< Kings IV 9 >
1 And Elisaie the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets, and said to him, Gird up your loins, and take this cruse of oil in your hand, and go to Remmoth Galaad.
Prerok Elizej je poklical enega izmed preroških otrok in mu rekel: »Opaši svoja ledja, v svojo roko vzemi to stekleničko olja in pojdi v Ramót Gileád
2 And you shall enter there, and shall see there Ju the son of Josaphat son of Namessi, and shall go in and make him rise up from among his brethren, and shall bring him into a secret chamber.
in ko prideš tja, tam poglej za Jehújem, sinom Józafata, Nimšíjevim sinom in vstopi in naj vstane izmed svojih bratov in ga odvedi v notranjo sobo.
3 And you shall take the cruse of oil, and pour [it] on his head, and say you, Thus says the Lord, I have anointed you king over Israel: and you shall open the door, and flee, and not wait.
Potem vzemi stekleničko olja, ga izlij na njegovo glavo in reci: ›Tako govori Gospod: ›Mazilil sem te za kralja nad Izraelom.‹‹ Potem odpri vrata, zbeži in ne obotavljaj se.«
4 And the young man the prophet went to Remmoth Galaad.
Tako je mladenič, mladi mož prerok, odšel do Ramót Gileáda.
5 And he went in, and, behold, the captains of the host were sitting; and he said, I have a message to you, O captain. And Ju said, To which of all us? And he said, To you, O captain.
Ko je prišel, glej, so poveljniki vojske sedeli in rekel je: »Naročilo imam zate, oh poveljnik.« Jehú je rekel: »Za katerega izmed nas vseh?« Rekel je: »Zate, oh poveljnik.«
6 And he arose, and went into the house: and he poured the oil upon his head, and said to him, Thus says the Lord God of Israel, I have anointed you to be king over the people of the Lord, even over Israel.
Ta je vstal in odšel v hišo in na njegovo glavo je izlil olje ter mu rekel: »Tako govori Gospod, Izraelov Bog: ›Mazilil sem te za kralja nad Gospodovim ljudstvom, celó nad Izraelom.
7 And you shall utterly destroy the house of Achaab your master from before me, and shall avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezabel,
Udaril boš hišo svojega gospodarja Ahába, da lahko maščujem kri svojih služabnikov prerokov in kri vseh Gospodovih služabnikov pri Jezabelini roki.
8 and at the hand of the whole house of Achaab: and you shall utterly cut off from the house of Achaab every male, and him that is shut up and left in Israel.
Kajti celotna Ahábova hiša bo uničena in od Ahába bom iztrebil tistega, ki lula proti zidu in tistega, ki je zaprt in je ostal v Izraelu.
9 And I will make the house of Achaab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and as the house of Baasa the son of Achia.
Ahábovo hišo bom naredil podobno hiši Nebátovega sina Jerobeáma in podobno hiši Ahíjevega sina Bašája
10 And the dogs shall eat Jezabel in the portion of Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her. And he opened the door, and fled.
in psi bodo pojedli Jezabelo na jezreélskem deležu in nikogar ne bo, da bi jo pokopal.‹« In odprl je vrata ter zbežal.
11 And Ju went forth to the servants of his lord, and they said to him, [Is] all well? Why came this mad fellow in to you? And he said to them, You know the man, and his communication.
Potem je Jehú prišel k služabnikom svojega gospoda in nekdo mu je rekel: » Ali je vse dobro? Zakaj je ta nori človek prišel k tebi?« Rekel jim je: »Poznate moža in njegovo govorjenje.«
12 And they said, [It is] wrong: tell us now. And Ju said to them, Thus and thus spoke he to me, saying, —and he said, Thus says the Lord, I have anointed you to be king over Israel.
Rekli so: » To je laž. Povej nam torej.« Rekel je: »Tako in tako mi je rekel, rekoč: ›Tako govori Gospod: ›Mazili sem te za kralja nad Izraelom.‹«
13 And when they heard it, they hasted, and took every man his garment, and put it under him on the top of the stairs, and blew with the trumpet, and said, Ju is king.
Potem so pohiteli in vsak mož je vzel svojo obleko in jo položil pod njega na vrhu stopnic in zatrobili so s šofarji, rekoč: »Jehú je kralj.«
14 So Ju the son of Josaphat the son of Namessi conspired against Joram, and Joram was defending Remmoth Galaad, he and all Israel, because of Azael king of Syria.
