< Deuteronomy 9 >
1 Hear, O Israel: You go this day across Jordan to inherit nations greater and stronger than yourselves, cities great and walled up to heaven;
Ku ji, ya Isra’ila. Kuna gab da haye Urdun, ku shiga, ku kuma kori al’ummai da suka fi ku yawa, suka kuma fi ku ƙarfi, masu manyan biranen da suke da katangar da suka yi tsaye zuwa sama.
2 a people great and many and tall, the sons of Enac, whom you know, and concerning whom you have heard [say], Who can stand before the children of Enac?
Mutane ne masu ƙarfi, kuma dogaye, zuriyar Anakawa! Ai, kun ji akan ce, “Wa zai iya tsayayya da Anakawa?”
3 And you shall know today, that the Lord your God he shall go before your face: he is a consuming fire; he shall destroy them, and he shall turn them back before you, and shall destroy them quickly, as the Lord said to you.
Amma ku zauna da sani a yau, cewa Ubangiji Allahnku, shi ne wanda ya ƙetare ya sha gabanku kamar wuta mai cinyewa. Zai hallaka su, zai rinjaye su a gabanku. Za ku kore su, ku kuma hallaka su nan da nan, yadda Ubangiji ya yi muku alkawari.
4 Speak not in your heart, when the Lord your God has destroyed these nations before your face, saying, For my righteousness the Lord brought me in to inherit this good land.
Bayan Ubangiji Allahnku ya kore su a gabanku, kada ku faɗa a zuciyarku, “Ubangiji ya kawo mu a nan, mu mallaki wannan ƙasa saboda adalcinmu ne.” A’a, saboda muguntar waɗannan al’umma ne ya sa Ubangiji ya kore su a gabanku.
5 Not for your righteousness, nor for the holiness of your heart, do you go in to inherit their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations the Lord will destroy them from before you, and that he may establish the covenant, which the Lord sware to our fathers, to Abraam, and to Isaac, and to Jacob.
Ba domin adalci ko mutuncinku ba ne ya sa za ku mallaki ƙasarsu; sai dai saboda muguntar al’umman nan ne ya sa Ubangiji Allahnku yana korinsu a gabanku don yă cika abin da ya rantse wa kakanninku, wato, Ibrahim, Ishaku da Yaƙub.
6 And you shall know today, that [it is] not for your righteousnesses the Lord your God gives you this good land to inherit, for you are a stiff-necked people.
Ku gane wannan, cewa ba domin adalcinku ba ne ya sa Ubangiji Allahnku yana ba ku wannan ƙasa mai kyau, ku mallaki, gama ku mutane masu taurinkai ne.
7 Remember, forget not, how much you provoked the Lord your God in the wilderness: from the day that you came forth out of Egypt, even till you came into this place, you continued to be disobedient toward the Lord.
Ku tuna da wannan, kada kuma ku manta yadda kuka tsokane Ubangiji Allahnku, har ya yi fushi a hamada. Daga ranar da kuka bar Masar har sai da kuka isa nan, kuna ta tawaye wa Ubangiji.
8 Also in Choreb you provoked the Lord, and the Lord was angry with you to destroy you;
A Horeb, kun tayar wa Ubangiji har ya yi fushin da ya isa yă hallaka ku.
9 when I went up into the mountain to receive the tables of stone, the tables of the covenant, which the Lord made with you, and I was in the mountain forty days and forty nights, I ate no bread and drank no water.
Sa’ad da na hau kan dutse don in karɓi allunan dutse, allunan alkawarin da Ubangiji ya yi da ku, na zauna a kan dutse yini arba’in da dare arba’in; ban ci abinci ba, ban sha ruwa ba.
10 And the Lord gave me the two tables of stone written with the finger of God, and on them there had been written all the words which the Lord spoke to you in the mountain in the day of the assembly.
Ubangiji ya ba ni alluna biyu wanda shi kansa ya yi rubutu da yatsarsa. A kansu akwai dukan umarnan Ubangiji da an furta muku a kan dutse a tsakiyar wuta, a ranar taron jama’a.
11 And it came to pass after forty days and forty nights, the Lord gave me the two tables of stone, the tables of the covenant.
A ƙarshen yini arba’in da dare arba’in ɗin, Ubangiji ya ba ni alluna biyu na dutse, allunan alkawari.
12 And the Lord said to me, Arise, go down quickly from hence, for your people whom you brought out of the land of Egypt have transgressed; they have gone aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them, and have made themselves a molten image.
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya faɗa mini, “Sauka daga nan da sauri, domin mutanenka waɗanda ka fitar da su daga Masar sun lalace. Sun juye da sauri daga abin da na umarce su, suka kuma yi zubin gunki wa kansu.”
13 And the Lord spoke to me, saying, I have spoken to you once and again, saying, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiff-necked people.
Sai Ubangiji ya ce mini, “Na ga mutanen nan, su masu taurinkai ne sosai!
14 And now suffer me utterly to destroy them, and I will blot out their name from under heaven, and will make of you a nation great and strong, and more numerous than this.
