< Jezekiel 43 >

1 Moreover he brought me to the gate looking eastward, and led me forth.
Potom me odvede k vratima koja gledaju na istok.
2 And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came by the eastern way; and [there was] a voice of an army, as the sound of many redoubling [their shouts], and the earth shone like light from the glory round about.
I gle, slava Boga Izrailjeva dohoðaše od istoka, i glas joj bijaše kao glas velike vode, i zemlja se sjaše od slave njegove.
3 And the vision which I saw was like the vision which I saw when I went in to anoint the city: and the vision of the chariot which I saw was like the vision which I saw at the river Chobar; and I fell upon my face.
I utvara koju vidjeh bijaše kao utvara koju vidjeh kad doðoh da zatrem grad: bješe utvara kao ona koju vidjeh na rijeci Hevaru; i padoh na lice svoje.
4 And the glory of the Lord came into the house, by the way of the gate looking eastward.
A slava Gospodnja uðe u dom na vrata koja gledaju na istok.
5 And the Spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the house of the Lord was full of glory.
I podiže me duh i odvede me u unutrašnji trijem; i gle, dom bijaše pun slave Gospodnje.
6 And I stood, and behold [there was] a voice out of the house of one speaking to me, and a man stood near me,
I èuh gdje mi progovori iz doma, i èovjek stajaše kod mene.
7 and he said to me, Son of man, you have seen the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, in which my name shall dwell in the midst of the house of Israel for ever; and the house of Israel shall no more profane my holy name, they and their princes, by their fornication, or by the murders of [their] princes in the midst of them;
I reèe mi: sine èovjeèji, ovo je mjesto prijestola mojega i mjesto stopa nogu mojih, gdje æu nastavati usred sinova Izrailjevijeh dovijeka; i dom Izrailjev neæe više skvrniti svetoga imena mojega, ni oni ni carevi njihovi kurvarstvom svojim i mrtvijem tjelesima careva svojih na visinama svojim.
8 when they set my door-way by their door-way, and my thresholds near to their thresholds: and they made my wall as it were joining myself and them, and they profaned my holy name with their iniquities which they wrought: and I destroyed them in my wrath and with slaughter.
Metaše prag svoj do moga praga, i dovratnike svoje do mojih dovratnika i pregradu izmeðu mene i sebe, te skvrniše sveto ime moje gadovima svojim koje èinjahu; zato ih satrh u gnjevu svom.
9 And now let them put away from me their fornication, and the murders of their princes, and I will dwell in the midst of them forever.
Sada neka uklone daleko od mene kurvarstvo svoje i mrtva tjelesa careva svojih, i nastavaæu usred njih dovijeka.
10 And you, son of man, show the house to the house of Israel, that they may cease from their sins; and [show] its aspect and the arrangement of it.
Ti, sine èovjeèji, pokaži domu Izrailjevu ovaj dom, neka se postide bezakonja svojega, i neka izmjere sve.
11 And they shall bear their punishment for all the things that they have done: and you shall describe the house, and its entrances, and the plan thereof, and all its ordinances, and you shall make known to them all the regulations of it, and describe [them] before them: and they shall keep all my commandments, and all my ordinances, and do them.
I kad se postide svega što su èinili, pokaži im oblik od doma i red i izlaske i ulaske, i sve oblike i svu uredbu, i sve oblike i sve zakone, i opiši im ga da paze na sav oblik njegov i na sve uredbe, i tako èine.
12 And you shall show the plan of the house on the top of the mountain: all its limits round about [shall be] most holy.
A ovo je zakon za dom: navrh gore koliko zauzima unaokolo da bude svetinja nad svetinjama. Eto, to je zakon za dom.
13 And these are the measures of the altar by the cubit of a cubit and a span, the cavity [shall be] a cubit deep, and a cubit shall be the breadth, and the border on the rim of it round about shall be a span: and this [shall be] the height of the altar
A ovo je mjera za oltar na lakte, a u laktu je jedan obièan lakat i podlanica: podnožje mu lakat visoko i lakat široko, a oplata na njemu po kraju unaokolo s pedi; taka je gornja strana oltaru.
