< Genesis 16 >

1 And Sara the wife of Abram bore him no children; and she had an Egyptian maid, whose name was Agar.
Na kahore a Harai, te wahine a Aperama, i whai tamariki mana; na he pononga wahine tana, no Ihipa, ko Hakara tona ingoa.
2 And Sara said to Abram, Behold, the Lord has restrained me from bearing, go therefore in to my maid, that I may get children for myself through her. And Abram listened to the voice of Sara.
Na ka mea a Harai ki a Aperama, Nana, kua tutakina nei ahau e Ihowa kei whanau tamariki: mau e haere ki roto, ki taku pononga; mana pea ahau e tu ai. A ka whakarongo a Aperama ki te reo o Harai.
3 So Sara the wife of Abram having taken Agar the Egyptian her handmaid, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Chanaan, gave her to Abram her husband as a wife to him.
Na ka tango a Harai, wahine a Aperama i a Hakara, i te wahine o Ihipa, i tana pononga, i te takanga o nga tau kotahi tekau o te nohoanga o Aperama i te whenua o Kanaana, a homai ana e ia ki a Aperama, ki tana tane, hei wahine mana.
4 And he went in to Agar, and she conceived, and saw that she was with child, and her mistress was dishonored before her.
Na ka haere ia ki roto, ki a Hakara, a ka hapu ia: a, no tona kitenga kua hapu ia, ka iti tona rangatira wahine ki tana titiro.
5 And Sara said to Abram, I am injured by you; I gave my handmaid into your bosom, and when I saw that she was with child, I was dishonored before her. The Lord judge between me and you.
Na ka mea a Harai ki a Aperama, Hei runga i a koe tenei tutu ki ahau: i hoatu e ahau taku pononga wahine ki tou uma; a, no tona kitenga kua hapu ia, ka iti ahau ki tana titiro iho: ma Ihowa e whakariterite taku korero me tau hoki.
6 And Abram said to Sara, Behold your handmaid is in your hands, use her as it may seem good to you. And Sara afflicted her, and she fled from her face.
Na ka mea a Aperama ki a Harai, Ha, kei tou ringa ano tau pononga; mau e mea ki a ia te mea e pai ana ki tau titiro iho. Na ka whakatupu kino a Harai i a ia, a rere ana ia i tona aroaro.
7 And an angel of the Lord found her by the fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Sur.
A ka kitea ia e te anahera a te Atua i tetahi puna wai i te koraha, i te puna i te huarahi ki Huru,
8 And the angel of the Lord said to her, Agar, Sara's maid, whence come you, and wither go you? and she said, I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sara.
Ka mea, E Hakara, e te pononga a Harai, i haere mai koe i hea? e anga ana hoki koe ko hea? a ka mea ia, E rere ana ahau i a Harai, i toku rangatira.
9 And the angel of the Lord said to her, Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hands.
Na ka mea te anahera a Ihowa ki a ia, Hoki atu ki tou rangatira, kia whakaririka hoki koe i raro i ona ringa.
10 And the angel of the Lord said to her, I will surely multiply your seed, and it shall not be numbered for multitude.
Ka mea ano te anahera a Ihowa ki a ia, Ka whakanuia rawatia e ahau tou uri, a e kore e taea te tatau, i te tini hoki.
11 And the angel of the Lord said to her, Behold you are with child, and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Ismael, for the Lord has listened to your humiliation.
I mea ano te anahera a Ihowa ki a ia, Nana, e hapu ana koe, a ka whanau he tama, me hua e koe tona ingoa ko Ihimaera; mo Ihowa i whakarongo ki tau tangi.
12 He shall be a wild man, his hands against all, and the hands of all against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
A ka rite ia ki te kaihe mohoao i waenganui o te tangata; ka ara tona ringa ki te katoa, me te ringa o te katoa ki a ia; a ka noho ia i te aroaro o ona teina katoa.
13 And she called the name of the Lord God who spoke to her, You are God who see me; for she said, For I have openly seen him that appeared to me.
Na ka huaina e ia te ingoa o Ihowa i korero nei ki a ia, He Atua koe e kite ana: i mea hoki ia, I titiro ranei ahau i koeni ki muri i toku kaititiro mai?
14 Therefore she called the well, The well of him whom I have openly seen; behold it is between Cades and Barad.
Koia i huaina ai taua puna ko Peererahairoi; na, kei waenganui i Karehe, i Perere.
15 And Agar bore a son to Abram; and Abram called the name of his son which Agar bore to him, Ismael.
Na ka whanau te tama a Hakara raua ko Aperama: a huaina ana e Aperama te ingoa o tana tama, i whanau nei i a Hakara, ko Ihimaera.
16 And Abram was eighty-six years old, when Agar bore Ismael to Abram.
Na e waru tekau ma ono nga tau o Aperama i te whanautanga o Ihimaera tama a Hakara raua ko Aperama.

< Genesis 16 >