< Jezekiel 9 >
1 And he cried in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, The judgment of the city has drawn near; and each had the weapons of destruction in his hand.
Ipapo ndakamunzwa achidanidzira nenzwi guru achiti, “Uya navarindi veguta pano, mumwe nomumwe ano munondo muruoko rwake.”
2 And, behold, six men came from the way of the high gate that looks toward the north, and each one's axe was in his hand; and there was one man in the midst of them clothed with a long robe down to the feet, and a sapphire girdle was on his loins: and they came in and stood near the brazen altar.
Ipapo ndakaona varume vatanhatu vachiuya vachibva nokurutivi rwesuo rokumusoro, rakatarisa kumusoro, mumwe nomumwe ano munondo unopinza kwazvo muruoko rwake. Pakati pavo pakanga pano murume akanga akapfeka mucheka wakaisvonaka ane zvinyoreso parutivi rwake. Ivo vakapinda vakamira parutivi rwearitari yendarira.
3 And the glory of the God of Israel, that was upon them, went up from the cherubs to the porch of the house. And he called the man that was clothed with the long robe, who had the girdle on his loins;
Zvino kubwinya kwaMwari waIsraeri kwakakwira kuchibva pamusoro pamakerubhi, pakwakanga kuri, ndokuswedera kuchikumbaridzo chetemberi. Ipapo Jehovha akadana murume akanga akapfeka mucheka uya akanga ane zvinyoreso parutivi rwake
4 And said to him, Go through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark on the foreheads of the men that groan and that grieve for all the iniquities that are done in the midst of them.
akati kwaari, “Pfuura nomuguta rose reJerusarema uye uise munembo pahuma dzavaya vanotsutsumwa navanochema pamusoro pezvinhu zvinonyangadza zvinoitwa mariri.”
5 And he said to the first in my hearing, Go after him into the city, and strike: and let not your eyes spare, and have no mercy.
Ndichakateerera, iye akati kuna vamwe, “Muteverei nomukati meguta, muuraye, musingambonzwiri ngoni kana tsitsi.
6 Slay utterly old man and youth, and virgin, and infants, and women: but go you not near any on whom is the mark: begin at my sanctuary. So they began with the elder men who were within in the house.
Urayai vatana, majaya navarandakadzi, madzimai navana, asi musabata ani zvake ano munembo. Mutangire paimba tsvene yangu.” Saka vakatanga navakuru vakanga vari mberi kwetemberi.
7 And he said to them, Defile the house, and go out and fill the ways with dead bodies, and strike.
Ipapo akati kwavari, “Svibisai temberi muzadze mavazhe navakaurayiwa. Endai!” Naizvozvo vakaenda vakatanga kuuraya muguta rose.
8 And it came to pass as they were striking, that I fell upon my face, and cried out, and said, Alas, O Lord! will you destroy the remnant of Israel, in pouring out your wrath upon Jerusalem?
Pavakanga vachiuraya, uye ini ndasara ndoga, ndakawira pasi nechiso, ndichidanidzira, ndichiti, “Haiwa, Ishe Jehovha! Muchaparadza vakasara vose vaIsraeri pakudururwa kwehasha dzenyu pamusoro peJerusarema here?”
9 Then said he to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Juda is become very exceedingly great: for the land is filled with many nations, and the city is filled with iniquity and uncleanness: because they have said, The Lord has forsaken the earth, The Lord looks not upon [it].
Akandipindura achiti, “Chivi cheimba yaIsraeri neJudha chakura kwazvo; nyika yazara nokuteura ropa uye guta razara nokusaruramisira. Ivo vanoti, ‘Jehovha akaramba nyika; Jehovha haaoni.’
10 Therefore mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have any mercy: I have recompensed their ways upon their heads.
Saka handingambovanzwira tsitsi kana kuvaponesa, asi ndichauyisa pamisoro yavo zvavakaita.”
11 And, behold, the man clothed with the long robe, and girded with the girdle about his loins, answered and said, I have done as you did command me.
Ipapo murume uya akanga akapfeka mucheka wakaisvonaka ane zvokunyoresa parutivi pake akadzoka neshoko, achiti, “Ndaita sezvamakarayira.”