14 from the bottom at the commencement of the hollow part to this great mercy-seat, from beneath was two cubits, and the breadth was a cubit; and from the little mercy-seat to the great mercy-seat, four cubits, and the breadth was a cubit.
A od podnožja na zemlji do nižega pojasa dva lakta, i u širinu jedan lakat; a od manjega pojasa do veæega pojasa èetiri lakta, i u širinu lakat.
15 And the altar [shall be] four cubits; and from the altar and above the horns a cubit.
A sam oltar da bude èetiri lakta visok, od oltara gore da bude èetiri roga.
16 And the altar [shall be] of the length of twelve cubits, by twelve cubits [in breadth], square upon its four sides.
A oltar da bude dvanaest lakata dug i dvanaest lakata širok, i èetvrtast na èetiri strane.
17 And the mercy-seat [shall be] fourteen cubits in length, by fourteen cubits in breadth on its four sides; and [there shall be] a border to it carried round about it of half a cubit; and the rim of it [shall be] a cubit round about; and the steps thereof looking eastward.
I pojas da je èetrnaest lakata dug i èetrnaest lakata širok na èetiri strane, a oplata oko njega od po lakta, i podnožje mu od lakta unaokolo, i basamaci mu da budu okrenuti na istok.
18 And he said to me, Son of man, thus says the Lord God of Israel; These are the ordinances of the altar in the day of its being made, to offer upon it whole burnt offerings, and to pour blood upon it.
I reèe mi: sine èovjeèji, ovako veli Gospod Gospod, ovo su naredbe za oltar kad se naèini da se na njemu prinose žrtve paljenice i da se kropi krvlju.
19 And you shall appoint to the priests the Levites of the seed of Sadduc, that draw near to me, says the Lord God, to minister to me, a calf of the herd for a sin-offering.
I sveštenicima Levitima koji su od sjemena Sadokova, koji pristupaju k meni, govori Gospod Gospod, da mi služe, daæeš junca za žrtvu za grijeh.
20 And they shall take of its blood, and shall put [it] on the four horns of the altar, and upon the four corners of the propitiatory, and upon the base round about, and they shall make atonement for it.
I uzmi krvi njegove, i pomaži mu èetiri roga i èetiri ugla od pojasa i oplatu unaokolo, tako æeš ga oèistiti i uèiniti oèišæenje za nj.
21 And they shall take the calf of the sin-offering, and it shall be consumed by fire in the separate place of the house, outside the sanctuary.
Potom uzmi junca za grijeh, i neka se spali na mjestu odreðenom u domu izvan svetinje.
22 And on the second day they shall take two kids of the goats without blemish for a sin-offering; and they shall make atonement for the altar, as they made atonement with the calf.
A drugi dan prinesi jarca zdrava za grijeh, i neka oèiste njim oltar kako su oèistili juncem.
23 And after they have finished the atonement, they shall bring an unblemished calf of the herd, and an unblemished ram of the flock.
A kad oèistiš, prinesi junca zdrava i ovna od stada zdrava.
24 And you shall offer [them] before the Lord, and the priests shall sprinkle salt upon them, and shall offer them up [as] whole burnt offerings to the Lord.
I kad ih prineseš pred Gospodom, neka sveštenici bace na njih soli i prinesu ih na žrtvu paljenicu Gospodu.
25 Seven days shall you offer a kid daily for a sin-offering, and a calf of the herd, and a ram out of the flock: they shall sacrifice them unblemished for seven days:
Sedam dana prinosi jarca za grijeh svaki dan; i junca i ovna iz stada zdrava neka prinose.
26 and they shall make atonement for the altar, and shall purge it; and they shall consecrate themselves.
Sedam dana neka èine oèišæenje za oltar, i oèiste ga i posvete.
27 And it shall come to pass from the eighth day and onward, [that] the priests shall offer your whole burnt offerings on the altar, and your peace-offerings; and I will accept you, says the Lord.
A kad se navrše ti dani, osmoga dana i poslije neka prinose sveštenici na oltaru žrtve vaše paljenice i žrtve vaše zahvalne, i primiæu vas, govori Gospod Gospod.

< Jezekiel 43 >