< Kings II 5 >

1 And all the tribes of Israel come to David to Chebron, and they said to him, Behold, we [are] your bone and your flesh.
Amalalu, Isala: ili fi huluane da Hibalone moilai bai bagadega Da: ibidima misini, ema amane sia: i, “Ninia da di defele maga: me amola hu afadafa fawane gala.
2 And heretofore Saul being king over us, you was he that did lead out and bring in Israel: and the Lord said to you, You shall feed my people Israel, and you shall be for a leader to my people Israel.
Musaga, Solo da ninia hina bagade esaloba, di da Isala: ili dunu oule gegena ahoasu. Amola, Hina Gode da di Ea fi bisilua amola ouligisu hamoma: ne, ilegei dagoi.”
3 And all the elders of Israel come to the king to Chebron; and king David made a covenant with them in Chebron before the Lord; and they anoint David king over all Israel.
Amaiba: le, Isala: ili ouligisu dunu huluane da Hibalone moilai bai bagadega Da: ibidima misi. E amola ilia da gousa: su sema hamoi. Ilia da Da: ibidima susuligi sogagala: le, e Isala: ili hina bagade hamoma: ne ilegei.
4 David [was] thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.
Da: ibidi da lalelegele, ode30agoane gidigili esalu, hina bagade hawa: hamosu bai muni hamoi. E da ode 40 agoane Isala: ili fi ouligilalu.
5 Seven years and six months he reigned in Chebron over Juda, and thirty-three years he reigned over all Israel and Juda in Jerusalem.
E da Hibalone moilai bai bagadega esalu, Yuda soge ode fesuale amola oubi gafeyale agoane ouligi. Amola e da Yelusaleme moilai bai bagade amoga esalu, ode33 agoane Isala: ili amola Yuda gilisili ouligisu.
6 And David and his men, departed to Jerusalem, to the Jebusite that inhabited the land: and it was said to David, You shall not come in hither: for the blind and the lame withstood him, saying, David shall not come in hither.
Hina Da: ibidi amola ea dunu da Yelusaleme moilai bai bagade doagala: musa: asi. Yebiusaide dunu da amogawi esalu. Ilia da Da: ibidi da ilima hasalimu da hamedei agoane dawa: i. Ilia da ema amane sia: i, “Di da ninia moilaiga doagala: le golili sa: imu da hamedeidafa. Si dofoi dunu amola gasuga: igi dunu da dia nini mae hasalima: ne gaga: mu da defele ba: mu.”
7 And David took first the hold of Sion: this [is] the city of David.
(Be Da: ibidi da ilia gagili sali moilai amo Saione amoma gegenanu fedele lai. Fa: no ilia da amo moilai dio “Da: ibidi ea Moilai Bai Bagade” asuli.)
8 And David said on that day, Every one that smites the Jebusite, let him attack with the dagger both the lame and the blind, and those that hate the soul of David. Therefore they say, The lame and the blind shall not enter into the house of the Lord.
Amo esoha, Da: ibidi da ea dunuma amane sia: i, “Dunu mogili amo da na defele Yebiusaide dunuma higabeba: le, ili fuga: musa: hanabela: ? Amai galea, amo hano osobaha golili ahoasu logo amoga heda: le, amo hahani si dofoi amola gasuga: igi dunu doagala: ma.” (Amaiba: le, dunu da wali agoane sia: sa, “Si dofoi amola gasuga: igi dunu da Hina Gode Ea diasu ganodini golili sa: imu hamedei gala.”)
9 And David lived in the hold, and it was called the city of David, and he built the city itself round about from the citadel, and [he built] his own house.
Da: ibidi da gagili sali moilai doagala: le fefedei dagolalu, e da amo ganodini esalusu. E da amo moilai dio “Da: ibidi ea Moilai Bai Bagade” asuli. E da sogebi amo da agolo gusudili dialebe (amoga ilia da osobo dogone fa: su) amogai muni sisiga: le moilai bai bagade diasu gagui.
10 And David advanced and became great, and the Lord Almighty [was] with him.
Ea gasa da heda: lalu. Bai Hina Gode Bagadedafa da e fidisu.
11 And Chiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar wood, and carpenters, and stone-masons: and they built a house for David.
Daia soge hina bagade amo Haila: me, da Da: ibidima bidi lasu dunu asunasi. E da Da: ibidima dolo ifa bagohame i. Amola e da Da: ibidi fidima: ne, diasu gagusu dunu amola gelega diasu gagusu dunu ema asunasi.
12 And David knew that the Lord had prepared him to be king over Israel, and that his kingdom was exalted for the sake of his people Israel.
