< Jezekiel 4 >
1 And you, son of man, take you a brick, and you shall set it before your face, and shall portray on it the city, [even] Jerusalem.
“Khathesi-ke, ndodana yomuntu, thatha umcephe webumba uwubeke phambi kwakho, udwebe kuwo idolobho laseJerusalema.
2 And you shall besiege it, and build works against it, and throw up a mound round about it, and pitch camps against it, and set up engines round about.
Dweba ukuvinjezelwa kwalo: Misa izindawo zokuvinjezelwa kwalo, yakha umthezuko ngaphezu kwalo, misa inkamba zokulihlasela uphinde ulihonqolozele ngezigodo zokubhidliza.
3 And take you to yourself an iron pan, and you shall set it [for] an iron wall between you and the city: and you shall set your face against it, and it shall be in a siege, and you shall besiege it. This is a sign to the children of Israel.
Emva kwalokho thatha umganu wensimbi, uwubeke unjengomduli wensimbi phakathi kwakho lomuzi ube usuphendulela ubuso bakho kuwo. Wena ukhangele ngakuwo umuzi, umuzi ube ngovinjezelweyo, wena ube ngumvimbezeli. Lokhu kuzakuba yisibonakaliso endlini ka-Israyeli.
4 And you shall lie upon your left side, and lay the iniquities of the house of Israel upon it, according to the number of the hundred and fifty days [during] which you shall lie upon it: and you shall bear their iniquities.
Emva kwalokho lala ngomhlubulo wenxele, ubeke isono sendlu ka-Israyeli phezu kwakho. Kumele uthwale isono sabo okwalezonsuku ulele ngomhlubulo wakho.
5 For I have appointed you their iniquities for a number of days, for a hundred and ninety days: so you shall bear the iniquities of the house of Israel.
Sengikumisele inani linye lezinsuku njengeminyaka yezono zabo. Ngakho izono zendlu ka-Israyeli uzazithwala okwensuku ezingamakhulu amathathu lamatshumi ayisificamunwemunye.
6 And you shall accomplish this, and [then] shall lie on your right side, and shall bear the iniquities of the house of Juda forty days: I have appointed you a day for a year.
Emva kokuba usuqede lokhu, lala phansi futhi, khathesi kube ngomhlubulo wakho wokunene, uthwale isono sendlu kaJuda. Ngikumisele insuku ezingamatshumi amane, usuku olulodwa lumele umnyaka munye ngamunye.
7 So you shall set your face to the siege of Jerusalem, and shall strengthen your arm, and shall prophesy against it.
Phendulela ubuso bakho ekuvinjezelweni kweJerusalema kuthi izingalo zakho zingembeswanga uphrofithe kubi ngeJerusalema.
8 And, behold, I have prepared bonds for you, land you may not turn from your one side to the other, until the days of your siege shall be accomplished.
Ngizakubopha ngentambo ukuze ungatshibiliki usuka kwelinye icele usiya kwelinye uze uqede insuku zokuvinjezelwa kwakho.
9 Take you also to you wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and bread-corn; and you shall cast them into one earthen vessel, and shall make them into loaves for yourself; and you shall eat them a hundred and ninety days, according to the number of the days [during] which you sleep on your side.
Thatha ingqoloyi lebhali, indumba lelentili, inyawuthi lophoko; ukubeke embizeni yokugcinela ukusebenzise ekwenzeni ukudla kwakho. Kumele ukudle phakathi kwensuku ezingamakhulu amathathu lamatshumi ayisificamunwemunye ulele ngomhlubulo wakho.
10 And you shall eat your food by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shall you eat them.
Linganisa amashekeli angamatshumi amabili okudla ozakudla usuku ngalunye njalo ukudle ngezikhathi ezimisiweyo.
11 And you shall drink water by measure, even from time to time you shall drink the sixth part of a hin.
Njalo linganisa okukodwa kwesithupha kwehini lamanzi uwanathe ngezikhathi ezimisiweyo.
12 And you shall eat them [as] a barley cake: you shall bake them before their eyes in man's dung.
Dlana ukudla njengalapho usidla ikhekhe lebhali, ukupheke abantu bekhangele, inkuni zakho kube ngamalongwe abantu.”
13 And you shall say, Thus says the Lord God of Israel; Thus shall the children of Israel eat unclean things among the Gentiles.
UThixo wathi, “Ngokunjalo abantu bako-Israyeli bazakudla ukudla okungcolileyo phakathi kwezizwe engizabaxotshela kuzo.”
14 Then I said, Not so, Lord God of Israel: surely my soul has not been defiled with uncleanness; nor have I eaten, that which died of itself or was torn of beasts from my birth until now; neither has any corrupt flesh entered into my mouth.
Lapho-ke mina ngathi, “Akunjalo, Thixo Wobukhosi. Angikaze ngizingcolise. Kusukela ebutsheni bami kuze kube khathesi angikaze ngidle loba yini etholakale ifile kumbe edlithizwe yizinyamazana. Akulanyama engcolileyo eseyake yangena emlonyeni wami.”
15 And he said to me, Behold, I have given you dung of oxen instead of man's dung, and you shall prepare your loaves upon it.
Wasesithi, “Kulungile. Ngizakuvumela ukuba upheke isinkwa sakho ngamalongwe enkomo esikhundleni samalongwe abantu.”
16 And he said to me, Son of man, behold, I break the support of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight and in lack; and shall drink water by measure, and in a state of ruin:
Waphinda wathi kimi, “Ndodana yomuntu, ngizavala ukungeniswa kokudla eJerusalema. Abantu bazakudla ukudla kokwabelwa benqineka, banathe lamanzi okwabelwa bengelathemba,
17 that they may lack bread and water; and a man and his brother shall be brought to ruin, and they shall pine away in their iniquities.
ngoba ukudla lamanzi kuzakuba yingcosana. Bazakwethuka lapho bebonana, njalo bazacikizeka ngenxa yezono zabo.”