< Exodus 37 >

1 And they made ten curtains for the tabernacle;
Fecit autem Beseleel et arcam de lignis setim, habentem duos semis cubitos in longitudine, et cubitum ac semissem in latitudine, altitudo quoque unius cubiti fuit et dimidii: vestivitque eam auro purissimo intus ac foris.
2 of eight and twenty cubits the length of one curtain: the same [measure] was to all, and the breadth of one curtain was of four cubits.
Et fecit illi coronam auream per gyrum,
3 And they made the veil of blue, and purple, and spun scarlet, and fine linen twined, the woven work with cherubs.
conflans quattuor annulos aureos per quattuor angulos eius: duos annulos in latere uno, et duos in altero.
4 And they put it on four posts of incorruptible [wood] overlaid with gold; and their chapiters were gold, and their four sockets were silver.
Vectes quoque fecit de lignis setim, quos vestivit auro,
5 And they made the veil of the door of the tabernacle of witness of blue, and purple, and spun scarlet, and fine linen twined, woven work with cherubs,
et quos misit in annulos, qui erant in lateribus arcae ad portandum eam.
6 and their posts five, and the rings; and they gilded their chapiters and their clasps with gold, and they had five sockets of brass.
Fecit et propitiatorium, idest, oraculum, de auro mundissimo, duorum cubitorum et dimidii in longitudine, et cubiti ac semis in latitudine.
7 And they made the court toward the south; the curtains of the court of fine linen twined, a hundred [cubits] every way,
Duos etiam Cherubim ex auro ductili, quos posuit ex utraque parte propitiatorii:
8 and their posts twenty, and their sockets twenty;
Cherub unum in summitate unius partis, et Cherub alterum in summitate partis alterius: duos Cherubim in singulis summitatibus propitiatorii,
9 and on the north side a hundred every way, and on the south side a hundred every way, and their posts twenty and their sockets twenty.
extendentes alas, et tegentes propitiatorium, seque mutuo et illud respicientes.
10 And on the west side curtains of fifty cubits, their posts ten and their sockets ten.
Fecit et mensam de lignis setim in longitudine duorum cubitorum, et in latitudine unius cubiti, quae habebat in altitudine cubitum ac semissem.
11 And on the east side curtains of fifty cubits of fifteen cubits behind,
circumdeditque eam auro mundissimo, et fecit illi labrum aureum per gyrum,
12 and their pillars three, and their sockets three.
ipsique labro coronam auream interrasilem quattuor digitorum, et super eamdem, alteram coronam auream.
13 And at the second back on this side and on that by the gate of the court, curtains of fifteen cubits, their pillars three and their sockets three;
Fudit et quattuor circulos aureos, quos posuit in quattuor angulis per singulos pedes mensae
14 all the curtains of the tabernacle of fine linen twined.
contra coronam: misitque in eos vectes, ut possit mensa portari.
15 And the sockets of their pillars of brass, and their hooks of silver, and their chapiters overlaid with silver, and all the posts of the court overlaid with silver:
Ipsos quoque vectes fecit de lignis setim, et circumdedit eos auro.
16 and the veil of the gate of the court, the work of an embroiderer of blue, and purple, and spun scarlet, and fine linen twined; the length of twenty cubits, and the height and the breadth of five cubits, made equal to the curtains of the court;
Et vasa ad diversos usus mensae, acetabula, phialas, et cyathos, et thuribula, ex auro puro, in quibus offerenda sunt libamina.
17 and their pillars four, and their sockets four of brass, and their hooks of silver, and their chapiters overlaid with silver.
Fecit et candelabrum ductile de auro mundissimo. De cuius vecte calami, scyphi, sphaerulaeque ac lilia procedebant:
18 And all the pins of the court round about of brass, and they [were] overlaid with silver.
sex in utroque latere, tres calami ex parte una, et tres ex altera:
19 And this was the construction of the tabernacle of witness, accordingly as it was appointed to Moses; so that the public service should belong to the Levites, through Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
tres scyphi in nucis modum per calamos singulos, sphaerulaeque simul et lilia: et tres scyphi instar nucis in calamo altero, sphaerulaeque simul et lilia. Aequum erat opus sex calamorum, qui procedebant de stipite candelabri.
20 And Beseleel the son of Urias of the tribe of Juda, did as the Lord commanded Moses.
In ipso autem vecte erant quattuor scyphi in nucis modum, sphaerulaeque per singulos simul et lilia:
21 And Eliab the son of Achisamach of the tribe of Dan [was there], who was chief artificer in the woven works and needle-works and embroideries, in weaving with the scarlet and fine linen.
et sphaerulae sub duobus calamis per loca tria, qui simul sex fiunt calami procedentes de vecte uno.
et sphaerulae igitur, et calami ex ipso erant, universa ductilia ex auro purissimo.
Fecit et lucernas septem cum emunctoriis suis, et vasa ubi ea quae emuncta sunt, extinguantur, de auro mundissimo.
Talentum auri appendebat candelabrum cum omnibus vasis suis.
Fecit et altare thymiamatis de lignis setim, per quadrum singulos habens cubitos, et in altitudine duos: e cuius angulis procedebant cornua.
Vestivitque illud auro purissimo cum craticula ac parietibus et cornibus.
Fecitque ei coronam aureolam per gyrum, et duos annulos aureos sub corona per singula latera, ut mittantur in eos vectes, et possit altare portari.
Ipsos autem vectes fecit de lignis setim, et operuit laminis aureis.
Composuit et oleum ad sanctificationis unguentum, et thymiama de aromatibus mundissimis opere pigmentarii.

< Exodus 37 >