< Kings II 9 >
1 And David said, Is there yet any one left in the house of Saul, that I may deal kindly with him for Jonathan's sake?
Jednoga dana upita David: “Ima li još koji preživjeli od Šaulove kuće da mu učinim milost zbog Jonatana?”
2 And there was a servant of the house of Saul, and his name was Siba: and they call him to David; and the king said to him, Are you Siba? and he said, I [am] your servant.
A bijaše u Šaulovoj kući sluga po imenu Siba: njega dozvaše pred Davida i kralj ga zapita: “Jesi li ti Siba?” A on odgovori: “Jesam, tvoj sluga!”
3 And the king said, Is there yet a man left of the house of Saul, that I may act towards him with the mercy of God? and Siba said to the king, There is yet a son of Jonathan, lame [of] his feet.
A kralj nastavi: “Zar nema više nikoga od Šaulove kuće da mu iskažem milost kao što je Božja milost?” A Siba odgovori kralju: “Ima još Jonatanov sin koji je hrom na obje noge.”
4 And the king said, Where [is] he? and Siba said to the king, Behold, [he is] in the house of Machir the son of Amiel of Lodabar.
Kralj ga upita: “Gdje je on?” A Siba odgovori kralju: “Eno ga u kući Makira, sina Amielova, u Lo Debaru.”
5 And king David went, and took him out of the house of Machir the son Amiel of Lodabar.
Tada kralj David posla po njega u kuću Makira, sina Amielova, iz Lo Debara.
6 And Memphibosthe the son of Jonathan the son of Saul comes to the king David, and he fell upon his face and did obeisance to him: and David said to him, Memphibosthe: and he said, Behold your servant.
Kad je Meribaal, sin Jonatana, sina Šaulova, došao k Davidu, pade ničice i pokloni se. A David reče: “Meribaale!” On odgovori: “Evo tvoga sluge!”
7 And David said to him, Fear not, for I will surely deal mercifully with you for the sake of Jonathan your father, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul the father of your father; and you shall eat bread at my table continually.
A David mu reče: “Ne boj se jer ti želim iskazati milost zbog tvoga oca Jonatana. Vratit ću ti sva polja tvoga djeda Šaula, a ti ćeš svagda jesti kruh za mojim stolom.”
8 And Memphibosthe did obeisance, and said, Who am I your servant, that you have looked upon a dead dog like me?
Meribaal se pokloni i reče: “Što je tvoj sluga te iskazuješ milost mrtvome psu kao što sam ja?”
9 And the king called Siba the servant of Saul, and said to him, All that belonged to Saul and to all his house have I given to the son of your lord.
Potom kralj dozva Sibu, Šaulova slugu, i reče mu: “Sve što je pripadalo Šaulu i njegovoj kući, sve to dajem sinu tvoga gospodara.
10 And you, and your sons, and your servants, shall till the land for him; and you shall bring in bread to the son of your lord, and he shall eat bread: and Memphibosthe the son of your lord shall eat bread continually at my table. Now Siba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.
Ti ćeš mu sa svojim sinovima i sa svojim slugama obrađivati zemlju, od nje ćeš skupljati žetvu da obitelj tvoga gospodara ima kruha; a Meribaal, sin tvoga gospodara, jest će svagda za mojim stolom.” A Siba imaše petnaest sinova i dvadeset slugu.
11 And Siba said to the king, According to all that my lord the king has commanded his servant, so will your servant do. And Memphibosthe did eat at the table of David, as one of the sons of the king.
Siba odgovori kralju: “Tvoj će sluga učiniti sve što je moj gospodar i kralj zapovjedio svome sluzi.” Meribaal je, dakle, jeo za Davidovim stolom kao jedan između kraljevih sinova.
12 And Memphibosthe had a little son, and his name [was] Micha: and all the household of Siba [were] servants to Memphibosthe.
Meribaal je imao maloga sina po imenu Mika. A svi koji su živjeli u Sibinoj kući bijahu u službi Meribaala.
13 And Memphibosthe lived in Jerusalem, for he continually ate at the table of the king; and he was lame in both his feet.
A Meribaal je boravio u Jeruzalemu, jer je uvijek jeo za kraljevim stolom. Bio je hrom na obje noge.