< Deuteronomy 11 >

1 Therefore you shall love the Lord your God, and shall observe his appointments, and his ordinances, and his commandments, and his judgments, always.
Waaqayyo Waaqa kee jaalladhu; yeroo hundas fedhii isaa, qajeelchawwan isaa, seerawwan isaatii fi ajajawwan isaa eegi.
2 And you shall know this day; for [I speak] not to your children, who know not and have not seen the discipline of the Lord your God, and his wonderful works, and his strong hand, and his high arm,
Kan adabbii Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii, surraa isaa, harka isaa jabaa fi irree isaa kan diriirfame beeke yookaan arge isinuma malee akka ijoollee keessan hin taʼin harʼa yaadadhaa.
3 and his miracles, and his wonders, which he wrought in the midst of Egypt on Pharao king of Egypt, and all his land;
Mallattoowwanii fi wantoota inni Gibxi keessatti Faraʼoon mootii Gibxii fi biyya isaa guutuu irratti hojjete,
4 and what he did to the host of the Egyptians, and to their chariots, and their cavalry, and their host; how he made the water of the Red Sea to overwhelm the face of them as they pursued after you, and the Lord destroyed them until this day;
waan inni loltoota Gibxi, fardeenii fi gaariiwwanis godhe, utuma isaan isin duukaa buʼanuu akka inni Galaana Diimaadhaan isaan haguuge, akka itti Waaqayyo badiisa bara baraa isaanitti fide yaadadhaa.
5 and all the things which he did to you in the wilderness until you came into this place;
Waan inni hamma isin iddoo kana geessanitti lafa gammoojjii keessatti isiniif godhe kan arge ijoollee keessan miti;
6 and all the things that he did to Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab the son of Ruben, whom the earth opening her mouth swallowed up, and their houses, and their tents, and all their substance that was with them, in the midst of all Israel:
isaan waan inni gaafa lafti afaan ishee banattee guutummaa Israaʼel gidduutti Daataanii fi Abiiraam ilmaan Eliiyaab namicha gosa Ruubeen sana maatii isaanii wajjin, dunkaanota isaaniitii fi qabeenya isaanii kan lubbuu qabu hunda liqimsitetti isaan godhe hin argine.
7 for your eyes have seen all the mighty works of the Lord, which he wrought among you today.
Iji keessan garuu waan guddaa Waaqayyo godhe kanneen hunda argeera.
8 And you shall keep all his commandments, as many as I command you today, that you may live, and be multiplied, and that you may go in and inherit the land, into which you go across Jordan to inherit it:
Kanaafuu isin akka Yordaanosiin ceetanii biyya dhaaluuf jirtanitti galuuf jabaattaniif ajajawwan ani harʼa isinii kennu hunda eegaa;
9 that you may live long upon the land, which the Lord sware to your fathers to give to them, and to their seed after them, a land flowing with milk and honey.
kunis akka isin biyya Waaqayyo abbootii keessanii fi sanyii isaaniitiif kennuuf kakate kan aannanii fi damma baasu sana keessatti bara dheeraa jiraattaniif.
10 For the land into which you go to inherit it, is not as the land of Egypt, whence you came out, whenever they sow the seed, and water it with their feet, as a garden of herbs:
Biyyi ati dhaaluuf itti galaa jirtu kun akka biyya Gibxi kan ati keessaa baatee dhufte kan ati akkuma lafa biqiltuutti sanyii kee facaaftee miilla keetiin bishaan obaafte sanaa miti.
11 but the land into which you go to inherit it, is a land of mountains and plains; it shall drink water of the rain of heaven.
Biyyi ati Yordaanos ceetee dhaaltu kun garuu biyya tulluuwwanii fi sululawwanii kan samiidhaa bokkaa argatuu dha.
12 A land which the Lord your God surveys continually, the eyes of the Lord your God are upon it from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
Biyyi kun biyya Waaqayyo Waaqni kee kunuunsuu dha; jalqaba waggaatii hamma dhuma waggaattis iji Waaqayyo Waaqa keetii ishee irraa hin buqqaʼu.
13 Now if you will indeed listen to all the commands which I charge you this day, to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul,
Yoo ajajawwan ani harʼa isiniif kennu amanamummaadhaan eegdan jechuunis yoo isin Waaqayyo Waaqa keessan jaallattanii garaa keessan guutuu fi lubbuu keessan guutuudhaan isa tajaajiltan,
14 then he shall give to your land the early and latter rain in its season, and you shall bring in your corn, and your wine, and your oil.
akka ati midhaan kee, wayinii keetii fi zayitii kee galfattuuf ani yeroo isaatti bokkaa birraatii fi bokkaa arfaasaa lafa keetti nan roobsa.
15 And he shall give food in your fields to your cattle; and when you have eaten and are full,
Loon keetiif marga bakkee nan kenna; atis nyaattee quufta.
16 take heed to yourself that your heart be not puffed up, and you transgress, and serve other gods, and worship them:
Of eeggadhaa! Yoo kanaa achii isin akka garagaltanii waaqota biraa waaqeffattanii fi isaaniifis sagaddan gowwoomfamtu.
