< Kings II 7 >

1 And it came to pass when the king sat in his house, and the Lord had given him an inheritance on every side [free] from all his enemies round about him;
Mootichi erga masaraa isaa keessa jiraachuu jalqabee Waaqayyo diinota isaa kanneen naannoo isaa jiran hunda jalaa isa boqochiisee booddee,
2 that the king said to Nathan the prophet, Behold now, I live in a house of cedar, and the ark of the Lord dwells in the midst of a tent.
Naataan raajichaan, “Ani kunoo mana birbirsaan ijaarame keessan jiraadha; taabonni Waaqaa garuu dunkaana keessa jiraata” jedhe.
3 And Nathan said to the king, Go and do all that [is] in your heart, for the Lord [is] with you.
Naataan immoo mootichaan, “Waaqayyo si wajjin jiraatii waan garaa keetti yaadde kam iyyuu godhi” jedhe.
4 And it came to pass in that night, that the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying,
Halkan sana garuu dubbiin Waaqayyoo akkana jedhee gara Naataan dhufe:
5 Go, and say to my servant David, Thus says the Lord, You shall not build me a house for me to dwell in.
“Dhaqiitii akkana jedhii garbicha koo Daawititti himi; ‘Waaqayyo akkana jedha: Kan mana ani keessa jiraadhu naaf ijaaru siʼii?
6 For I have not lived in a house from the day that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt to this day, but I have been walking in a lodge and in a tent,
Ani gaafan Israaʼeloota Gibxii baasee jalqabee hamma harʼaatti mana keessa hin jiraanne. Ani iddoo jireenya koo dunkaana godhadhee iddoo tokkoo gara iddoo biraa naannaʼaan ture.
7 wherever I went with all Israel. Have I ever spoken to any of the tribes of Israel, which I commanded to tend my people Israel, saying, Why have you not built me a house of Cedar?
Ani iddoon Israaʼeloota hunda wajjin naannaʼaa ture kamitti iyyuu bulchitoota akka isaan saba koo Israaʼelin eeganiif ajaje keessaa nama tokkoon iyyuu, “Isin maaliif mana birbirsaa naaf hin ijaarre?” jedhee beekaa?’
8 And now thus shall you say to my servant David, Thus says the Lord Almighty, I took you from the sheep-cote, that you should be a prince over my people, over Israel.
“Egaa amma akkana jedhii garbicha koo Daawititti himi; ‘Waaqayyoon Waan Hunda Dandaʼu akkana jedha: Ani akka ati bulchaa saba koo Israaʼel taatuuf lafa tikaatii fi bushaayee faana deemuu keessaan si fudhadhe.
9 And I was with you wherever you went, and I destroyed all your enemies before you, and I made you renowned according to the renown of the great ones on the earth.
Ani lafa ati dhaqxe hundatti si wajjinin ture; diinota kee hundas fuula kee duraa balleesseera. Ammas ani maqaa kee akkuma maqaa namoota addunyaa irratti akka malee gurguddaa taʼanii guddaa nan godha.
10 And I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell by themselves, and shall be no more distressed; and the son of iniquity shall no more afflict them, as he [has done] from the beginning,
Ani akka isaan mana ofii isaanii qabaatanii fi siʼachi hin raafamneef saba koo Israaʼeliif lafa kennee isaan nan dhaaba. Namoonni hamoon akka jalqabatti godhan sana deebiʼanii isaan hin cunqursan;
11 from the days when I appointed judges over my people Israel: and I will give you rest from all your enemies, and the Lord will tell you that you shall build a house to him.
isaan siʼachi waan gaafa ani saba koo Israaʼel irratti abbootii murtii muudee as godhan sana illee hin godhan. Ani diinota kee hunda jalaas sin boqochiisa. “‘Akka Waaqayyo mataan isaa mana siif ijaaru Waaqayyo sittin hima;
12 And it shall come to pass when your days shall have been fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, that I will raise up your seed after you, even your own issue, and I will establish his kingdom.
yommuu barri jireenya keetii dhumee ati abbootii kee wajjin boqottutti ani akka inni iddoo kee buʼuuf sanyii kee kan gudeeda keetii baʼu nan kaasa; mootummaa isaa illee jabeessee nan dhaaba.
13 He shall build for me a house to my name, and I will set up his throne even for ever.
Kan maqaa kootiif mana ijaaru isa; anis teessoo mootummaa isaa bara baraan jabeessee nan dhaaba.
14 I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. And when he happens to transgress, then will I chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of men.
Ani isaaf abbaa nan taʼa; innis ilma naa taʼa. Yommuu inni balleessaa hojjetuttis ulee namootaatiin isa nan adaba; alangee ilmaan namaa ittiin garafamaniinis nan garafa.
15 But my mercy I will not take from him, as I took it from those whom I removed from my presence.
Jaalalli koo garuu akka jaalala ani Saaʼol isa ani fuula kee duraa balleesse sana irraa fudhadhe isa irraa hin fudhatamu.
