< Jezekiel 32 >

1 And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the tenth month, on the first [day] of the month, [that] the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Et factum est, duodecimo anno, in mense duodecimo, in una mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
2 Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharao king of Egypt, and say to him, You are become like a lion of the nations, and as a serpent that is in the sea: and you did make assaults with your rivers, and did disturb the water with your feet, and did trample your rivers.
Fili hominis assume lamentum super Pharaonem regem Aegypti, et dices ad eum: Leoni Gentium assimilatus es, et draconi, qui est in mari: et ventilabas cornu in fluminibus tuis, et conturbabas aquas pedibus tuis, et conculcabas flumina earum.
3 Thus says the Lord; I will also cast over you the nets of many nations, and will bring you up with my hook:
Propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus: Expandam super te rete meum in multitudine populorum multorum, et extraham te in sagena mea.
4 and I will stretch you upon the earth: the fields shall be covered [with you], and I will cause all the birds of the sky to settle upon you, and I will fill [with you] all the wild beasts of the earth.
Et proiiciam te in terram, super faciem agri abiiciam te: et habitare faciam super te omnia volatilia caeli, et saturabo de te bestias universae terrae.
5 And I will cast your flesh upon the mountains, and will saturate [them] with your blood.
Et dabo carnes tuas super montes, et implebo colles tuos sanie tua.
6 And the land shall be drenched with your dung, because of your multitude upon the mountains: I will fill the valleys with you.
Et irrigabo terram foetore sanguinis tui super montes, et valles implebuntur ex te.
7 And I will veil the heavens when you are extinguished, and will darken the stars thereof; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light.
Et operiam, cum extinctus fueris, caelum, et nigrescere faciam stellas eius: solem nube tegam, et luna non dabit lumen suum.
8 All the [bodies] that give light in the sky, shall be darkened over you, and I will bring darkness upon the earth, says the Lord God.
Omnia luminaria caeli moerere faciam super te: et dabo tenebras super terram tuam, dicit Dominus Deus, cum ceciderint vulnerati tui in medio terrae, ait Dominus Deus.
9 And I will provoke to anger the heart of many people, when I shall lead you captive among the nations, to a land which you have not known.
Et irritabo cor populorum multorum cum induxero contritionem tuam in Gentibus super terras, quas nescis.
10 And many nations shall mourn over you, and their kings shall be utterly amazed, when my sword flies in their faces, as they wait for their [own] fall from the day of your fall.
Et stupescere faciam super te populos multos: et reges eorum horrore nimio formidabunt super te, propter universas iniquitates, quas operatus es, cum volare coeperit gladius meus super facies eorum: et obstupescent repente singuli pro anima sua in die ruinae suae.
11 For thus says the Lord God; The sword of the king of Babylon shall come upon you,
Quia haec dicit Dominus Deus: Gladius regis Babylonis veniet tibi,
12 with the swords of mighty men; and I will cast down your strength: [they are] all destroying ones from the nations, and they shall destroy the pride of Egypt, and all her strength shall be crushed.
in gladiis fortium deiiciam multitudinem tuam: inexpugnabiles omnes Gentes hae: et vastabunt superbiam Aegypti, et dissipabitur multitudo eius.
13 And I will destroy all her cattle from [beside] the great water; and the foot of man shall not trouble it any more, and the step of cattle shall no more trample it.
Et perdam omnia iumenta eius, quae erant super aquas plurimas: et non conturbabit eas pes hominis ultra, neque ungula iumentorum turbabit eas.
14 Thus shall their waters then be at rest, and their rivers shall flow like oil, says the Lord,
Tunc purissimas reddam aquas eorum, et flumina eorum quasi oleum adducam, ait Dominus Deus:
15 when I shall give up Egypt to destruction, and the land shall be made desolate with the fullness thereof; when I shall scatter all that dwell in it, and they shall know that I am the Lord.
Cum dedero Terram Aegypti desolatam: deseretur autem terra a plenitudine sua, quando percussero omnes habitatores eius: et scient quia ego Dominus.
16 There is a lamentation, and you shall utter it; and the daughters of the nations shall utter it, [even] for Egypt, and they shall mourn for it over all the strength thereof, says the Lord God.
Planctus est, et plangent eum: filiae Gentium plangent eum: super Aegyptum, et super multitudinem eius plangent eum, ait Dominus Deus.
17 And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the first month, on the fifteenth [day] of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Et factum est in duodecimo anno, in quintadecima mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
18 Son of man, lament over the strength of Egypt, for the nations shall bring down her daughters dead to the depth of the earth, to them that go down to the pit.