17 and the Lord be angry with you, and restrain the heaven; and there shall not be rain, and the earth shall not yield its fruit, and you shall perish quickly from off the good land, which the Lord has given you.
Ergasii dheekkamsi Waaqayyoo isinitti bobaʼa; innis akka bokkaan hin roobne, laftis oomisha hin kennineef samiiwwan ni cufa; isinis biyya gaarii Waaqayyo isiniif kennu irraa daftanii ni baddu.
18 And you shall store these words in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and it shall be fixed before your eyes.
Dubbiiwwan koo kanneen garaa fi qalbii keessanitti qabadhaa; akka mallattootti harkatti hidhadhaa; adda keessan irrattis maxxanfadhaa.
19 And you shall teach them to your children, so as to speak about them when you sit in the house, and when you walk by the way, and when you sleep, and when you rise up.
Ijoollee keessanis barsiisaa; yeroo mana teessu, yeroo karaa deemtu, yeroo ciiftuu fi yeroo dammaqxutti waaʼee isaanii odeessi.
20 And you shall write them on the lintels of your houses, and on your gates;
Michichilawwan balbala mana keetiitii fi karrawwan kee irrattis isaan barreessi;
21 that your days may be long, and the days of your children, upon the land which the Lord sware to your fathers to give to them, as the days of heaven upon the earth.
kunis akka umuriin keessanii fi umuriin ijoollee keessanii biyya Waaqayyo abbootii keessaniif kennuuf kakate keessatti akkuma umurii samiiwwan lafaa oli jiraniitti dheeratuuf.
22 And it shall come to pass that if you will indeed listen to all these commands, which I charge you to observe this day, to love the Lord our God, and to walk in all his ways, and to cleave close to him;
Yoo isin ajajawwan ani isiniif kennu kanneen hunda of eeggannoodhaan duukaa buutan jechuunis yoo isin Waaqayyo Waaqa keessan jaallattan, karaa isaa hunda irra deemtanii fi isatti maxxantan,
23 then the Lord shall cast out all these nations before you, and you shall inherit great nations and stronger than yourselves.
Waaqayyo saboota hunda fuula keessan duraa ariʼee ni baasa; isinis saboota isin caalaa gurguddaa fi jajjaboo ni dhaaltu.
24 Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be your; from the wilderness and Antilibanus, and from the great river, the river Euphrates, even as far as the west sea shall be your coasts.
Lafti miilli keessan irra dhaabate hundinuu keessan taʼa; daariin keessanis gammoojjiidhaa hamma Libaanoonitti, laga Efraaxiisii hamma galaana lixaatti ni balʼata.
25 No one shall stand before you; and the Lord your God will put the fear of you and the dread of you on the face of all the land, on which you shall tread, as he told you.
Namni kam iyyuu fuula keessan dura dhaabachuu hin dandaʼu. Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan akkuma isin abdachiisetti rifachiisuu fi sodaachisuu keessan lafa isin dhaqxan hunda irra ni buusa.
26 Behold, I set before you this day the blessing and the curse;
Kunoo, ani harʼa eebbaa fi abaarsa fuula keessan dura nan kaaʼa;
27 the blessing, if you listen to the commands of the Lord your God, all that I command you this day;
eebbi kunis yoo isin ajajawwan Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii kanneen ani harʼa isiniif kennu eegdanii dha.
28 and the curse, if you do not listen to the commands of the Lord our God, as many as I command you this day, and you wander from the way which I have commanded you, having gone to serve other gods, which you know not.
Abaarsi immoo yoo isin ajajawwan Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii dhagaʼuu diddanii karaa ani harʼa isin ajaje irraa garagaltanii waaqota biraa kanneen isin duraan hin beekne duukaa buutanii dha.
29 And it shall come to pass when the Lord your God shall have brought you into the land into which you go over to inherit it, then you shall put blessing on mount Garizin, and the curse upon mount Gaebal.
Yommuu Waaqayyo Waaqni kee biyya ati dhaaluuf itti galtu kanatti si fidutti Tulluu Gerziim irratti eebba, Tulluu Eebaal irratti immoo abaarsa labsita.
30 Behold! are not these beyond Jordan, behind, westward in the land of Chanaan, which lies westward near Golgol, by the high oak?
Tulluuwwan kunneen Yordaanos gamatti, karaa gara lixa biiftuutti geessuun gama lixaatti, muka Mooree guddicha biratti, biyya Kanaʼaanota Arabbaa keessa jiraatan keessatti fuullee Gilgaalitti argamu mitii?
31 For you are passing over Jordan, to go in and inherit the land, which the Lord our God gives you to inherit always, and you shall dwell in it.
Isin biyya Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan isiniif kennu seentanii dhaaluuf Yordaanosin ceʼuudhaaf jirtu; yommuu lafa sana dhaaltanii irra jiraattanitti,
32 And you shall take heed to do all his ordinances, and these judgments, as many as I set before you today.
ajajawwanii fi seerawwan ani harʼa fuula keessan dura kaaʼu hunda eegaa.

< Deuteronomy 11 >