< Kings II 6 >

1 And David again gathered all the young men of Israel, about seventy thousand.
David je ponovno zbral skupaj vse izbrane može iz Izraela, trideset tisoč.
2 And David arose, and went, he and all the people that were with him, and some of the rulers of Juda, on an expedition [to a distant place], to bring back thence the ark of God, on which the name of the Lord of Host who dwells between the cherubs upon it is called.
In David je vstal in z vsem ljudstvom, ki je bilo z njim, odšel od Baále Judove, da od tam prinese gor Božjo skrinjo, katere ime je imenovano po imenu Gospoda nad bojevniki, ki prebiva med kerubi.
3 And they put the ark of the Lord on a new waggon, and took it out of the house of Aminadab who lived on the hill, and Oza and his brethren the sons of Aminadab drove the waggon with the ark.
Božjo skrinjo so postavili na nov voz in jo privedli iz Abinadábove hiše, ki je bila v Gíbei. Abinadábova sinova Uzá in Ahjó pa sta gnala nov voz.
4 And his brethren went before the ark.
Prinesli so jo iz Abinadábove hiše, ki je bila v Gíbei, spremljajoč Božjo skrinjo in Ahjó je šel pred skrinjo.
5 And David and the children of Israel [were] playing before the Lord on well-tuned instruments mightily, and with songs, and with harps, and with lutes, and with drums, and with cymbals, and with pipes.
David in vsa Izraelova hiša pa so igrali pred Gospodom na vse vrste glasbil, narejenih iz cipresovega lesa, celo na harfe, na plunke, na tamburine, na kornéte in na cimbale.
6 And they come as far as the threshing floor of Nachor: and Oza reached forth his hand to the ark of God to keep it steady, and took hold of it; for the ox shook it out of its place.
In ko so prišli do Nahónovega mlatišča, je Uzá iztegnil svojo roko k Božji skrinji in jo prijel, kajti voli so jo tresli.
7 And the Lord was very angry with Oza; and God struck him there: and he died there by the ark of the Lord before God.
Gospodova jeza je bila vžgana zoper Uzája in Bog ga je tam udaril zaradi njegove napake; in tam je umrl, ob Božji skrinji.
8 And David was dispirited because the Lord made a breach upon Oza; and that place was called the breach of Oza until this day.
David je bil razžaljen, ker je Gospod naredil vrzel nad Uzájem, in ime tega mesta je imenoval Perec Uzá do tega dne.
9 And David feared the Lord in that day, saying, How shall the ark of the Lord come in to me?
David se je tisti dan zbal Gospoda in rekel: »Kako bo Gospodova skrinja prišla k meni?«
10 And David would not bring in the ark of the covenant of the Lord to himself into the city of David: and David turned it aside into the house of Abeddara the Gethite.
Tako David Gospodove skrinje ni hotel prestaviti k sebi v Davidovo mesto, temveč jo je David odvedel vstran, v hišo Gitéjca Obéd Edóma.
11 And the ark of the Lord lodged in the house of Abeddara the Gethite three months, and the Lord blessed all the house of Abeddara, and all his possessions.
In Gospodova skrinja je tri mesece ostala v hiši Gitéjca Obéd Edóma in Gospod je blagoslovil Obéd Edóma in vso njegovo družino.
12 And it was reported to king David, saying, The Lord has blessed the house of Abeddara, and all that he has, because of the ark of the Lord. And David went, and brought up the Ark of the Lord from the house of Abeddara to the city of David with gladness.
To je bilo sporočeno kralju Davidu, rekoč: » Gospod je zaradi Božje skrinje blagoslovil hišo Obéd Edóma in vse, kar mu pripada.« Tako je David šel in z veseljem prinesel gor Božjo skrinjo iz hiše Obéd Edóma v Davidovo mesto.
13 And there were with him bearing the ark seven bands, and for a sacrifice a calf and lambs.
In bilo je tako, da ko so tisti, ki so nosili Gospodovo skrinjo, naredili šest korakov, je žrtvoval vole in pitance.
14 And David sounded with well-tuned instruments before the Lord, and David [was] clothed with a fine long robe.
David je z vso svojo močjo plesal pred Gospodom in David je bil opasan z lanenim efódom.
15 And David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of a trumpet.
Tako so David in vsa Izraelova hiša z vriskanjem in z zvokom šofarja Gospodovo skrinjo prinesli gor.
16 And it came to pass as the ark arrived at the city of David, that Melchol the daughter of Saul looked through the window, and saw king David dancing and playing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.
Ko je Gospodova skrinja prišla v Davidovo mesto, je Savlova hči Mihála pogledala skozi okno in videla kralja Davida skakati in plesati pred Gospodom in ga prezirala v svojem srcu.
17 And they bring the ark of the Lord, and set it in its place in the midst of the tabernacle which David pitched for it: and David offered whole burnt offerings before the Lord, [and] peace-offerings.
In prinesli so Gospodovo skrinjo in jo postavili na njen kraj, v sredo šotorskega svetišča, ki ga je David razpel zanjo in David je pred Gospodom daroval žgalne daritve in mirovne daritve.
18 And David made an end of offering the whole burnt offerings and peace-offerings, and blessed the people in the name of the Lord of Hosts.
Takoj, ko je David prenehal darovati žgalne daritve in mirovne daritve, je v imenu Gospoda nad bojevniki blagoslovil ljudstvo.
19 And he distributed to all the people, even to all the host of Israel from Dan to Bersabee, both men and women, to every one a cake of bread, and a joint of meat, and a cake from the frying-pan: and all the people departed every one to his home.
Med vse ljudstvo je razdelil, celó med celotno Izraelovo množico, tako ženskam kakor moškim, vsakomur kolač kruha, dober kos mesa in flaškon vina. Tako je vse ljudstvo odšlo vsak k svoji hiši.
20 And David returned to bless his house. And Melchol the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and saluted him, and said, How was the king of Israel glorified today, who was today uncovered in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the dancers wantonly uncovers himself!
Potem se je David vrnil, da blagoslovi svojo družino. Savlova hči Mihála pa je prišla ven, da sreča Davida in rekla: »Kako veličasten je bil danes Izraelov kralj, ki se je danes razkril pred očmi pomočnic svojih služabnikov, kakor se brezsramno razkriva nekdo izmed nadutih pajdašev.«
21 And David said to Melchol, I will dance before the Lord. Blessed [be] the Lord who chose me before your father, and before all his house, to make me head over his people, even over Israel: therefore I will play, and dance before the Lord.
David je rekel Miháli: » To je bilo pred Gospodom, ki me je izbral pred tvojim očetom in pred vso njegovo hišo, da me določi [za] vladarja nad Gospodovim ljudstvom, nad Izraelom. Zato bom igral pred Gospodom.
22 And I will again uncover myself thus, and I will be vile in your eyes, and with the maidservants by whom you said that I was not had in honor.
In še bolj se bom pomanjšal kakor to in bom ponižen v svojem lastnem pogledu. Glede dekel pa, o katerih si govorila, od njih bom imel spoštovanje.«
23 And Melchol the daughter of Saul had no child till the day of her death.
Zato Savlova hči Mihála ni imela nobenega otroka do dneva svoje smrti.

< Kings II 6 >