< Kings II 21 >

1 And there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David sought the face of the Lord. And the Lord said, [There is] guilt upon Saul and his house because of his bloody murder, whereby he killed the Gabaonites.
Oo wakhtigii Daa'uud abaar baa dhacday intii saddex sannadood ah, oo sannadba sannadda ka dambayso, markaasaa Daa'uud Rabbiga baryay. Rabbiguna wuxuu yidhi, Tanu waxay ku timid Saa'uul iyo reerkiisa dhiigga qaba, maxaa yeelay, wuxuu laayay reer Gibecoon.
2 And King David called the Gabaonites, and said to them; —(now the Gabaonites are not the children of Israel, but [are] of the remnant of the Amorite, and the children of Israel had sworn to them: but Saul sought to strike them in his zeal for the children of Israel and Juda.)
Markaasaa boqorkii reer Gibecoon u yeedhay, oo ku yidhi; (haddaba reer Gibecoon ma ay ahayn reer binu Israa'iil, laakiinse waxay ahaayeen dad ka hadhay reer Amor; oo reer binu Israa'iilna way u dhaarteen iyaga; oo Saa'uul baa wuxuu damcay inuu laayo iyaga qiiradii uu u qabay reer binu Israa'iil iyo reer Yahuudah aawadeed; )
3 And David said to the Gabaonites, What shall I do to you? and wherewithal shall I make atonement, that you may bless the inheritance of the Lord?
oo Daa'uud wuxuu reer Gibecoon ku yidhi, War maxaan idiin sameeyaa? Oo maxaan kafaaraggud u bixiyaa si aad dhaxalka Rabbiga ugu ducaysaan?
4 And the Gabaonites said to him, We have no [question about] silver or gold with Saul and with his house; and there is no man for us to put to death in Israel.
Oo reer Gibecoonna waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Annaga iyo Saa'uul, iyo reerkiisa waxa na dhex yaallaa ma aha xaal ku eg lacag iyo dahab; oo annana dooni mayno inaannu reer binu Israa'iil nin ka dilno. Markaasuu ku yidhi, Haddaba wixii aad tidhaahdaan waan idiin samaynayaa.
5 And he said, What say you? speak, and I will do it for you. And they said to the king, The man who would have made an end of us, and persecuted us, who plotted against us to destroy us, let us utterly destroy him, so that he shall have no standing in all the coasts of Israel.
Iyana waxay boqorkii ku yidhaahdeen, Ninkii na baabbi'iyey, oo ku fikiray in nala laayo, oo aannan dhex degganaan waddanka reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan,
6 Let one give us seven men of his sons, and let us hang them up in the sun to the Lord in Gabaon of Saul, as chosen out for the Lord. And the king said, I will give [them].
ha naloo keeno toddoba nin oo wiilashiisii ah, oo Rabbiga ayaannu ugu deldelaynaa Gibecaahdii Saa'uul, kii Rabbigu doortay.
7 But the king spared Memphibosthe son of Jonathan the son of Saul, because of the oath of the Lord that was between them, even between David and Jonathan the son of Saul.
Laakiinse boqorkii wuu badbaadiyey Mefiiboshed, oo ahaa ina Yoonaataan ina Saa'uul, maxaa yeelay, dhaartii Rabbiga ayaa u dhexaysay Daa'uud iyo Yoonaataan ina Saa'uul.
8 And the king took the two sons of Respha the daughter of Aia, whom she bore to Saul, Hermonoi and Memphibosthe, and the five sons of Michol daughter of Saul, whom she bore to Esdriel son of Berzelli the Moulathite.
Laakiinse boqorkii wuxuu soo qabtay labadii wiil ee Risfaah ina Ayah, oo ay u dhashay Saa'uul, kuwaas oo ahaa Armonii iyo Mefiiboshed, iyo shantii wiil ee Miikaal ina Saa'uul, oo ay u dhashay Cadrii'eel ina Barsillay kii reer Mexolaad;
9 And he gave them into the hand of the Gabaonites, and they hanged them up to the sun in the mountain before the lord: and they fell, even the seven together: moreover they were put to death in the days of harvest at the commencement, in the beginning of barley harvest.
oo wuxuu u gacangeliyey reer Gibecoon, oo buurtay ku deldeleen Rabbiga hortiisa, oo toddobadoodiiba way wada dhinteen; oo waxaana la dilay xilligii beergooyska maalmaha ugu horreeya, marka shaciirka la gooyo.
10 And Respha the daughter of Aia took sackcloth, and fixed it for herself on the rock in the beginning of barley harvest, until water dropped upon them out of heaven: and she did not suffer the birds of the air to rest upon them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night.
Markaasaa Risfaah oo ahayd ina Ayah ayaa soo qaadatay dhar joonyad ah oo waxay ku goglatay dhagaxa, halkaasna waxay joogtay wakhtigii beergooyska iyo ilaa roob cirka ka soo daatay; oo maalintiina uma ay oggolaan in haadka hawadu ku dego, habeenkiina waxay ka dhawri jirtay dugaagga duurka.