Tako je Jehú, Józafatov sin, Nimšíjev sin, koval zaroto zoper Joráma. (Torej Jorám se je zadrževal v Ramót Gileádu, on in ves Izrael, zaradi sirskega kralja Hazaéla.
15 And king Joram had returned to be healed in Jezrael of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, in his war with Azael king of Syria. And Ju said, If your heart is with me, let there not go forth out of the city one fugitive to go and report to Jezrael.
Toda kralj Jorám se je vrnil, da bi bil v Jezreélu ozdravljen ran, ki so mu jih zadali Sirci, ko se je bojeval s sirskim kraljem Hazaélom.) Jehú je rekel: »Če tako mislite, potem naj nihče ne gre naprej niti naj ne zbeži iz mesta, da bi šel to povedat v Jezreél.«
16 And Ju rode and advanced, and came down to Jezrael; for Joram king of Israel was getting healed in Jezrael of the arrow-wounds wherewith the Syrians [had] wounded him in Rammath in the war with Azael king of Syria; for he [was] strong and a mighty man: and Ochozias king of Juda was come down to see Joram.
Tako je Jehú jahal na bojnem vozu in odšel v Jezreél, kajti tam je ležal Jorám. In Judov kralj Ahazjá je prišel dol, da vidi Joráma.
17 And there went up a watchman upon the tower of Jezrael, and saw the dust [made by] Ju as he approached; and he said, I see dust. And Joram said, Take a horseman, and send to meet them, and let him say, Peace.
Tam je stal stražar na stolpu v Jezreélu in ogledoval Jehújevo skupino, medtem ko je prihajala in rekel: »Vidim skupino.« Jorám je rekel: »Vzemi konjenika in ga pošlji, da jih sreča in naj reče: › Ali je mir?‹«
18 And there went a horseman to meet them, and said, Thus says the king, Peace. And Ju said, What have you to do with peace? turn behind me. And the watchman reported, saying, The messenger came up to them, and has not returned.
Tako je nekdo odšel na konjskem hrbtu, da ga sreča in rekel: »Tako govori kralj: › Je to mir?‹« Jehú je rekel: »Kaj imaš opraviti z mirom? Obrni se za menoj.« Stražar je povedal, rekoč: »Poslanec je prišel do njih, toda ne vrača se.«
19 And he sent another horseman, and he came to him, and said, Thus says the king, Peace. And Ju said, What have you to do with peace? turn behind me.
Potem je poslal ven drugega, na konjskem hrbtu, ki je prišel k njim in rekel: »Tako govori kralj: › Ali je mir?‹« Jehú je odgovoril: »Kaj imaš opraviti z mirom? Obrni se za menoj.«
20 And the watchman reported, saying, He came up to them, and has not returned: and the driver drives Ju the son of Namessi, for it is with furious [haste].
Stražar je povedal, rekoč: »Prišel je celo k njim, toda ne vrača se in vožnja je podobna vožnji Nimšíjevega sina Jehúja, kajti divje vozi.«
21 And Joram said, Make ready. And one made ready the chariot: and Joram the king of Israel went forth, and Ochozias king of Juda, each in his chariot, and they went to meet Ju, and found him in the portion of Nabuthai the Jezraelite.
Jorám je rekel: »Pripravite.« In njegov bojni voz je bil pripravljen. Izraelov kralj Jorám in Judov kralj Ahazjá sta odšla ven, vsak na svojem bojnem vozu in odšla sta ven zoper Jehúja in ga srečala na deležu Jezreélca Nabóta.
22 And it came to pass when Joram saw Ju, that he said, [Is it] peace, Ju? And Ju said, How [can it be] peace? as yet [there are] the whoredoms of your mother Jezabel, and her abundant witchcrafts.
Pripetilo se je, ko je Jorám zagledal Jehúja, da je rekel: » Ali je mir, Jehú?« Odgovoril je: »Kakšen mir, dokler je tako mnogo vlačugarstev in čaranj tvoje matere Jezabele?«
23 And Joram turned his hands, and fled, and said to Ochozias, Treachery, Ochozias.
Jorám je obrnil svoji roki, pobegnil in rekel Ahazjáju: » To je izdaja, oh Ahazjá.«
24 And Ju bent his bow with his full strength, and struck Joram between his arms, and his arrow went out at his heart, and he bowed upon his knees.
Jehú je z vso svojo močjo napel lok in zadel Jehoráma med lopatici in puščica je izšla pri njegovem srcu in zgrudil se je na svoj bojni voz.
