< Genesis 33 >

1 And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and saw, and behold! Esau his brother coming, and four hundred men with him; and Jacob divided the children to Lea and to Rachel, and the two handmaidens.
А Јаков подигавши очи своје погледа, а то Исав иде, и четири стотине људи с њим. И раздели децу уз Лију и уз Рахиљу и уз две робиње.
2 And he put the two handmaidens and their children with the first, and Lea and her children behind, and Rachel and Joseph last.
И намести напред робиње и њихову децу, па Лију и њену децу за њима, а најпосле Рахиљу и Јосифа.
3 But he advanced himself before them, and did reverence to the ground seven times, until he drew near to his brother.
А сам прође напред, и поклони се до земље седам пута докле дође до брата свог.
4 And Esau ran on to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him; and they both wept.
А Исав притрча преда њ и загрли га и паде му око врата и целива га, и обојица се заплакаше,
5 And Esau looked up and saw the women and the children, and said, What are these to you? And he said, The children with which God has mercifully blessed your servant.
И Исав подигавши очи угледа жене и децу, па рече: Ко су ти оно? А Јаков рече: Деца, коју Бог милостиво дарова слузи твом.
6 And the maidservants and their children drew near and did reverence.
И приступише робиње с децом својом, и поклонише се.
7 And Lea and her children drew near and did reverence; and after this drew near Rachel and Joseph, and did reverence.
Потом приступи и Лија и деца њена, и поклонише се; а најпосле приступи Јосиф и Рахиља, и поклонише се.
8 And he said, What are these things to you, all these companies that I have met? And he said, That your servant might find grace in your sight, my lord.
А Исав рече: Шта ће ти читава војска она коју сретох? А он рече: Да нађем милост пред господарем својим.
9 And Esau said, I have much, my brother; keep your own.
А Исав рече: Има, брате, у мене доста; нека теби шта је твоје.
10 And Jacob said, If I have found grace in your sight, receive the gifts through my hands; therefore have I seen your face, as if any one should see the face of God, and you shall be well-pleased with me.
А Јаков рече: Не; ако сам сада нашао милост пред тобом, прими дар из моје руке, јер видех лице твоје као да видех лице Божје, тако си ме лепо дочекао.
11 Receive my blessings, which I have brought you, because God has had mercy on me, and I have all things; and he constrained him, and he took [them].
Прими дар мој, који ти је доведен; јер ме је обилато обдарио Бог, и имам свега. И навали на њ, те прими.
12 And he said, Let us depart, and proceed right onward.
После рече Исав: Хајде да идемо, ићи ћу и ја с тобом.
13 And he said to him, My lord knows, that the children are very tender, and the flocks and the herds with me are with young; if then I shall drive them hard one day, all the cattle will die.
А Јаков му рече: Зна господар мој да су ова деца нејака, и имам оваца и крава дојилица, па ако их устерам један дан, погинуће ми све стадо.
14 Let my lord go on before his servant, and I shall have strength on the road according to the ease of the journey before me, and according to the strength of the children, until I come to my lord to Seir.
Него господар мој нека иде пред слугом својим, а ја ћу полако ићи, колико могу деца и стока, докле дођем ка господару свом у Сир.
15 And Esau said, I will leave with you some of the people who are with me. And he said, Why so? it is enough that I have found favor before you, [my] lord.
А Исав рече: А оно да ти оставим неколико људи што су са мном. А он рече: На шта? Дај да нађем милост пред господарем својим.
16 And Esau returned on that day on his journey to Seir.
И тако Исав врати се исти дан својим путем у Сир.
17 And Jacob departs to his tents; and he made for himself there habitations, and for his cattle he made booths; therefore he called the name of that place, Booths.
А Јаков отиде у Сокот, и онде начини себи кућу а стоци својој начини стаје; зато назва оно место Сокот.
18 And Jacob came to Salem, a city of Secima, which is in the land of Chanaan, when he departed out of Mesopotamia of Syria, and took up a position in front of the city.
После дође Јаков здраво у град Сихем у земљи хананској, вративши се из Падан-Арама, и намести се према граду.
19 And he bought the portion of the field, where he pitched his tent, of Emmor the father of Sychem, for a hundred lambs.
И купи комад земље, где разапе шатор свој, од синова Емора оца Сихемовог за сто новаца.
20 And he set up there an altar, and called on the God of Israel.
И начини онде жртвеник, и назва га: Силни Бог Израиљев.

< Genesis 33 >