11 And it was told David what Respha the daughter of Aia the concubine of Saul had done, [and they were faint, and Dan, the son of Joa of the offspring of the giants overtook them.]
Oo waxaa Daa'uud loo soo sheegay wixii ay samaysay Risfaah ina Ayah oo ahayd Saa'uul naagtiisii addoonta ahayd.
12 And David went and took the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son, from the men of the sons of Jabis Galaad, who stole them from the street of Baethsan; for the Philistines set them there in the day in which the Philistines struck Saul in Gelbue.
Oo Daa'uud intuu tegey ayuu lafihii Saa'uul iyo lafihii wiilkiisii Yoonaataan ka soo qaaday dadkii reer Yaabeesh Gilecaad oo ka xaday jidkii Beytshaan, kaasoo ah meeshii ay reer Falastiin ku deldeleen iyaga, maalintii ay reer Falastiin Saa'uul ku dileen Gilboca,
13 And he carried up thence the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son, and gathered the bones of them that had been hanged.
oo halkaasuu ka soo qaaday lafihii Saa'uul iyo lafihii wiilkiisii Yoonaataan; oo waxaa la soo ururiyey kuwii la deldelay lafahoodii.
14 And they buried the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son, and the bones of them that had been hanged, in the land of Benjamin in the hill, in the sepulchre of Cis his father; and they did all things that the king commanded: and after this God listened to [the prayers of] the land.
Oo lafihii Saa'uul iyo lafihii wiilkiisii Yoonaataan waxaa lagu aasay dalka reer Benyaamiin meel ku taal oo la yidhaahdo Seelac, oo waxaa la geliyey qabrigii aabbihiis Qiish; oo waxaa la sameeyey kulli wixii boqorku ku amray oo dhan. Oo taas dabadeedna Ilaah baa dalkii loo baryay.
15 And there was yet war between the Philistines and Israel: and David went down and his servants with him, and they fought with the Philistines, and David went.
Oo haddana reer Falastiin waxay la dirireen reer binu Israa'iil, markaasaa Daa'uud dhaadhacay isaga iyo addoommadiisii la socdayba, oo waxay la dirireen reer Falastiin; laakiinse Daa'uud wuu taag gabay.
16 And Jesbi, who was of the progeny of Rapha, and the head of whose spear [was] three hundred shekels of brass in weight, who also was girded with a club, even he thought to strike David.
Oo Yiishbii Benob, oo ka mid ahaa wiilashii Rafaa, oo miisaanka warankiisu ahaa saddex boqol oo sheqel oo naxaas ah, oo seef cusubuna dhexday ugu xidhnayd, ayaa damcay inuu Daa'uud dilo.
17 And Abessa the son of Saruia helped him and struck the Philistine, and killed him. Then the men of David swore, saying, You shall not any longer go out with us to battle, and you shall not quench the lamp of Israel.
Laakiinse Daa'uud waxaa caawiyey Abiishay oo ay Seruuyaah dhashay, oo intuu kii reer Falastiin wax ku dhuftay ayuu dilay. Markaasaa Daa'uud raggiisii dhaar u mareen, oo ku yidhaahdeen, Adigu mar dambe dagaal noola bixi maysid, yaadan laambadda reer binu Israa'iil bakhtiine.
18 And after this there was a battle again with the Philistines in Geth: then Sebocha the Astatothite killed Seph of the progeny of Rapha.
Oo taas dabadeed waxay noqotay in reer Falastiin haddana Goob lagula diriray, oo Sibbekay oo reer Xushaad ahaa wuxuu dilay Saf oo ahaa mid ka mid ah wiilashii Rafaa.
19 And there was a battle in Rom with the Philistines; and Eleanan son of Ariorgim the Bethleemite killed Goliath the Gittite; and the staff of his spear [was] as a weaver's beam.
Oo haddana reer Falastiin waxaa lagula diriray Goob; oo Elxaanaan ina Yacaray Oregiim oo reer Beytlaxam ahaa wuxuu dilay Goli'ad oo reer Gad ahaa, oo samayda warankiisuna waxay le'ekayd dharsameeyaha looxiisa.
20 And there was yet a battle in Geth: and there was a man of stature, and the fingers of his hands and the toes of his feet [were] six on each, four and twenty in number: and he also was born to Rapha.
Oo haddana waxaa dagaal ka dhacay Gad, halkaasna waxaa joogay nin aad u dheer, oo gacmahana mid kasta wuxuu ku lahaa lix farood, cagahana mid kasta wuxuu ku lahaa lix farood, oo farihiisuna kulligood waxay ahaayeen afar iyo labaatan, oo isna wuxuu u dhashay Rafaa.
21 And he defied Israel, and Jonathan son of Semei brother of David, struck him.
Oo markuu reer binu Israa'iil caayay, waxaa isagii dilay Yoonaataan oo uu Daa'uud walaalkiisii Shimcii ahaa dhalay.
22 These four were born descendants of the giants in Geth, the family of Rapha; and they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.
Afartaasu waxay Rafaa ugu dhasheen Gad; oo waxay ku dhinteen Daa'uud gacantiisii, iyo gacantii addoommadiisa.

< Kings II 21 >