< Jezekiel 40 >

1 And it came to pass in the twenty-fifth year of our captivity, in the first month, on the tenth [day] of the month, in the fourteenth year after the taking of the city, in that day the hand of the Lord was upon me, and brought me
Waggaa digdamii shanaffaa boojiʼamuu keenyaa keessa, waggaa jalqabaatti, jiʼa kurnaffaatti, erga magaalattiin diigamtee booddee waggaa kudha afuraffaatti, guyyuma sana harki Waaqayyoo narra ture; innis achi na geesse.
2 in a vision of God into the land of Israel, and set me on a very high mountain, and upon it [there was] as it were the frame of a city before [me].
Mulʼata Waaqaatiinis gara biyya Israaʼel na geessee tulluu baayʼee ol dheeraa irra na dhaabe; karaa kibba isaatiinis waan ijaarsa magaalaa fakkaatanitu ture.
3 And he brought me in there, and, behold, [there was] a man, and the appearance of him was as the appearance of shining brass, and in his hand was a builder's line, and a measuring reed; and he stood at the gate.
Inni achi na geesse; anis nama bifti isaa naasii fakkaatu tokko nan arge; innis harka isaatti funyoo foʼaa quncee talbaatii fi ulee safaraa qabatee balbala dura ijaajjaa ture.
4 And the man said to me, Look with your eyes at him whom you have seen, son of man, and hear with your ears, and lay up in your heart all things that I show you; for you have come in hither that [I] might show you, and you shall show all things that you see to the house of Israel.
Namichi sunis akkana naan jedhe; “Yaa ilma namaa, ati sababii kanaaf waan as fidamteef, ija keetiin ilaali; gurra keetiinis dhagaʼiitii waan ani sitti argisiisu hunda hubadhu. Mana Israaʼelittis waan argite hunda himi.”
5 And behold a wall round about the house without, and in the man's hand a reed, the measure [of it was] six cubits by the cubit, and a span: and he measured across the front wall; the breadth was equal to the reed, and the length of it equal to the reed.
Anis dallaa guutumaan guutuutti lafa mana qulqullummaa marsee jiru tokko nan arge. Dheerinni ulee ittiin safaran kan harka namicha sanaa keessa ture dhundhuma jaʼaa dha; tokkoon tokkoon dhundhuma sanaa dhundhuma tokkoo fi balʼina barruu harkaa tokko ture. Innis dallaa sana safare; dallaan sunis ulee safartuu tokko yabbatee ulee safartuu tokko ol dheerata ture.
6 And he entered by seven steps into the gate that looks eastward, and he measured across the porch of the gate equal to the reed.
Ergasii inni gara balbala gara baʼaa ilaaluutti dhufe. Gulantaawwanitti ol baʼee waltajjii balbalaa safare; innis ulee safartuu tokko gad fagaata ture.
7 And the chamber was equal in length to the reed, and equal in breadth to the reed; and the porch between the chambers six cubits; and the second chamber equal in breadth to the reed, and equal in length to the reed, and the porch five cubits.
Sireewwan eegumsaa ol dheerinni isaanii ulee tokko, balʼinni isaanii immoo ulee tokko ture; keenyan manneen gidduu turanis dhundhuma shan yabbatu ture. Dooyaan karraa kan gardaafootti aanee gara mana qulqullummaatti garagalu sunis ulee safartuu tokko gad fagaata ture.
8 And the third chamber equal in length to the reed, and equal in breadth to the reed.
Sana booddee inni gardaafoo balbalaa safare;
9 And the porch of the gateway (near the porch of the gate) eight cubits; and the posts there of two cubits; and the porch of the gate was inward:
balballi sunis dhundhuma saddeet gad fagaatee tuggeewwan isaas dhundhuma lama furdatu turan. Gardaafoon balbala sanaa gara mana qulqullummaatti garagala ture.
10 and the chambers of the gate of the chamber in front [were] three on one side and three on the other, and [there was] one measure to the three: [there was] one measure to the porches on this side and on that.
Karra gara baʼa biiftuu jiru keessa bitaa fi mirgaan manneen waardiyyootaa sadii sadiitu ture; sadan isaanii iyyuu wal qixxee turan. Tuggeewwan gama lamaan jiranis waluma qixxee turan.
11 And he measured the breadth of the door of the gateway, ten cubits; and the breadth of the gateway thirteen cubits.
Ergasii inni balʼina balbala ittiin ol seenanii safare; innis dhundhuma kudhan ture; dheerinni isaa immoo dhundhuma kudha sadii ture.
12 And the space before the chambers was narrowed to a cubit in front of the chambers on this side and on that side: and the chamber was six cubits this way, and six cubits that way.