Amaiba: le, Da: ibidi da amane dawa: i. Hina Gode da ema hina bagade hou hahamoi dagoi. Amola Hina Gode da Ea fi ilima asigiba: le, Da: ibidi e hina bagade hou amoga hasalima: ne amola bagade gagusu dunu fi esaloma: ne hamoi.
13 And David took again wives and concubines out of Jerusalem, after he came from Chebron: and David had still more sons and daughters born to him.
Da: ibidi da Hibalone moilai bai bagade amo yolesili, Yelusaleme moilai bai bagadega fimusa: asi. Amogalu, e da gidisedagi uda enoenoia amola udadafa enoenoia lai. Amola e da dunu mano amola uda mano enoenoia lalelelegei.
14 And these [are] the names of those that were born to him in Jerusalem; Sammus, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Solomon.
E da Yelusaleme moilai bai bagadega esaloba, mano dedei goelali lalelelegei, ilia dio da Sia: miua, Sioubabe, Na: ida: ne, Soloumane, Ibaha, Elisiua, Nifege, Yafaia, Ilisiama, Ilaiada amola Ilifelede.
15 And Ebear, and Elisue, and Naphec, and Jephies.
16 And Elisama, and Elidae, and Eliphalath, Samae, Jessibath, Nathan, Galamaan, Jebaar, Theesus, Eliphalat, Naged, Naphec, Janathan, Leasamys, Baalimath, Eliphaath.
17 And the Philistines heard that David was anointed king over Israel; and all the Philistines went up to seek David; and David heard of it, and went down to the strong hold.
Filisidini dunu da Da: ibidi Isala: ili hina bagade hamoi, amo sia: nabi. Amaiba: le, ilia dadi gagui wa: i da Da: ibidi suguli lamusa: muni ahoanu. Da: ibidi da amo hou nababeba: le, gagili sali sogebi amoga asi.
18 And the Philistines came, and assembled in the valley of the giants.
Filisidini dunu da Lifa: ime Fago amoga misini gesowai.
19 And David enquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up against the Philistines? and will you deliver them into my hands? and the Lord said to David, Go up, for I will surely deliver the Philistines into your hands.
Da: ibidi da Hina Godema amane adole ba: i. “Na da Filisidini dunu doagala: ma: bela: ? Di da nama hasalasu hou ima: bela: ? Hina Gode da ema bu adole i, “Defea! Doagala: ma! Na da dia ili hasalima: ne hamomu.”
20 And David came from Upper Breaches, and struck the Philistines there: and David said, The Lord has destroyed the hostile Philistines before me, as water is dispersed; therefore the name of that place was called Over Breaches.
Amaiba: le, Da: ibidi da Ba: ile Bila: isimi sogega asili, Filisidini dunu hasali dagoi. E amane sia: i, “Hina Gode da hano heda: le fugagala: be amo defele, na ha lai ili hasali dagoi.” Amaiba: le, ilia da amo sogebi amoga dio “Ba: ile Bila: isimi” asuli. (Amo dawa: loma: ne da “Hasalasu dawa: hina”)
21 And they leave there their gods, and David and his men with him took them.
Filisidini dunu da hobea: iba: le, ilia da ilia loboga hamoi ogogosu ‘gode’ amo fisili, hobea: i. Da: ibidi amola ea dunu da amo gaguli asi.
22 And the Philistines came up yet again, and assembled in the valley of Giants.
Amalalu, Filisidini dunu da Lifa: ime Fagoga bu heda: le, amoga bu gesowale fi dagoi.
23 And David enquired of the Lord: and the Lord said, You shall not go up to meet them: turn from them, and you shall meet them near the place of weeping.
Da: ibidi da bu Hina Godema adole ba: i. Amola Hina Gode da ema bu amane adole i, “Guiguda: amoga ili mae doagala: ma! Be na: iyadodili asili, `bolosa: me’ ifa labo aliligi amo gadenene sogebi amoga doagala: musa: momagema.
24 And it shall come to pass when you hear the sound of a clashing together from the grove of weeping, then you shall go down to them, for then the Lord shall go forth before you to make havoc in the battle with the Philistines.
Di da ifa balu amoga mogodigisu emo goba gala: be nabasea, doagala: ma. Bai Na da dilima bisili, Filisidini dadi gagui wa: i amo hasalimusa: mogodigili hidadea asi ba: mu.”
25 And David did as the Lord commanded him, and struck the Philistines from Gabaon as far as the land of Gazera.
Da: ibidi da Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i defele hamoi. E da Filisidini dunu amo Giba moilai bai bagadega muni sefasili, Gisa moilaiga sefasi dagoi.

< Kings II 5 >