16 And his house shall be made sure, and his kingdom for ever before me, and his throne shall be set up for ever.
Mannii fi mootummaan kee bara baraan fuula koo dura ni jiraata; teessoon kees bara baraan jabaatee ni dhaabata.’”
17 According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so Nathan spoke to David.
Naataanis dubbii mulʼata kanaa hunda Daawititti hime.
18 And king David came in, and sat before the Lord, and said, Who am I, O Lord, my Lord, and what [is] my house, that you have loved me hitherto?
Ergasii Daawit mootichi ol seenee fuula Waaqayyoo dura taaʼee akkana jedhe: “Yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, kan ati asiin na geesse ani eenyu? Maatiin koos maali?
19 Whereas I was very little before you, O Lord, my Lord, yet you spoke concerning the house of your servant for a long time to [to come]. And [is] this the law of man, O Lord, my Lord?
Yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, akka waan wanni kun fuula kee duratti gaʼaa hin taʼiniitti ati waaʼee mana garbicha keetii kan fuul duratti taʼus dubbatte. Yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, edaa walitti dhufeenyi ati namoota wajjin qabdu kanaa?
20 And what shall David yet say to you? and now you know your servant, O Lord, my Lord.
“Daawit kana caalaa maal jechuu dandaʼa? Yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, ati garbicha kee ni beektaatii.
21 And you have wrought for your servant's sake, and according to your heart you have wrought all this greatness, to make it known to your servant,
Ati sababii dubbii keetiitii fi akkuma fedhii keetiitti waan guddaa kana hojjettee akka garbichi kee beeku goote.
22 that he may magnify you, O my Lord; for there is no one like you, and there is no God, but you among all of whom we have heard with our ears.
“Yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, ati akkam guddaa dha! Kan akka keetii tokko iyyuu hin jiru; akka nu gurruma keenyaan dhageenyetti si malee Waaqni biraa hin jiru.
23 And what other nation in the earth [is] as your people Israel? whereas God was his guide, to redeem for himself a people to make you a name, to do mightily and nobly, so that you should cast out nations an [their] tabernacles from the presence of your people, whom you did redeem for yourself out of Egypt?
Sabni akka saba kee Israaʼel, kan Waaqni akka inni saba isaa taʼuuf maqaa ofii isaa dhaabbachuuf jedhee isa furuuf saboota ormaatii fi waaqota isaanii illee fuula isaa duraa ariʼuudhaan dinqiiwwan gurguddaa fi sodaachisaa argisiisuudhaan baʼee biyya Gibxii furee baase kan biraa lafa irraa kamii dha?
24 And you has prepared for yourself your people Israel to be a people for ever, and you, Lord, are become their God.
Ati saba kee Israaʼelin kan ofii keetii gootee bara baraan dhaabdeerta; yaa Waaqayyo ati Waaqa isaanii taateerta.
25 And now, O my Lord, the Almighty Lord God of Israel, confirm the word for ever which you have spoken concerning your servant and his house: and now as you have said,
“Ammas yaa Waaqayyo, yaa Waaqi, ati waadaa garbicha keetii fi mana isaatiif galte sana bara baraan eegi. Kanas akkuma waadaa galte sana raawwadhu;
26 Let your name be magnified for ever.
kunis akka maqaan kee bara baraan guddaa taʼuuf. Kana irratti namoonni, ‘Waaqayyoon Waan Hunda Dandaʼu Israaʼel irratti Waaqa!’ ni jedhu. Manni garbicha kee Daawitis fuula kee duratti jabaatee ni dhaabata.
27 Almighty Lord God of Israel, you have uncovered the ear of your servant, saying, I will build you a house: therefore your servant has found [in] his heart to pray this prayer to you.
“Yaa Waaqayyo Waan Hunda Dandeessu, Waaqa Israaʼel ati, ‘Ani mana siif nan ijaara’ jettee garbicha keetti waan kana mulʼifteerta; kanaafuu garbichi kee kadhannaa kana sitti dhiʼeessuuf ija jabina argateera.
28 And now, O Lord my Lord, you are God; and your words will be true, and you have spoken these good things concerning your servant.
Yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, ati Waaqa! Dubbiin kee amanamaa dha; atis waan gaarii kana garbicha keetiif waadaa galteerta.
29 And now begin and bless the house of your servant, that it may continue for ever before you; for you, O Lord, my Lord, have spoken, and the house of your servant shall be blessed with your blessing so as to continue for ever.
Akka manni isaa bara baraan jabaattee fuula kee dura dhaabatuuf ammas mana garbicha keetii eebbisuun fedhii kee haa taʼu; yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, ati dubbatteertaatii; eebba keetiinis manni garbicha keetii bara baraan ni eebbifama.”

< Kings II 7 >