Tokkoo tokkoo mana waardiyyaa dura keenyan dhundhuma tokko ol dheeratutu ture; manneen kunneenis gama lamaaniin dhundhuma jaʼa jaʼa turan.
13 And he measured the gate from the wall of one chamber to the wall of the other chamber: the breadth was twenty-five cubits, the one gate over against the other gate.
Ergasiis inni bantii keenyan manichaa kan boroo irraa jalqabee hamma bantii kaaniitti balbala sana safare; wal irraa fageenyi isaas balbala tokko irraa hamma balbala kaaniitti dhundhuma digdamii shan ture.
14 And the open space of the porch of the gate without, was twenty cubits to the chambers round about the gate.
Akkasumas balbala ittiin ol seenan safare; innis dhundhuma jaatama taʼe; safarri sunis hamma utubaa gara oobdii ilaalu sanaatti taasifame.
15 And the open space of the gate without to the open space of the porch of the gate within was fifty cubits.
Fageenyi balbala ol seensisuu jalqabee hamma dhuma gardaafootti jirus dhundhuma shantama taʼe.
16 And [there were] secret windows to the chambers, and to the porches within the gate of the court round about, and in the same manner windows to the porches round about within: and on the porch [there were] palm-trees on this side and on that side.
Kutaawwan manichaatii fi keenyan isaa karaa ittiin ol seenaniin foddaa gama lachuutiin dhiphachaa deemu qabu ture; gardaafoon sunis akkasuma naannaʼee gara keessaatiin foddaa qaba ture; utubaawwan sun immoo muka meexxiitiin faayeffamanii turan.
17 And he brought me into the inner court, and, behold, [there were] chambers, and peristyles round about the court; thirty chambers within the ranges of columns.
Ergasii inni gara oobdii alaatti na fide. Achittis dareewwanii fi karaa dhagaadhaan tolfame tokko naannoo oobdiitti nan arge; qarqara karaa sanaas daree soddomatu ture.
18 And the porticos were behind the gates; according to the length of the gates, was the lower peristyle.
Karaan sunis balbala sana bira ture; balʼinni isaas hamma ol dheerina balbalawwanii ture; karaan kunis karaa isa gad aanuu dha.
19 And he measured the breadth of the court, from the open space of the outer gate inwards to the open space of the gate looking outwards: a hundred cubits [was the distance to the place] of the gate looking eastward: and he brought me to the north;
Sana booddee balbala gad aanu keessaa jalqabee hamma oobdii isa keessaa kan gara alaatti fageenya isaa safare; innis karaa baʼaatii fi karaa kaabaatiin dhundhuma dhibba tokko ture.
20 and behold a gate looking northwards [belonging to] the outer court, and he measured it, both the length of it and the breadth;
Ergasii inni lafa irra dheerinaa fi balʼina karra gara kaabaa ilaalu kan gara oobdii alaatti baasuu safare.
21 and the chambers, three on this side and three on that; and the posts, and the porches, and the palm-trees thereof: and they were according to the measures of the gate that looks eastward: the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof was twenty-five cubits.
Safarri utubaawwanii fi gardaafoo manneen waardiyyaa kanneen bitaa mirgaan dareewwan sadii sadii qaban sanaas kan karra jalqabaa wajjin wal qixxee ture. Innis dheerina dhundhuma shantamaatii fi balʼina dhundhuma digdamii shanii qaba ture.
22 And its windows, and its porches, and its palm-trees, were according to [the dimensions of] the gate looking eastward; and they went up to it by seven steps; and the porches were within.
Foddaawwan isaanii, gardaafoowwan isaaniitii fi faaya isaanii kan muka meexxii irraa hojjetame safarri isaanii safara karra gara baʼaa ilaalu wajjin wal qixxee ture. Gulantaawwan gara karra sanaatti geessan torbatu ture; fuullee isaanii immoo gardaafoo isaatu ture.
23 And [there was] a gate to the inner court looking toward the north gate, after the manner of the gate looking toward the east; and he measured the court from gate to gate, a hundred cubits.
Akkuma karra karaa baʼaatiin ture sanaa karra gara kaabaa ilaalu kan gara oobdii keessaatti geessu tokkotu ture. Innis karra tokko irraa jalqabee hamma karra fuullee isaa jiruutti safare; innis dhundhuma dhibba tokko ture.
24 And he brought me to the south side, and behold a gate looking southwards: and he measured it, and its chambers, and its posts, and its porches, according to these dimensions.
Innis gara kibbaatti na geesse; anis karra gara kibbaa ilaalu nan arge. Innis utubaawwanii fi gardaafoowwan isaa safare; safarri isaaniis safara warra kaanii wajjin wal qixxee ture.
25 And its windows and its porches round about were according to the windows of the porch: the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof was five and twenty cubits.
