< Ecclesiastes 7 >
1 A good name is better than good oil; and the day of death than the day of birth.
Bolji je dobar glas nego skupocjeno ulje, i smrtni dan nego dan rođenja.
2 [It is] better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the banquet house: since this is the end of every man; and the living man will apply good [warning] to his heart.
Bolje je ići u kuću gdje je žalost nego u kuću gdje je gozba, jer ondje je kraj svakoga čovjeka, i tko je živ, nek' primi k srcu!
3 Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart will be made better.
Bolji je jad nego smijeh, jer pod žalosnim licem srce je radosno.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
Srce je mudrih ljudi u kući žalosti, a srce bezumnih u kući veselja.
5 [It is] better to hear a reproof of a wise man, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
Bolje je poslušati ukor mudra čovjeka negoli slušati hvalospjev luđaka.
6 As the sound of thorns under a caldron, so is the laughter of fools: this is also vanity.
Jer kao prasak trnja ispod kotla, takav je smijeh luđaka, i to je ispraznost.
7 for oppression makes a wise man mad, and destroys his noble heart.
Jer smijeh od mudraca čini luđaka i veselje kvari srce.
8 The end of a matter is better than the beginning thereof: the patient is better than the high-minded.
Bolji je svršetak stvari nego njezin početak i bolja je strpljivost od oholosti.
9 Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry: for anger will rest in the bosom of fools.
Ne nagli u srdžbu, jer srdžba počiva u srcu luđaka.
10 Say not, What has happened, that the former days were better than these? for you do not enquire in wisdom concerning this.
Ne pitaj zašto su negdašnja vremena bila bolja od ovih, jer to nije mudro pitanje.
11 Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and [there is] an advantage [by it] to them that see the sun.
Mudrost je dragocjena baština i probitak onima na koje sunce sja.
12 For wisdom in its shadow is as the shadow of silver: and the excellence of the knowledge of wisdom will give life to him that has it.
Jer kao što je novac zaštita, tako je i mudrost; a prednost je mudrosti u tome što izbavlja onoga tko je ima.
13 Behold the works of God: for who shall be able to straighten him whom God has made crooked?
Pogledaj djela Božja; tko može ispraviti što je on iskrivio?
14 In the day of prosperity live joyfully, and consider in the day of adversity: consider, [I say], God also has caused the one to agree with the other for [this] reason, that man should find nothing after him.
U sretan dan uživaj sreću, a u zao dan razmišljaj: Bog je stvorio jedno kao i drugo - da čovjek ne otkrije ništa od svoje budućnosti.
15 I have seen all things in the days of my vanity: there is a just man perishing in his justice, and there is an ungodly man remaining in his wickedness.
Svašta vidjeh u svojemu ništavnom životu: pravednik propada unatoč svojoj pravednosti, a bezbožnik i dalje živi unatoč svojoj bezbožnosti.
16 Be not very just; neither be very wise: lest you be confounded.
Ne budi prepravedan i ne budi premudar; zašto da se uništavaš?
17 Be not very wicked; and be not stubborn: lest you should die before your time.
Ne budi preopak i ne budi lud; zašto bi umro prije vremena?
18 It is well for you to hold fast by this; also by this defile not your hand: for to them that fear God all things shall come forth [well].
Dobro je da držiš jedno, ali ni drugo ne puštaj iz ruke, jer tko se boji Boga, izbavlja se od svega.
19 Wisdom will help the wise man more than ten mighty men which are in the city.
Mudrost mudraca veću moć daje gradu nego deset mogućnika.
20 For there is not a righteous man in the earth, who will do good, and not sin
Na zemlji nema pravednika koji, čineći dobro, ne bi nikad sagriješio.
21 Also take no heed to all the words which ungodly men shall speak; lest you hear your servant cursing you.
I još jedno: nemoj se obazirati na govorkanje; čut ćeš možda da te sluga tvoj proklinjao;
22 For many times he shall trespass against you, and repeatedly shall he afflict your heart; for thus also have you cursed others.
a zna tvoje srce kako si i ti često druge proklinjao.
23 All these things have I proved in wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me.
Sve sam to mudrošću iskušao. Mislio sam da sam mudar, ali mi je mudrost bila nedokučiva.
24 [That which is] far beyond what was, and a great depth, who shall find it out?
Ono što jest, daleko je i duboko, tako duboko - tko da i pronađe?
25 I and my heart went round about to know, and to examine, and to seek wisdom, and the account [of things], and to know the folly and trouble and madness of the ungodly man.
I još jednom pokušah istražiti i shvatiti mudrost i smisao, da spoznam opačinu kao ludost, a ludost kao bezumlje.
26 And I find her [to be], and I will pronounce [to be] more bitter than death the woman which is a snare, and her heart nets, [who has] a band in her hands: [he that is] good in the sight of God shall be delivered from her; but the sinner shall be caught by her.
Otkrih da ima nešto gorče od smrti - žena, ona je zamka, srce joj je mreža, a ruke okovi; tko je Bogu drag, izmiče joj, a grešnik je njezin sužanj.
27 Behold, this have I found, said the Preacher, [seeking] by one at a time to find out the account,
Eto, to sam sve u svemu otkrio, veli Propovjednik.
28 which my soul sought after, but I found not: for I have found one man of a thousand; but a woman in all these I have not found.
I još sam tražio, ali bez uspjeha. Nađoh čovjeka - jednog od tisuću, a žene ne nađoh među svima nijedne.
29 But, behold, this have I found, that God made man upright; but they have sought out many devices.
Otkrih ovo: Bog stvori čovjeka jednostavnim, a on snuje nebrojene spletke.