe rijiyarsa kuma ta bushe. Za a kwashi kaya masu daraja na ɗakin ajiyarsa ganima.
16 Samaria shall be utterly destroyed: for she has resisted her God; they shall fall by the sword, and their sucklings shall be dashed against the ground, and their women with child ripped up.
Dole mutanen Samariya su ɗauki laifinsu, domin sun tayar wa Allahnsu. Za a kashe su da takobi; za a fyaɗa ƙananansu da ƙasa, za a ɓarke matansu masu ciki.”

< Osee 13 >