< Kings IV 2 >

1 And it came to pass, when the Lord was going to take Eliu with a whirlwind as it were into heaven, that Eliu and Elisaie went out of Galgala.
Oo markii Rabbigu doonayay inuu Eliiyaah samada dabayl cirwareen ah ugu qaado ayaa Eliiyaah wuxuu Gilgaal ka raacay Eliishaa.
2 And Eliu said to Elisaie, Stay here, I pray you; for God has sent me to Baethel. And Elisaie said, [As] the Lord lives and your soul lives, I will not leave you; so they came to Baethel.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu Eliishaa ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye halkan iska joog, waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu ii diray tan iyo Beytel. Oo Eliishaana wuxuu yidhi, Waxaan ku dhaartay Rabbiga noloshiisa iyo adiga naftaadee inaanan kaa tagayn. Sidaas daraaddeed waxay ku wada dhaadhaceen Beytel.
3 And the sons of the prophets who were in Baethel came to Elisaie, and said to him, Do you know, that the Lord this day is going to take your lord away from your head? And he said, Yes, I know [it]; be silent.
Oo qoonkii nebiyada ahaa oo Beytel joogay ayaa Eliishaa u soo baxay, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War ma og tahay in Rabbigu maanta sayidkaaga kaa qaadi doono? Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Haah, waan ogahaye iska aamusa.
4 And Eliu said to Elisaie, Stay here, I pray you; for the Lord has sent me to Jericho. And he said, [As] the Lord lives and your soul lives, I will not leave you. And they came to Jericho.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu ku yidhi isagii, Eliishaa, waan ku baryayaaye halkan iska joog, waayo, Rabbigu haddana wuxuu ii diray Yerixoo. Oo isna wuxuu yidhi, Waxaan ku dhaartay Rabbiga noloshiisa iyo adiga naftaadee inaanan kaa tagayn. Sidaas daraaddeed waxay yimaadeen Yerixoo.
5 And the sons of the prophets who were in Jericho drew near to Elisaie, and said to him, Do you know that the Lord is about to take away your master today from your head? And he said, Yes, I know [it]; hold your peace.
Oo haddana qoonkii nebiyada ahaa oo Yerixoo joogay ayaa Eliishaa u soo dhowaaday, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War ma og tahay in Rabbigu maanta sayidkaaga kaa qaadi doono? Oo isna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Haah, waan ogahaye iska aamusa.
6 And Eliu said to him, Stay here, I pray you, for the Lord has sent me to Jordan. And Elisaie said, [As] the Lord lives and your soul lives, I will not leave you: and they both went on.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu ku yidhi isagii, Waan ku baryayaaye halkan iska joog, waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu ii diray Webi Urdun. Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaan ku dhaartay nolosha Rabbiga iyo adiga naftaadee inaanan kaa tagayn. Markaasay labadiiba israaceen.
7 And fifty men of the sons of the prophets [went also], and they stood opposite afar off: and both stood on [the bank] of Jordan.
Oo waxaa tegey konton nin oo qoonkii nebiyada ahaa ah, oo waxay istaageen meel hortooda ah oo cabbaar ka fog; oo labadoodiina waxay istaageen Webi Urdun agtiisa.
8 And Eliu took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and struck the water: and the water was divided on this side and on that side, and they both went over on dry ground.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah go'iisii qaaday oo duudduubay, oo biyihii ku dhuftay, iyana xagga iyo xagga ayay u kala qaybsameen, sidaas daraaddeed labadoodiiba waxay mareen dhul engegan.
9 And it came to pass while they were crossing over, that Eliu said to Elisaie, Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken up from you. And Elisaie said, Let there be, I pray you, a double [portion] of your spirit upon me.
Oo haddana markii ay ka gudbeen, Eliiyaah wuxuu Eliishaa ku yidhi, War intaan layga kaa qaadin ka hor i weyddiiso wax aan kuu sameeyo. Markaasaa Eliishaa yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye ruuxaaga labanlaabkiis ha igu soo dego.
10 And Eliu said, You have asked a hard thing: if you shall see me when I am taken up from you, then shall it be so to you; and if not, it shall not be [so].
Isna wuxuu yidhi, Wax aad u adag baad i weyddiisatay; habase yeeshee haddaad i aragtid markii layga kaa qaado, sidaasay kuu ahaanaysaa, haddii kalese saas ahaan mayso.
11 And it came to pass as they were going, they went on talking; and, behold, a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and it separated between them both; and Eliu was taken up in a whirlwind as it were into heaven.
Oo intii ay sii socdeen, oo ay sheekaysanayeen ayaa waxaa u muuqday gaadhifaras dab ah iyo fardo dab ah, oo labadoodii bay kala dhex mareen, markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu kor u raacay dabayl cirwareen ah oo wuxuu galay samada.
12 And Elisaie saw, and cried, Father, father, the chariot of Israel, and the horseman thereof! And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his garments, and tore them into two pieces.
Oo Eliishaana taas wuu arkay, oo wuxuu ku qayliyey, Aabbow, Aabbow, gaadhifardoodkii dadkii Israa'iil iyo raggoodii fardooleyda ahaa! Oo isna mar dambe uma uu jeedin; oo dharkiisii buu intuu ku dhegay laba inood u kala jeexay.
