< Ezra 7 >

1 Now after these things, in the reign of Arthasastha king of the Persians, came up Esdras the son of Saraias, the son of Azarias, the son of Chelcias,
Wantoota kanneen booddee bara Arxeksis mooticha Faares keessa Izraan ilmi Seraayaa, ilmi Azaariyaa ilmi Hilqiyaa,
2 the son of Selum, the son of Sadduc, the son of Achitob,
ilmi Shaluum, ilmi Zaadoq, ilmi Ahiixuub,
3 the son of Samarias, the son of Esria, the son of Mareoth,
ilmi Amariyaa, ilmi Azaariyaa, ilmi Meraayoot,
4 the son of Zaraia, the son of Ozias, the son of Bokki,
ilmi Zeraayaa, ilmi Uzii, ilmi Bukii,
5 the son of Abisue, the son of Phinees, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the first priest.
ilmi Abiishuuwaa, ilmi Fiinehaas, ilmi Eleʼaazaar, ilmi Aroon lubicha ol aanaa
6 This Esdras went up out of Babylon; and he was a ready scribe in the law of Moses, which the Lord God of Israel gave: and the king gave him [leave], for the hand of the Lord his God was upon him in all things which he sought.
Izraan kun Baabilonii dhufe. Innis barsiisaa Seera Musee kan Waaqayyo Waaqni Israaʼel kenne sana sirriitti beekuu dha. Sababii harki Waaqayyo Waaqa isaa isa irra tureef mootichi waan inni kadhate hunda ni kenneef.
7 And [some] of the children of Israel went up, and [some] of the priests, and of the Levites, and the singers, and the doorkeepers, and the Nathinim, to Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Arthasastha the king.
Akkasumas waggaa torbaffaa bara Arxeksis Mootichaa keessa Israaʼeloonni tokko tokko jechuunis luboonni, Lewwonni, faarfattoonni, eegdonni karraa fi tajaajiltoonni mana qulqullummaa gara Yerusaalemitti ol baʼan.
8 And they came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, this [was] the seventh year of the king.
Izraanis waggaa torbaffaa bara mootii sanaa keessa jiʼa shanaffaatti Yerusaalem gaʼe.
9 For in the first [day] of the first month he began the going up from Babylon, and in the first day of the fifth month, they came to Jerusalem, for the good hand of his God was upon him.
Innis bultii tokkoffaa jiʼa jalqabaatti karaa isaa Baabilonii jalqabee bultii tokkoffaa jiʼa shanaffaatti Yerusaalem gaʼe; harki Waaqa isaa tolaan sun isa irra tureetii.
10 For Esdras had determined in his heart to seek the law, and to do and teach the ordinances and judgments in Israel.
Izraan Seera Waaqayyoo quʼachuu fi eeguudhaaf akkasumas labsii fi ajaja seerichaa Israaʼel keessatti barsiisuudhaaf of kennee tureetii.
11 And this [is] the copy of the order which Arthasastha gave to Esdras the priest, the scribe of the book of the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of his ordinances to Israel.
Kun garagalcha xalayaa Arxeksis Mootichi Izraa lubichaa fi barsiisaa, namicha waaʼee ajajaa fi labsiiwwan Waaqayyo Israaʼeliif kenne sanaa baratetti ergee ti:
12 Arthasastha, king of kings, to Esdras, the scribe of the law of the Lord God of heaven, Let the order and the answer be accomplished.
Arxeksis mootii moototaa irraa; Gara Izraa lubicha, barsiisaa Seera Waaqa samiitti: Nagaan siif haa taʼu.
13 A decree is made by me, that every one who is willing in my kingdom of the people of Israel, and of the priests and Levites, to go to Jerusalem, [be permitted] to go with you.
Ani amma akka namni Israaʼel kan mootummaa koo keessa jiraatu kam iyyuu luboonnii fi Lewwonni illee abbaan si wajjin Yerusaalem dhaquu barbaadu dhaquu dandaʼu labseera.
14 [One] has been sent from the king and the seven councillors, to visit Judea and Jerusalem, according to the law of their God that is in your hand.
Ati akka akkuma Seera Waaqa keetii kan harka kee jiru sanaatti waaʼee Yihuudaa fi Yerusaalem qorattuuf mootichaa fi gorsitoota isaa torbaan ergamteerta.
15 And for the house of the Lord [there have been sent] silver and gold, which the king and the councillors have freely given to the God of Israel, who dwells in Jerusalem.
Kana irrattis meetii fi warqee mootichii fi gorsitoonni isaa Waaqa Israaʼel kan Yerusaalem keessa jiraatuuf toluma kennan sana fuudhii deemi;
16 And all the silver and gold, whatever you shall find in all the land of Babylon, with the free will offering of the people, and the priests that offer freely for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.
waan kanas meetii fi warqee kutaa biyya Baabiloniitii walitti qabde hundaa fi kennaa sabnii fi luboonni mana qulqullummaa Waaqa isaanii kan Yerusaalem keessaaf fedhiidhaan kennan wajjin fuudhii dhaqi.