25 And [Ju] said to Badecar his chief officer, Cast him into the portion of ground of Nabuthai the Jezraelite, for I and you remember, riding [as we were] on chariots after Achaab his father, that the Lord took up this burden against him, [saying],
Potem je Jehú rekel svojemu poveljniku Bidkárju: »Poberi ga in vrzi ga na delež polja Jezreélca Nabóta, kajti spomni se, kako je Gospod nanj položil to breme, ko sva jaz in ti skupaj jahala za njegovim očetom Ahábom:
26 Surely, I have seen yesterday the blood of Nabuthai, and the blood of his sons, says the Lord; and I will recompense him in this portion, says the Lord. Now then, I pray you, take him up and cast him into the portion, according to the word of the Lord.
›Zagotovo sem včeraj videl Nabótovo kri in kri njegovih sinov, govori Gospod, in jaz te bom poplačal na tem deležu, govori Gospod.‹ Sedaj ga torej vzemi in vrzi na kos zemlje, glede na Gospodovo besedo.«
27 And Ochozias king of Juda saw [it], and fled by the way of Baethgan. And Ju pursued after him, and said, [Slay] him also. And one struck him in the chariot at the going up of Gai, which is Jeblaam: and he fled to Mageddo, and died there.
Toda ko je Judov kralj Ahazjá to videl, je zbežal po poti vrtne hiše. Jehú je sledil za njim in rekel: »Udarite tudi njega na bojnem vozu.« Storili so tako ob vzponu na Gur, ki je poleg Jibleáma. In pobegnil je v Megído ter tam umrl.
28 And his servants put him on a chariot, and brought him to Jerusalem, and they buried him in his sepulchre in the city of David.
Njegovi služabniki so ga na bojnem vozu prenesli v Jeruzalem in ga pokopali v njegovem mavzoleju, z njegovimi očeti, v Davidovem mestu.
29 And in the eleventh year of Joram king of Israel, Ochozias began to reign over Juda.
V enajstem letu Ahábovega sina Joráma je nad Judom začel kraljevati Ahazjá.
30 And Ju came to Jezrael; and Jezabel heard [of it], and coloured her eyes, and adorned her head, and looked through the window.
Ko je Jehú prišel v Jezreél, je Jezabela slišala o tem in si naličila svoj obraz, okrasila svojo glavo in pogledala skozi okno.
31 And Ju entered into the city; and she said, Had Zambri, the murderer of his master, peace?
Ko je Jehú vstopil pri velikih vratih, je rekla: » Ali je imel Zimrí, ki je usmrtil svojega gospodarja, mir?«
32 And he lifted up his face toward the window, and saw her, and said, Who are you? Come down with me. And two eunuchs looked down towards him.
Svoj obraz je povzdignil proti oknu in rekel: »Kdo je na moji strani? Kdo?« K njemu so pogledali dva ali trije evnuhi.
33 And he said, Throw her [down]. And they threw her [down]; and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and they trampled on her.
Rekel je: »Vrzite jo dol.« Tako so jo vrgli dol in nekaj njene krvi je poškropilo zid in konje; in pomendral jo je pod stopalom.
34 And [Ju] went in and ate and drank, and said, Look now, after this cursed woman, and bury her, for she is a king's daughter.
Ko je vstopil, je jedel, pil in rekel: »Pojdite, poglejte sedaj to prekleto žensko in jo pokopljite, kajti kraljeva hči je.«
35 And they went to bury her; but they found nothing of her but the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.
Odšli so, da jo pokopljejo, toda niso našli od nje več kot lobanjo, stopala in dlani njenih rok.
36 And they returned and told him. And he said, [It is] the word of the Lord, which he spoke by the hand of Eliu the Thesbite, saying, In the portion of Jezrael shall the dogs eat the flesh of Jezabel.
Zato so ponovno prišli in mu povedali. Rekel je: »To je beseda od Gospoda, ki jo je govoril po svojem služabniku, Tišbéjcu Eliju, rekoč: ›V Jezreélovem deležu bodo psi jedli Jezabelino meso.
37 And the carcass of Jezabel shall be as dung on the face of the field in the portion of Jezrael, so that they shall not say, [This is] Jezabel.
In Jezabelino truplo bo kakor iztrebek na obličju polja v Jezreélovem deležu, tako da ne bodo rekli: ›To je Jezabela.‹«