13 And Elisaie took up the mantle of Eliu, which fell from off him upon Elisaie; and Elisaie returned, and stood upon the brink of Jordan;
Markaasuu qaaday Eliiyaah go'iisii ka dhacay, oo dib buu u noqday oo soo istaagay Webi Urdun qarkiisa.
14 and he took the mantle of Eliu, which fell from off him, and struck the water, and said, Where is the Lord God of Eliu? and he struck the waters, and they were divided hither and there; and Elisaie went over.
Oo wuxuu qaaday Eliiyaah go'iisii ka dhacay, oo intuu biyihii ku dhuftay ayuu yidhi, Meeh Rabbiga ah Ilaaha Eliiyaah? Oo markuu biyihii ku dhuftay ayay xagga iyo xagga u kala qaybsameen; markaasaa Eliishaa ka gudbay.
15 And the sons of the prophets who were in Jericho on the opposite side saw him, and said, The spirit of Eliu has rested upon Elisaie. And they came to meet him, and did obeisance to him to the ground.
Oo qoonkii nebiyada ahaa oo Yerixoo joogay ee isaga ka soo hor jeeday markay arkeen waxay yidhaahdeen, Eliiyaah ruuxiisii wuxuu ku dul hadhay Eliishaa. Oo intay isagii ka hor yimaadeen ayay hortiisa ku sujuudeen.
16 And they said to him, Behold now, [there are] with your servants fifty men of strength: let them go now, and seek your lord: perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up, and cast him into Jordan, or on one of the mountains, or on one of the hills. And Elisaie said, You shall not send.
Oo iyana waxay isagii ku yidhaahdeen, War waannu ku baryaynaaye annagoo addoommadaada ah waxaa nala jira konton nin oo xoog leh, haddaba iyagu ha tageen oo sayidkaagii ha dooneen, waayo, waaba intaasoo Ruuxa Rabbigu isagii qaaday, oo uu ku xooray buur dusheed ama dooxo. Oo isna wuxuu yidhi, Waa inaydaan cid dirin.
17 And they pressed him until he was ashamed; and he said, Send. And they sent fifty men, and sought three days, and found him not.
Oo way ku sii adkeeyeen ilaa uu xishooday, kolkaasuu yidhi, Dira. Sidaas daraaddeed waxay direen konton nin; oo waxay isagii doondoonayeen saddex maalmood, laakiinse sooma ay helin.
18 And they returned to him, for he lived in Jericho: and Elisaie said, Did I not say to you, Go not?
Markaasay u soo noqdeen isagoo weli Yerixoo iska jooga; oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Sow idinkuma odhan, Ha tegina?
19 And the men of the city said to Elisaie, Behold, the situation of the city [is] good, as [our] lord sees; but the waters [are] bad, and the ground barren.
Markaasaa dadkii magaaladu waxay Eliishaa ku yidhaahdeen, Waannu ku baryaynaaye bal eeg, meeshay magaaladanu taal way wanaagsan tahay sidaad aragto, sayidkayagow, laakiinse biyuhu way xun yihiin, oo dhulkuna si wanaagsan wax uma bixiyo.
20 And Elisaie said, Bring me a new pitcher, and put salt in it. And they took [one], and brought [it] to him.
Isna wuxuu yidhi, Waxaad ii keentaan weel cusub oo cusbo ku soo shuba. Oo iyana way u keeneen.
21 And Elisaie went out to the spring of the waters, and cast salt therein, and says, Thus says the Lord, I have healed these waters; there shall not be any longer death thence or barren [land].
Oo isna wuxuu tegey ishii biyaha, oo intuu cusbadii ku tuuray ayuu yidhi, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Biyahan waan bogsiiyey. Oo hadda ka dib ma yeelan doonaan dhimasho iyo waxbixinla'aan toona.
22 And the waters were healed until this day, according to the word of Elisaie which he spoke.
Sidaas daraaddeed biyihii way bogsadeen ilaa maantadan la joogo, oo way noqotay sidii eraygii Eliishaa ku hadlay.
23 And he went up thence to Baethel: and as he was going up by the way there came up also little children from the city, and mocked him, and said to him, Go up, bald-head, go up.
Markaasuu halkaas uga kacay Beytel, oo intuu jidka sii socday ayaa carruur yaryaru magaaladii ka soo baxday oo ku majaajiloodeen, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Bidaar weyne bax, bidaar weyne bax.
24 And he turned after them, and saw them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And, behold, there came out two bears out of the wood, and they tore forty and two children of them.
Oo isna markaasuu gadaashiisa dhugtay oo arkay iyagii, oo magicii Rabbiga ayuu ku habaaray. Markaasaa dhirtii waxaa ka soo baxay laba orso oo dhaddig oo waxay dildillaacsadeen laba iyo afartan carruurtii ka mid ahaa.
25 And he went thence to mount Carmel, and returned thence to Samaria.
Oo isna halkaasuu uga kacay Buur Karmel, markaasuu meeshaas uga noqday Samaariya.

< Kings IV 2 >