Karri sunii fi gardaafoon isaa foddaawwan akkuma foddaawwan kaanii dhidhiphatan naannoo isaaniitii qabu ture. Innis dheerina dhundhuma shantamaatii fi balʼina dhundhuma digdamii shanii qaba ture.
26 And it had seven steps, and porches within: and it [had] palm-trees on the posts, one on one side, and one on the other side.
Gulantaawwan gara karra sanaatti geessan torbatu ture; fuullee isaanii immoo gardaafoo isaatu ture; balballi sunis fuula utubaawwan sanaa irraa bitaa mirgaan faaya muka meexxiitiin hojjetame qaba ture.
27 And [there was] a gate opposite the gate of the inner court southward: and he measured the court from gate to gate, a hundred cubits in breadth southward.
Oobdiin gara keessaas karra gara kibbaa ilaalu qaba ture; innis karra kana irraa kaasee hamma karra karaa kibbaa kan gara alaatiin jiruutti safare; safarri isaas dhundhuma dhibba tokko ture.
28 And he brought me into the inner court of the south gate: and he measured the gate according to these measures;
Ergasiis inni karaa balbala kibbaatiin gara oobdii isa keessaatti na fide; innis karra kibbaa safare; safarri karra sanaas safara karrawwan kaaniitiin wal qixxee ture.
29 and the chambers, and the posts,
Safarri manneen waardiyyaa kan utubaawwan isaatii fi kan gardaafoo isaa safara karrawwan kaanii wajjin wal qixxee ture. Karri sunii fi gardaafoon isaa foddaawwaniin marfamanii turan. Innis dheerina dhundhuma shantamaa fi balʼina dhundhuma digdamii shanii qaba ture.
30 and the porches, according to these measures: and [there were] windows to it and to the porches round about: its length was fifty cubits, and [its] breadth twenty-five cubits,
Gardaafoowwan karraa kanneen naannoo oobdii gara keessaa jiran lafa irra dheerinni isaanii dhundhuma digdamii shan, balʼinni isaanii immoo dhundhuma shan qaba ture.
31 from the porch to the outer court: and [there were] palm-trees to the post [thereof], and eight steps.
Gardaafoon isaa gara oobdii alaa ilaala ture; tuggeewwan isaa muka meexxiitiin faayeffamanii turan; gulantaawwan saddeetis gara isaa geessu turan.
32 And he brought me in at the gate that looks eastward: and he measured it according to these measures:
Ergasii inni karaa baʼaatiin gara oobdii isa keessaatti na fide; innis balbala sana safare; safarri isaas safara karrawwan kaanii wajjin wal qixxee ture.
33 and the chambers, and the posts, and the porches according to these measures: and [there were] windows to it, and porches round about: the length of it was fifty cubits, and the breadth of it twenty-five cubits.
Safarri manneen waardiyyaa, kan utubaawwan isaatii fi kan gardaafoo isaa safara karrawwan kaanii wajjin wal qixxee ture. Karri sunii fi gardaafoon isaa foddaawwaniin marfamanii turan. Innis dheerina dhundhuma shantamaa fi balʼina dhundhuma digdamii shanii qaba ture.
34 And [there were] porches [opening] into the inner court, and palm-trees on the posts on this side and on that side: and it [had] eight steps.
Gardaafoon isaa gara oobdii alaa ilaala ture; tuggeen isaa bitaa mirgaan muka meexxiitiin faayeffamee ture; gulantaawwan saddeetis gara isaa geessu turan.
35 And he brought me in at the northern gate, and measured [it] according to these measures;
Ergasii inni gara karra kaabaatti na fide; isas ni safare. Safarri isaas safara karrawwan kaanii wajjin wal qixxee ture.
36 and the chambers, and the posts, and the porches: and it [had] windows round about, and [it had] its porches: the length of it was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty-five cubits.
Innis akkuma manneen waardiyyaa isaa, utubaawwan isaatii fi gardaafoo isaa foddaawwaniin marfamee ture. Innis dheerina dhundhuma shantamaatii fi balʼina dhundhuma digdamii shanii qaba ture.
37 And its porches were toward the inner court; and [there were] palm-trees to the posts on this side and on that side: and it [had] eight steps.
Gardaafoon isaa gara oobdii alaa ilaala ture; tuggeen isaa bitaa mirgaan muka meexxiitiin faayeffamee ture; gulantaawwan saddeetis gara isaa geessu turan.
38 Its chambers and its door-ways, and its porches at the second gate [served as] a drain,
Kutaan balballi isaa gara gardaafoo karra sanatti baʼu tokko jira ture; innis lafa aarsaan gubamu itti miicamu ture.
39 that they might kill in it the sin-offerings, and the trespass-offerings.
