< Exodus 26 >

1 And you shall make the tabernacle, ten curtains of fine linen spun, and blue and purple, and scarlet spun [with] cherubs; you shall make them with work of a weaver.
Lazima ufanye hiyo maskani iwe na mapazia kumi ifanye ya nguo ya kitani nzuri ya kusokota, pamoja na nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, zambarau na nyekundu, pamoja na makerubi. Kazi ya fundi stadi.
2 The length of one curtain shall be eight and twenty cubits, and one curtain shall be the breadth of four cubits: there shall be the same measure to all the curtains.
Urefu wa kila pazia utakuwa dhiraa ishirini na nane, na upana wa kila pazia utakuwa dhiraa nne. Mapazia yote yatakuwa ya kipimo kimoja.
3 And the five curtains shall be joined one to another, and [the other] five curtains shall be closely connected the one with the other.
Mapazia matano yataungwa pamoja, na mapazia matano mengine yataungwa pamoja.
4 And you shall make for them loops of blue on the edge of one curtain, on one side for the coupling, and so shall you make on the edge of the outer curtain for the second coupling.
Lazima ufanye tanzi za rangi ya samawati upande wa mwisho wa pazia moja katika ule upindo wa fungu lake. Vivyo hivyo utafanya upande wa mwisho wa ile pazia iliyo, katika fungu la pili.
5 Fifty loops shall you make for one curtain, and fifty loops shall you make on the part of the curtain answering to the coupling of the second, opposite [each other], corresponding to each other at each point.
Fanya matanzi hamsini katika pazia moja, na matanzi hamsini katika upande wa mwisho wa ile pazia iliyo katika kuungana kwa pili.
6 And you shall make fifty golden rings; and you shall join the curtains to each other with the rings, and it shall be one tabernacle.
Fanya hivi ili hizo tanzi zielekeana. Kisha ufanye vifungo hamsini vya dhahabu, na kuunganisha hayo mapazia pamoja kwa vile vifungo na hiyo maskani itakuwa ni moja.
7 And you shall make for a covering of the tabernacle skins with the hair on, you shall make them eleven skins.
Lazima ufanye mapazia ya nywele za mbuzi yawe hema juu ya maskani. Lazima ufanye mapazia kumi na moja.
8 The length of one skin thirty cubits, and the breadth of one skin four cubits: there shall be the same measure to the eleven skins.
Urefu wa kila pazia utakuwa dhiraa thelathini, na upana wa kila pazia utakuwa dhiraa nne. Hayo mapazia kumi na moja yatakuwa ya kipimo kimoja.
9 And you shall join the five skins together, and the six skins together; and you shall double the sixth skin in front of the tabernacle.
Lazima utaunganisha mapazia matano mbali, na mapazia sita mbali, na lile pazia la sita utalikunja hapo upande wa mbele wa ile hema.
10 And you shall make fifty loops on the border of one skin, which is in the midst for the joinings; and you shall make fifty loops on the edge of the second skin that joins it.
Ufanye tanzi hamsini upande wa mwisho wa pazia lile lililo la mwisho katika hayo yaliyounganywa pamoja, na tanzi hamsini upande wa mwisho wa lile pazia lililo nje katika hayo ya pili yaliyounganywa pamoja.
11 And you shall make fifty brazen rings; and you shall join the rings by the loops, and you shall join the skins, and they shall be one.
Kisha ufanye vifungo hamsini vya shaba, na kuvitia vile vifungo katika zile tanzi, na kuiunganya ile hema pamoja, ili iwe hema moja.
12 And you shall fix at the end that which is over in the skins of the tabernacle; the half of the skin that is left shall you fold over, according to the overplus of the skins of the tabernacle; you shall fold it over behind the tabernacle.
Kipande kile kilichosalia, kile kiangukacho, cha yale mapazia ya hema, itaanguka huko upande wa nyuma wa maskani.
13 A cubit on this side, and a cubit on that side of that which remains of the skins, of the length of the skins of the tabernacle: it shall be folding over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and that side, that it may cover it.
Lazima kuwe na dhiraa moja upande mmoja, na ile dhiraa moja upande wa pili - ya urefu wa mapazia ya hema uliosalia, zitaanguka katika ubavu wa maskani upande huu na upande huu, ili kuifunika.
14 And you shall make for a covering of the tabernacle rams' skins dyed red, and blue skins as coverings above.
Nawe fanya kifuniko cha ile hema, cha ngozi za kondoo dume zilizotiwa rangi nyekundu, na juu yake kifuniko cha ngozi za pomboo.
15 And you shall make the posts of the tabernacle of incorruptible wood.
Nawe lazima ufanye hizo fremu za maskani za mti wa mjohoro.
16 Of ten cubits shall you make one post, and the breadth of one post of a cubit and a half.
Kila fremu utakuwa na urefu wa dhiraa kumi, na upana wake kila ubao utakuwa dhiraa moja na nusu.
17 Two joints shall you make in one post, answering the one to the other: so shall you do to all the posts of the tabernacle.
Kila fremu itakuwa na ndimi mbili, zenye kuunganishwa huu na huu. Ndivyo utakavyozifanya mbao zote za maskani.
18 And you shall make posts to the tabernacle, twenty posts on the north side.
Kisha ufanye zile mbao za maskani, mbao ishirini kwa upande wa kusini kuelekea kusini.