Fili hominis cane carmen lugubre super multitudinem Aegypti: et detrahe eam ipsam, et filias Gentium robustarum ad terram ultimam cum his, qui descendunt in lacum.
Quo pulchrior es? descende, et dormi cum incircumcisis.
20 They shall fall with him in the midst of them [that are] slain with the sword, and all his strength shall perish: the giants also shall say to you,
In medio interfectorum gladio cadent: gladius datus est, attraxerunt eam, et omnes populos eius.
21 Be you in the depth of the pit: to whom are you superior? yes, go down, and lie with the uncircumcised, in the midst of them [that are] slain with the sword. (Sheol h7585)
Loquentur ei potentissimi robustorum de medio inferni, qui cum auxiliatoribus eius descenderunt, et dormierunt incircumcisi, interfecti gladio. (Sheol h7585)
22 There are Assur and all his company: all [his] slain have been laid there:
Ibi Assur, et omnis multitudo eius: in circuitu illius sepulchra eius: omnes interfecti, et qui ceciderunt gladio.
23 and their burial is in the depth of the pit, and his company are set around about his tomb: all the slain that fell by the sword, who had caused the fear of them [to be] upon the land of the living.
Quorum data sunt sepulchra in novissimis laci: et facta est multitudo eius per gyrum sepulchri eius: universi interfecti, cadentesque gladio, qui dederant quondam formidinem in terra viventium.
24 There is Aelam and all his host round about his tomb: all the slain that fell by the sword, and the uncircumcised that go down to the deep of the earth, who caused their fear to be upon the land of the living: and they have received their punishment with them that go down to the pit,
Ibi Aelam, et omnis multitudo eius per gyrum sepulchri sui, omnes hi interfecti, ruentesque gladio: qui descenderunt incircumcisi ad terram ultimam: qui posuerunt terrorem suum in terra viventium, et portaverunt ignominiam suam cum his, qui descenderunt in lacum.
25 in the midst of the slain.
In medio interfectorum posuerunt cubile eius in universis populis eius: in circuitu eius sepulchrum illius: omnes hi incircumcisi, interfectique gladio. dederunt enim terrorem suum in terra viventium, et portaverunt ignominiam suam cum his, qui descendunt in lacum: in medio interfectorum positi sunt.
26 There were laid Mosoch, and Thobel, and all his strength round about his tomb: all his slain men, all the uncircumcised, slain with the sword, who caused their fear to be in the land of the living.
Ibi Mosoch, et Thubal, et omnis multitudo eius: in circuitu eius sepulchra illius. omnes hi incircumcisi, interfectique et cadentes gladio: quia dederunt formidinem suam in terra viventium.
27 And they are laid with the giants that fell of old, who went down to Hades with [their] weapons of war: and they laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities were upon their bones, because they terrified all men during their life. (Sheol h7585)
Et non dormient cum fortibus, cadentibusque et incircumcisis, qui descenderunt ad infernum cum armis suis, et posuerunt gladios suos sub capitibus suis, et fuerunt iniquitates eorum in ossibus eorum: quia terror fortium facti sunt in terra viventium. (Sheol h7585)
28 And you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised, with them that have been slain by the sword.
Et tu ergo in medio incircumcisorum contereris, et dormies cum interfectis gladio.
29 There are laid the princes of Assur, who yielded their strength to a wound of the sword: these are laid with the slain, with them that go down to the pit.
Ibi Idumaea, et reges eius, et omnes duces eius, qui dati sunt cum exercitu suo cum interfectis gladio: et qui cum incircumcisis dormierunt, et cum his, qui descenderunt in lacum.
30 There are the princes of the north, [even] all the captains of Assur, who go down slain [to Hades]: they lie uncircumcised among the slain with the sword together with their terror and their strength, and they have received their punishment with them that go down to the pit.
Ibi principes Aquilonis omnes, et universi venatores: qui deducti sunt cum interfectis, paventes, et in sua fortitudine confusi: qui dormierunt incircumcisi cum interfectis gladio, et portaverunt confusionem suam cum his, qui descendunt in lacum.
31 King Pharao shall see them, and shall be comforted over all their force, says the Lord God.
Vidit eos Pharao, et consolatus est super universa multitudine sua, quae interfecta est gladio, Pharao, et omnis exercitus eius, ait Dominus Deus:
32 For I have caused his fear to be upon the land of the living yet he shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword, [even] Pharao, and all his multitude with him, says the Lord God.
quia dedit terrorem suum in terra viventium, et dormivit in medio incircumcisorum cum interfectis gladio: Pharao et omnis multitudo eius: ait Dominus Deus.

< Jezekiel 32 >