< Genesis 30 >

1 And Rachel having perceived that she bore Jacob no children, was jealous of her sister; and said to Jacob, Give me children; and if not, I shall die.
Vendo pois Rachel que não paria filhos a Jacob, teve Rachel inveja de sua irmã, e disse a Jacob: Dá-me filhos, ou se não morro.
2 And Jacob was angry with Rachel, and said to her, Am I in the place of God, who has deprived you of the fruit of the womb?
Então se accendeu a ira de Jacob contra Rachel, e disse: Estou eu no logar de Deus, que te impediu o fructo de teu ventre?
3 And Rachel said to Jacob, Behold my handmaid Balla, go in to her, and she shall bear upon my knees, and I also shall have children by her.
E ella disse: Eis aqui minha serva Bilha; entra a ella, para que pára sobre os meus joelhos, e eu tambem seja edificada d'ella.
4 And she gave him Balla her maid, for a wife to him; and Jacob went in to her.
Assim lhe deu a Bilha sua serva por mulher: e Jacob entrou a ella.
5 And Balla, Rachel's maid, conceived, and bore Jacob a son.
E concebeu Bilha, e pariu a Jacob um filho.
6 And Rachel said, God has given judgment for me, and listened to my voice, and has given me a son; therefore she called his name, Dan.
Então disse Rachel: Julgou-me Deus, e tambem ouviu a minha voz, e me deu um filho; por isso chamou o seu nome Dan.
7 And Balla, Rachel's maid, conceived yet again, and bore a second son to Jacob.
E Bilha, serva de Rachel, concebeu outra vez, e pariu a Jacob o segundo filho.
8 And Rachel said, God has helped me, and I contended with my sister and prevailed; and she called his name, Nephthalim.
Então disse Rachel: Com luctas de Deus tenho luctado com minha irmã, tambem venci; e chamou o seu nome Naphtali.
9 And Lea saw that she ceased from bearing, and she took Zelpha her maid, and gave her to Jacob for a wife; and he went in to her.
Vendo pois Leah que cessava de parir, tomou tambem a Zilpah sua serva, e deu-a a Jacob por mulher.
10 And Zelpha the maid of Lea conceived, and bore Jacob a son.
E pariu Zilpah, serva de Leah, um filho a Jacob.
11 And Lea said, [It is] happily: and she called his name, Gad.
Então disse Leah: Vem uma turba: e chamou o seu nome Gad.
12 And Zelpha the maid of Lea conceived yet again, and bore Jacob a second son.
Depois pariu Zilpah, serva de Leah, um segundo filho a Jacob.
13 And Lea said, I am blessed, for the women will pronounce me blessed; and she called his name, Aser.
Então disse Leah: Para minha ventura; porque as filhas me terão por bemaventurada: e chamou o seu nome Asher.
14 And Ruben went in the day of barley harvest, and found apples of mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Lea; and Rachel said to Lea her sister, Give me of your son's mandrakes.
E foi Ruben nos dias da sega do trigo, e achou mandrágoras no campo. E trouxe-as a Leah, sua mãe. Então disse Rachel a Leah: Ora dá-me das mandrágoras do teu filho.
15 And Lea said, [Is it] not enough for you that you have taken my husband, will you also take my son's mandrakes? And Rachel said, Not so: let him lie with you tonight for your son's mandrakes.
E ella lhe disse: É já pouco que hajas tomado o meu marido, tomarás tambem as mandrágoras do meu filho? Então disse Rachel: Por isso se deitará comtigo esta noite pelas mandrágoras de teu filho.
16 And Jacob came in out of the field at even; and Lea went forth to meet him, and said, You shall come in to me this day, for I have hired you for my son's mandrakes; and he lay with her that night.
Vindo pois Jacob á tarde do campo, saiu-lhe Leah ao encontro, e disse: A mim entrarás, porque certamente te aluguei com as mandrágoras do meu filho. E deitou-se com ella aquella noite.
17 And God listened to Lea, and she conceived, and bore Jacob a fifth son.
E ouviu Deus a Leah, e concebeu, e pariu um quinto filho.
18 And Lea said, God has given me my reward, because I gave my maid to my husband; and she called his name Issachar, which is, Reward.
Então disse Leah: Deus me tem dado o meu galardão, pois tenho dado minha serva ao meu marido: e chamou o seu nome Issacar.
19 And Lea conceived again, and bore Jacob a sixth son.
E Leah concebeu outra vez, e pariu a Jacob um sexto filho.
20 And Lea said, God has given me a good gift in this time; my husband will choose me, for I have born him six sons: and she called his name, Zabulon.
E disse Leah: Deus me deu a mim uma boa dadiva; d'esta vez morará o meu marido commigo, porque lhe tenho parido seis filhos: e chamou o seu nome Zebulon.
21 And after this she bore a daughter; and she called her name, Dina.
E depois pariu uma filha, e chamou o seu nome Dinah.
22 And God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her, and he opened her womb.
E lembrou-se Deus de Rachel, e Deus a ouviu, e abriu a sua madre,
23 And she conceived, and bore Jacob a son; and Rachel said, God has taken away my reproach.
E ella concebeu, e pariu um filho, e disse: Tirou-me Deus a minha vergonha.
24 And she called his name Joseph, saying, Let God add to me another son.
E chamou o seu nome José, dizendo: O Senhor me accrescente outro filho.