Gardaafoo karraa keessa karaa bitaa fi mirgaatiin minjaalota lama kanneen aarsaan gubamu, aarsaan cubbuutii fi aarsaan yakkaa irratti qalamutu ture.
40 And behind the drain for the whole burnt offerings at the north [gate], two tables eastward behind the second gate; and [behind] the porch of the gate two tables eastward.
Gardaafoo karraa kan gara alaa jiru cina, gulantaawwan balbalaa kanneen ittiin gara karra kaabaa seenan bira minjaalota lamatu ture; gulantaawwan sana irraa qixa kaaniin minjaalota lamatu ture.
41 Four on one side and four on the other side behind the gate; upon them they kill the victims, in front of the eight tables of sacrifices.
Kanaafuu karra sana irraa gara tokkoon minjaalota afur, gara kaaniin immoo minjaalota afur, walumatti minjaalota saddeeti kanneen aarsaan irratti qalamutu ture.
42 And [there were] four tables of hewn stone for whole burnt offerings, the breadth [of them was] a cubit and a half, and the length [of them] two cubits [and] a half, and [their] height was a cubit: on them they shall place the instruments with which they kill there the whole burnt offerings and the victims.
Akkasumas minjaalota dhagaa soofame irraa aarsaa gubamuuf tolfaman afurtu ture; tokkoon tokkoon isaaniis dheerina dhundhuma tokkoo fi walakkaa, balʼina dhundhuma tokkoo fi walakkaatii fi ol dheerina dhundhuma tokkoo qabu ture. Isaan irras meeshaalee ittiin aarsaan gubamuu fi aarsaawwan biraa ittiin qalaman kaaʼamanii turan.
43 And they shall have within a border of hewn stone round about of a span broad, and over the tables above screens for covering [them] from the wet and from the heat.
Hokkoowwan gaanfa lama lama qaban kanneen tokkoon tokkoon isaanii dheerina barruu harkaa tokko qaban itti qabsiifamanii turan. Minjaalonni sunis kan foon aarsaawwaniitiif qopheeffaman turan.
44 And he brought me into the inner court, and behold [there were] two chambers in the inner court, one behind the gate looking to the north, turning southward, and one behind the southern gate, but which looks to the north.
Balbala isa keessaa duubaan oobdii isa keessaa keessa dareewwan lamatu ture; tokko karaa balbala kaabaa gara kibbaatti garagaleera; tokko immoo karaa balbala kibbaa gara kaabaatti garagaleera.
45 And he said to me, This chamber that looks to the south, is for the priests that keep the charge of the house.
Innis akkana naan jedhe; “Dareen gara kibbaatti garagalee jiru luboota warra mana qulqullummaa keessatti ramadamaniifii dha;
46 And the chamber that looks to the north is for the priests that keep the charge of the altar: they are the sons of Sadduc, those of the tribe of Levi who draw near to the Lord to serve him.
kan gara kaabaatti garagalee jiru immoo luboota warra iddoo aarsaatti ramadamaniifii dha. Warri kunneen ilmaan Zaadoq; kanneen Lewwota keessaa gara Waaqayyootti dhiʼaatanii fuula isaa dura tajaajilan isaan qofa.”
47 And he measured the court, the length [whereof was] a hundred cubits, and the breadth a hundred cubits, on its four sides; and the altar in front of the house.
Achii immoo oobdii safare; innis roga afur kan wal qixxee taʼee dheerinni isaa dhundhuma dhibba tokko, balʼinni isaas dhundhuma dhibba tokkoo ti. Iddoon aarsaas fuula mana qulqullummaa dura ture.
48 And he brought me into the porch of the house; and he measured the post of the porch, the breadth was five cubits on one side and five cubits on the other side; and the breadth of the door [was] fourteen cubits, and the side-pieces of the door of the porch [were] three cubits on one side, and three cubits on the other side.
Innis gara gardaafoo mana qulqullummaatti na fidee tuggeewwan gardaafoo sanaa safare; isaanis qixa lamaaniin dhundhuma shan shan babalʼatan ture. Balʼinni balbala isaa immoo dhundhuma kudha afur ture; keenyan isaas qixa lamaaniin dhundhuma sadii sadii babalʼata ture.
49 And the length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth twelve cubits; and they went up to it by ten steps; and [there were] pillars to the porch, one on this side and one on that side.
Gardaafoon sun balʼinni isaa dhundhuma digdama, fuula isaa duraa hamma dugda duubaatti immoo dhundhuma kudha lama ture. Gulantaawwan gara mana qulqullummaatti geessan kudhanitu ture; qixa lamaaniinis tuggeewwan gurguddaan, tuggeewwan xixinnaa cina turan.

< Jezekiel 40 >