19 And you shall make to the twenty posts forty silver sockets; two sockets to one post on both its sides, and two sockets to the other post on both its sides.
Lazima nawe ufanye vitako arubaini vya fedha chini ya zile fremu ishirini. Vitako viwili chini ya fremu moja, kupokea zile ndimi zake mbili, na vitako viwili chini ya fremu nyingine kupokea zile ndimi zake mbili.
20 And for the next side, toward the south, twenty posts,
Kwa upande wa pili wa maskani, upande wa kaskazini, mbao ishirini
21 and their forty silver sockets: two sockets to one post on both its sides, and two sockets to the other post on both its sides.
na vitako vyake vya fedha arubaini. Lazima kuwe na vitako viwili chini ya fremu moja, na vitako viwili chini ya fremu nyingine.
22 And on the back of the tabernacle at the part which is toward the [west] you shall make six posts.
Ufanye fremu sita kwa ajili ya upande wa nyuma wa maskani kuelekea magharibi.
23 And you shall make two posts on the corners of the tabernacle behind.
Tena ufanye fremu mbili kwa ajili ya hizo pembe za maskani zilizo upande wa nyuma.
24 And it shall be equal below, they shall be equal toward the same part from the heads to one joining; so shall you make to both the two corners, let them be equal.
Hizi fremu zitakuwa zimetengana upande wa chini, lakini zimeshinkana kwa juu ya duara moja.
25 And there shall be eight posts, and their sixteen silver sockets; two sockets to one post on both its sides, and two sockets to the other post.
Fremu zitakuwa ni nane, na vitako vyake vya fedha. Vitako kumi na sita, vitako viwili chini ya fremu moja, na vitako viwili chini ya ubao wa pili.
26 And you shall make bars of incorruptible wood; five to one post on one side of the tabernacle,
Lazima ufanye mataruma ya mti wa mshita- mataruma matano kwa ajili ya mbao za upande mmoja wa maskani,
27 and five bars to one post on the second side of the tabernacle, and five bars to the hinder posts, on the side of the tabernacle toward the sea.
na mataruma matano kwa ajili ya fremu za upande wa pili wa maskani, na mataruma matano kwa ajili ya fremu za upande wa maskani ulio nyuma kuelekea magharibi.
28 And let the bar in the middle between the posts go through from the one side to the other side.
Na hilo taruma la katikati lililo katikati ya zile fremu, litapenya toka mwisho huu hata mwisho huu.
29 And you shall gild the posts with gold; and you shall make golden rings, into which you shall introduce the bars, and you shall gild the bars with gold.
lazima uzifunuke hizo fremu kwa dhahabu. Nawe lazima ufanye maduara yake ya za dhahabu, kuwa kama vishikizo, na hayo mataruma utayafunika dhahabu.
30 And you shall set up the tabernacle according to the pattern showed you in the mount.
Nawe utaisimamisha hiyo maskani sawasawa na mfano wake uliooneshwa mlimani.
31 And you shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet woven, and fine linen spun: you shall make it cherubs [in] woven work.
Nawe fanya pazia la nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, zambarau na nyekundu, na nguo za kitani nzuri zenye kusokotwa, litafumwa na kutiwa makerubi, kazi ya fundi stadi.
32 And you shall set it upon four posts of incorruptible wood overlaid with gold; and their tops [shall be] gold, and their four sockets [shall be] of silver.
Kisha litungike katika nguzo nne za mti wa mshita zilizofunikwa dhahabu, vifungo vyake vitakuwa vya dhahabu, katika vitako vya fedha vinne.
33 And you shall put the veil on the posts, and you shall carry in there within the veil the ark of the testimony; and the veil shall make a separation for you between the holy and the holy of holies.
Nawe tungika lile pazia chini ya vile vifungo, nawe lete lile sanduku la ushuhuda. Lile pazia litawagawanyia kati ya patakatifu, na mahali patakatifu sana.
34 And you shall screen with the veil the ark of the testimony in the holy of holies.
Nawe lazima utaweka kiti cha rehema juu ya lile sanduku la ushuhuda ndani ya mahali pale patakatifu sana. Na ile meza utaiweka nje ya pazia.
35 And you shall set the table outside the veil, and the candlestick opposite the table on the south side of the tabernacle; and you shall put the table on the north side of the tabernacle.
Lazima uweke kinara cha taa kuikabili ile meza upande wa maskani wa kuelekea kusini. Lile meza utaiweka upande wa kaskazini.
36 And you shall make a screen for the door of the tabernacle of blue, and purple, and spun scarlet and fine linen spun, the work of the embroiderer.
Kisha utafanya kisitiri kwa mlango wa hema, cha nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, zambarau, na nyekundu, na kitani nzuri yenye kusokotwa, kazi ya mshonaji wa taraza.
37 And you shall make for the veil five posts, and you shall gild them with gold; and their chapiters shall be gold; and you shall cast for them five brazen sockets.
Nawe fanya nguzo tano za mti wa mshita kwa kile kisitiri, na kuzifunika dhahabu; kulabu zake zitakuwa za dhahabu. Nawe utasubu vitako vya shaba vitano kwa ajili yake.

< Exodus 26 >