25 And it came to pass when Rachel had born Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Send me away, that I may go to my place and to my land.
E aconteceu que, como Rachel pariu a José, disse Jacob a Labão: Deixa-me ir, que me vá ao meu logar, e á minha terra.
26 Restore my wives and my children, for whom I have served you, that I may depart, for you know the service wherewith I have served you.
Dá-me as minhas mulheres, e os meus filhos, pelas quaes te tenho servido, e ir-me-hei; pois tu sabes o meu serviço, que te tenho feito.
27 And Laban said to him, If I have found grace in your sight, I would augur [well], for the Lord has blessed me at your coming in.
Então lhe disse Labão: Se agora tenho achado graça em teus olhos, fica commigo. Tenho experimentado que o Senhor me abençoou por amor de ti.
28 Appoint me your wages, and I will give [them].
E disse mais: Determina-me o teu salario, que t'o darei.
29 And Jacob said, You know in what things I have served you, and how many cattle of your are with me.
Então lhe disse: Tu sabes como te tenho servido, e como passou o teu gado commigo.
30 For it was little you had before my time, and it is increased to a multitude, and the Lord God has blessed you since my coming; now then, when shall I set up also my own house?
Porque o pouco que tinhas antes de mim, é augmentado até uma multidão: e o Senhor te tem abençoado por meu trabalho. Agora pois, quando hei-de trabalhar tambem por minha casa?
31 And Laban said to him, What shall I give you? and Jacob said to him, You shall not give me anything; if you will do this thing for me, I will again tend your flocks and keep them.
E disse elle: Que te darei? Então disse Jacob: Nada me darás; se me fizeres isto, tornarei a apascentar e a guardar o teu rebanho.
32 Let all your sheep pass by today, and separate thence every grey sheep among the rams, and every one that is speckled and spotted among the goats—[this] shall be my reward.
Passarei hoje por todo o teu rebanho, separando d'elle todos os salpicados e malhados, e todos os morenos entre os cordeiros, e os malhados e salpicados entre as cabras: e isto será o meu salario.
33 And my righteousness shall answer for me on the morrow, for it is my reward before you: whatever shall not be spotted and speckled among the goats, and grey among the rams, shall be stolen with me.
Assim testificará por mim a minha justiça no dia d'ámanhã, quando vieres e o meu salario estiver diante de tua face: tudo o que não for salpicado e malhado entre as cabras e moreno entre os cordeiros, ser-me-ha por furto.
34 And Laban said to him, Let it be according to your word.
Então disse Labão: Eis que oxalá seja conforme á tua palavra.
35 And he separated in that day the spotted and speckled he-goats, and all the spotted and speckled she-goats, and all that was grey among the rams, and every one that was white among them, and he gave them into the hand of his sons.
E separou n'aquelle mesmo dia os bodes listrados e malhados e todas as cabras salpicadas e malhadas, tudo em que havia brancura, e todo o moreno entre os cordeiros; e deu-os nas mãos dos seus filhos.
36 And he set a distance of a three days' journey between them and Jacob. And Jacob tended the cattle of Laban that were left behind.
E poz tres dias de caminho entre si e Jacob: e Jacob apascentava o resto dos rebanhos de Labão.
37 And Jacob took to himself green rods of storax tree and walnut and plane tree; and Jacob peeled in them white stripes; and as he drew off the green, the white stripe which he had made appeared alternate on the rods.
Então tomou Jacob varas verdes d'alamo, e d'aveleira e de castanheiro, e descascou n'ellas riscas brancas, descobrindo a brancura que nas varas havia,
38 And he laid the rods which he had peeled, in the hollows of the watering-troughs, that whenever the cattle should come to drink, as they should have come to drink before the rods, the cattle might conceive at the rods.
E poz estas varas, que tinha descascado, em frente do rebanho, nos canos e nas pias d'agua, aonde o rebanho vinha a beber, e conceberam vindo a beber.
39 So the cattle conceived at the rods, and the cattle brought forth [young] speckled, and streaked and spotted with ash-colored [spots].
E concebia o rebanho diante das varas, e as ovelhas pariam listrados, salpicados e malhados.
40 And Jacob separated the lambs, and set before the sheep a speckled ram, and every variegated one among the lambs, and he separated flocks for himself alone, and did not mingle them with the sheep of Laban.
Então separou Jacob os cordeiros, e poz as faces do rebanho para os listrados, e todo o moreno entre o rebanho de Labão; e poz o seu rebanho á parte, e não o poz com o rebanho de Labão.
41 And it came to pass in the time wherein the cattle became pregnant, conceiving in the belly, Jacob put the rods before the cattle in the troughs, that they might conceive by the rods.
E succedia que cada vez que concebiam as ovelhas fortes, punha Jacob as varas diante dos olhos do rebanho nos canos, para que concebessem diante das varas.
42 But he did not put them in [indiscriminately] whenever the cattle happened to bring forth, but the unmarked ones were Laban's, and the marked ones were Jacob's.
Mas quando enfraqueceu o rebanho, não as poz. Assim as fracas eram de Labão, e as fortes de Jacob.
43 And the man became very rich, and he had many cattle, and oxen, and servants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses.
E cresceu o varão em grande maneira, e teve muitos rebanhos, e servas, e servos, e camelos e jumentos.

< Genesis 30 >