< Exodus 2 >

1 And there was a certain man of the tribe of Levi, who took as wife one of the daughters of Levi.
Kwasekusuka indoda yendlu yakoLevi, yathatha indodakazi yakoLevi.
2 And she conceived, and bore a male child; and having seen that he was fair, they hid him three months.
Owesifazana wasethatha isisu, wazala indodana; eseyibonile ukuthi inhle, wayifihla inyanga ezintathu.
3 And when they could no longer hide him, his mother took for him an ark, and besmeared it with bitumen, and cast the child into it, and put it in the ooze by the river.
Kwathi engaselakuyifihla wayithathela isitsha semizi, wasibhada ngengcino langethara, wafaka umntwana kuso, wasibeka emihlangeni ekhunjini lomfula.
4 And his sister was watching from a distance, to learn what would happen to him.
Udadewabo wasezimisa khatshana ukuze azi okuzakwenziwa kuye.
5 And the daughter of Pharao came down to the river to bathe; and her maids walked by the river's side, and having seen the ark in the ooze, she sent her maid, and took it up.
Kwasekusehla indodakazi kaFaro ukuyageza emfuleni; lamantombazana ayo ahamba eceleni komfula. Isibonile isitsha phakathi kwemihlanga, yathuma incekukazi yayo yasithatha.
6 And having opened it, she sees the babe weeping in the ark: and the daughter of Pharao had compassion on it, and said, This [is one] of the Hebrew's children.
Kwathi isivula, yabona umntwana, khangela-ke, umfanyana wakhala inyembezi. Yasimhawukela yathi: Lo ngomunye wabafana bamaHebheru.
7 And his sister said to the daughter of Pharao, Will you that I call to you a nurse of the Hebrews, and shall she suckle the child for you?
Udadewabo wasesithi endodakazini kaFaro: Ngihambe yini ngiyekubizela umfazi omunyisayo kumaHebherukazi ukuze akumunyisele umfana?
8 And the daughter of Pharao said, Go: and the young woman went, and called the mother of the child.
Indodakazi kaFaro yasisithi kuye: Hamba. Intombi yasihamba, yabiza unina womfana.
9 And the daughter of Pharao said to her, Take care of this child, and suckled it for me, and I will give you the wages; and the woman took the child, and suckled it.
Indodakazi kaFaro yasisithi kuye: Thatha uhambe lalo umntwana, ungimunyisele yena; njalo mina ngizakupha iholo lakho. Owesifazana wasemthatha umntwana, wammunyisa.
10 And when the boy was grown, she brought him to the daughter of Pharao, and he became her son; and she called his name, Moses, saying, I took him out of the water.
Umfana esekhulile, wamletha endodakazini kaFaro, wasesiba yindodana yayo. Yasisitha ibizo layo yathi nguMozisi, yathi: Ngoba ngamkhupha emanzini.
11 And it came to pass in that length of time, that Moses having grown, went out to his brethren the sons of Israel: and having noticed their distress, he sees an Egyptian striking a certain Hebrew of his brethren the children of Israel.
Kwasekusithi ngalezonsuku, uMozisi esekhulile, waphuma waya kubafowabo, wakhangela imithwalo yabo; futhi wabona umGibhithe etshaya umHebheru kubafowabo.
12 And having looked round this way and that way, he sees no one; and he struck the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.
Wathalaza ngapha langapha; esebonile ukuthi kakulamuntu, wamtshaya umGibhithe, wamfihla etshebetshebeni.
13 And having gone out the second day he sees two Hebrew men fighting; and he says to the injurer, Therefore smite you your neighbor?
Waphuma langosuku lwesibili, khangela-ke, amaHebheru amabili esilwa; wasesithi kowonileyo: Umtshayelani umakhelwane wakho?
14 And he said, Who made you a ruler and a judge over us? will you kill me as you yesterday killed the Egyptian? Then Moses was alarmed, and said, If [it be] thus, this matter has become known.
Wasesithi: Ngubani okubeke ube yisiphathamandla lomahluleli phezu kwethu? Wena uzimisele ukungibulala yini njengalokho ubulele umGibhithe? UMozisi wasesesaba wathi: Isibili udaba luyaziwa.
15 And Pharao heard this matter, and sought to kill Moses; and Moses departed from the presence of Pharao, and lived in the land of Madiam; and having come into the land of Madiam, he sat on the well.
Kwathi uFaro eseluzwile udaba, wadinga ukumbulala uMozisi. Kodwa uMozisi wabalekela ubuso bukaFaro, wahlala elizweni leMidiyani; wahlala emthonjeni.
16 And the priest of Madiam had seven daughters, feeding the flock of their father Jothor; and they came and drew water until they filled their pitchers, to water the flock of their father Jothor.
Njalo umpristi weMidiyani wayelamadodakazi ayisikhombisa; eza ukukha, agcwalisa imikolo ukunathisa umhlambi kayise.
17 And the shepherds came, and were driving them away; and Moses rose up and rescued them, and drew water for them, and watered their sheep.
Kwasekufika abelusi, bawaxotsha; kodwa uMozisi wasukuma, wawasiza wanathisa umhlambi wawo.
18 And they came to Raguel their father; and he said to them, Why have you come so quickly today?
Lapho efika kuRehuweli uyise, wathi: Kungani libuye masinyane kangaka lamuhla?
19 And they said, An Egyptian delivered us from the shepherds, and drew water for us and watered our sheep.
Asesithi: Indoda engumGibhithe isophulile esandleni sabelusi; futhi yasikhela lokusikhela, yanathisa umhlambi.
20 And he said to his daughters, And where is he? and why have you left the man? call him therefore, that he may eat bread.
Wasesithi emadodakazini akhe: Kambe ingaphi? Kanti liyitshiyeleni indoda? Ibizeni, ukuze idle isinkwa.
21 And Moses was established with the man, and he gave Sepphora his daughter to Moses to wife.
UMozisi wasevuma ukuhlala lendoda; wasemnika uMozisi uZipora indodakazi yakhe.
22 And the woman conceived and bore a son, and Moses called his name Gersam, saying, I am a sojourner in a strange land.
Wasezala indodana; wayitha ibizo layo uGereshoma, ngoba wathi: Ngangingowemzini elizweni lemzini.
23 And in those days after a length of time, the king of Egypt died; and the children of Israel groaned because of their tasks, and cried, and their cry because of their tasks went up to God.
Kwasekusithi emva kwalezinsuku ezinengi, inkosi yeGibhithe yafa. Labantwana bakoIsrayeli babubula ngenxa yobugqili, bakhala; lokukhala kwabo kwenyukela kuNkulunkulu ngenxa yobugqili.
24 And God heard their groanings, and God remembered his covenant made with Abraam and Isaac and Jacob.
UNkulunkulu wasesizwa ukububula kwabo, uNkulunkulu wakhumbula isivumelwano sakhe loAbrahama, loIsaka, njalo loJakobe.
25 And God looked upon the children of Israel, and was made known to them.
UNkulunkulu wasebona abantwana bakoIsrayeli, uNkulunkulu wabazi.

< Exodus 2 >