17 And as for every one that arrives [there], speedily order him by this letter [to bring] calves, rams, lambs, and their meat-offerings, and their drink-offerings; and you shall offer them on the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem.
Maallaqa kanaanis jiboota, korbeeyyii hoolaa fi xobbaallaa hoolaa, kennaa midhaanii fi dhibaayyuu isaanii wajjin bitaatii iddoo aarsaa mana qulqullummaa Waaqa keessanii kan Yerusaalem sana irratti dhiʼeessaa.
18 And whatever it shall seem good to you and to your brethren to do with the rest of the silver and the gold, do as it is pleasing to your God.
Ergasii atii fi obboloonni kee Yihuudoonni meetii fi warqee hafe akkuma fedhii Waaqa keessaniitti waanuma gaarii isinitti fakkaate irra oolchaa.
19 And deliver the vessels that are given you for the service of the house of God, before God in Jerusalem.
Miʼa waaqeffannaa mana qulqullummaa Waaqa keetii keessaaf imaanaa sitti kenname hunda Waaqa Yerusaalem duratti dhiʼeessi.
20 And as to the rest of the need of the house of your God, you shall give from the king's treasure-houses,
Waan mana qulqullummaa Waaqa keetiif barbaadamu kan kennuu feetu hunda mankuusa mootii keessaa fuudhii kenni.
21 and from me, whatever it shall seem [good] to you to give. I king Arthasastha have made a decree for all the treasuries that are in the [country] beyond the river, that whatever Esdras the priest and scribe of the God of heaven may ask you, it shall be done speedily,
Egaa ani Arxeksis Mootichi akka qabdoonni maallaqaa kanneen Gama Laga Efraaxiis jiran waan Izraan lubichi, barsiisaan Seera Waaqa samii kun isin gaafatu hunda arjummaadhaan isaaf kennan ajajeera;
22 to [the amount of] a hundred talents of silver, and a hundred measures of wheat, and a hundred baths of wine, and a hundred baths of oil, and salt without reckoning.
kunis hamma meetii taalaantii dhibba tokko, qamadii qoroosii dhibba tokko, daadhii wayinii baadoosii dhibba tokko, zayitii ejersaa baadoosii dhibba tokkoo fi soogidda hamma hin qabne haa taʼu.
23 Let whatever is in the decree of the God of heaven, be done: take heed lest any one make an attack on the house of the God of heaven, lest at any time there shall be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons.
Wanni Waaqni samii ajaje kam iyyuu mana qulqullummaa Waaqa samiitiif of eeggannaadhaan haa godhamu. Maaliif dheekkamsi mootichaa fi ilmaan mootichaatti dhufa?
24 Also this has been declared to you, with respect to all the priests, and Levites, the singers, porters, Nathinim and ministers of the house of God, let no tribute be [paid] to you; you shall not have power to oppress them.
Amma illee isin akka luboota, Lewwota, faarfattoota, eegdota karraa, tajaajiltoota mana qulqullummaa yookaan hojjettoota mana Waaqaa kana keessa hojjetan kamitti iyyuu gibira, qaraxaa fi ashuuraa murteessuuf aangoo hin qabne beekaa.
25 And you, Esdras, as the wisdom of God [is] in your hand, appoint scribes and judges, that they may judge for all the people beyond the river, all that know the law of the Lord your God; and you shall make it known to him that knows not.
Egaa Izraa, ati akkuma ogummaa Waaqa keetii kan harka kee jiru sanaatti akka isaan warra Gama Laga Efraaxiis jiraatan bulchaniif abbootii seeraa fi abbootii murtii kanneen hundi isaanii seera Waaqa keetii beekan muudi. Nama seera Waaqaa hin beekne kam iyyuus barsiisi.
26 And whoever shall not do the law of God, and the law of the king readily, judgment shall be taken upon him, whether for death or for chastisement, or for a fine of his property, or casting into prison.
Namni seera Waaqa keetiitiif yookaan seera mootichaatiif hin ajajamne kam iyyuu dhugumaan ajjeechaadhaan, biyya keessaa ariʼamuudhaan, qabeenyi isaa irraa dhaalamuudhaan yookaan hidhaadhaan adabamuu qaba.
27 Blessed [be] the Lord God of our fathers, who has put it thus into the heart of the king, to glorify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem;
Waaqayyo Waaqni abbootii keenyaa kan akka inni karaa kanaan mana Waaqayyoo kan Yerusaalem keessa jiruuf ulfina kennuuf garaa mootichaa keessa yaada kana kaaʼe sun haa galateeffamu;
28 and has given me favor in the eyes of the king, and of his councillors, and all the rulers of the king, the exalted ones. And I was strengthened according to the good hand of God upon me, and I gathered chief men of Israel to go up with me.
Waaqa fuula mootichaa, fuula gorsitoota mootichaa fi fuula qondaaltota mootichaa ciccimoo hundaa duratti gaarummaa ofii isaa na argisiiseef galanni haa gaʼu. Sababii harki Waaqayyo Waaqa koo anarra tureef ani jajjabaadheen akka isaan na wajjin deemaniif Israaʼel keessaa namoota bebeekamoo walitti nan qabadhe.

< Ezra 7 >