Bar ni kawai, in hallaka su, in kuma shafe sunansu daga ƙarƙashin sama. Zan kuwa yi maka wata al’umma mafi ƙarfi da kuma masu yawa fiye da su.”
15 And I turned and went down from the mountain; and the mountain burned with fire to heaven; and the two tables of the testimonies [were] in my two hands.
Saboda haka na juya, na sauko daga dutsen yayinda yake cin wuta. Allunan biyu na alkawarin kuma suna a hannuwana.
16 And when I saw that you had sinned against the Lord your God, and had made to yourselves a molten image, and had gone astray out of the way, which the Lord commanded you to keep;
Sa’ad da na duba, sai na ga cewa kun yi zunubi wa Ubangiji Allahnku; kun yi wa kanku gunkin da kuka yi zubi a siffar ɗan maraƙi. Kun kauce da sauri daga hanyar da Ubangiji ya umarce ku.
17 then I took hold of the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and broke them before you.
Saboda haka na ɗauko alluna biyun na jefar da su daga hannuwana, na farfashe su a idanunku.
18 And I made my petition before the Lord as also at the first forty days and forty nights: I ate no bread and drank no water, on account of all your sins which you sinned in doing evil before the Lord God to provoke him.
Sai nan da nan kuma na fāɗi rubda ciki a gaban Ubangiji, yini arba’in da dare arba’in; ban ci ba, ban sha ba, kamar yadda dā na yi, duka saboda zunubin da kuka aikata a gaban Ubangiji. Ta haka kuka tsokane shi don yă yi fushi.
19 And I was greatly terrified because of the wrath and anger, because the Lord was provoked with you utterly to destroy you; yet the Lord listened to me at this time also.
Na ji tsoron fushi da hasalar Ubangiji, gama ya yi fushin da ku da ya isa yă hallaka ku. Amma na yi roƙo a lokacin, Ubangiji kuwa ya saurare ni.
20 And he was angry with Aaron to destroy him utterly, and I prayed for Aaron also at that time.
Ubangiji ya yi fushi sosai da Haruna, har ya yi niyya yă hallaka shi, amma a wannan lokaci, na yi addu’a saboda Haruna shi ma.
21 And your sin which you had made, [even] the calf, I took, and burnt it with fire, and pounded it and ground it down till it became fine; and it became like dust, and I cast the dust into the brook that descended from the mountain.
Sa’an nan na ɗauki kayan zunubin da kuka yi, wato, gunkin ɗan bijimi, na ƙone shi da wuta, na farfashe shi, na niƙa shi liɓis, sai da ya zama kamar ƙura mai laushi, na zubar da ƙurar a cikin ruwan rafin da yake gangarowa daga dutse.
22 Also in the burning, and in the temptation, and at the graves of lust, you provoked the Lord.
Kun kuma sa Ubangiji ya yi fushi a Tabera, a Massa da kuma a Kibrot Hatta’awa.
23 And when the Lord sent you forth from Cades Barne, saying, Go up and inherit the land which I give to you, then you disobeyed the word of the Lord your God, and believed him not, and listened not to his voice.
Sa’ad da Ubangiji ya aike ku daga Kadesh Barneya ya ce, “Ku haura ku mallaki ƙasar da na ba ku.” Amma kuka yi tawaye ga umarnin Ubangiji Allahnku. Ba ku amince da shi, ko ku yi masa biyayya ba.
24 You were disobedient in the things relating to the Lord from the day in which he became known to you.
Kun yi ta tawaye wa Ubangiji tun ran da na san ku.
25 And I prayed before the Lord forty days and forty nights, the number that I prayed [before], for the Lord said that he would utterly destroy you.
Na kwanta rubda ciki a gaban Ubangiji waɗannan yini arba’in da dare arba’in domin Ubangiji ya ce zai hallaka ku.
26 And I prayed to God, and said, O Lord, King of gods, destroy not your people and your inheritance, whom you did redeem, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with your great power, and with your strong hand, and with your high arm.
Na yi addu’a ga Ubangiji na ce, “Ya Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, kada ka hallaka mutanenka, gādon kanka, da ka fansa ta wurin ikonka mai girma, ka kuma fitar da su daga Masar da hannu mai ƙarfi.
27 Remember Abraam, and Isaac, and Jacob your servants, to whom you sware by yourself: look not upon the hardness of heart of this people, and their impieties, and their sins.
Ka tuna da bayinka Ibrahim, Ishaku da Yaƙub. Kada ka kula da taurinkan, mugunta da kuma zunubin wannan mutane.
28 Lest the inhabitants of the land whence you brought us out speak, saying, Because the Lord could not bring them into the land of which he spoke to them, and because he hated them, has he brought them forth to kill them in the wilderness.
In ba haka ba, ƙasar da ka fitar da mu, za tă ce, ‘Domin Ubangiji bai iya kai su cikin ƙasar da ya yi musu alkawari ba ne, kuma domin ya ƙi su, shi ya sa ya fitar da su ya kashe su a hamada.’
29 And these [are] your people and your portion, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with your great strength, and with your mighty hand, and with your high arm.
Amma su mutanenka ne, gādonka da ka fitar ta wurin ikonka mai girma, da kuma hannunka mai ƙarfi.”