< Chronicles II 3 >

1 And Solomon began to build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem in the mount of Amoria, where the Lord appeared to his father David, in the place which David had prepared in the threshing floor of Orna the Jebusite.
Solomoonis Yerusaalem keessatti iddoo Waaqayyo abbaa isaa Daawititti mulʼatetti Tulluu Mooriyaa irratti mana qulqullummaa Waaqayyoo ijaaruu jalqabe. Iddoon kunis iddoo Daawit oobdii Ornaa namicha gosa Yebuus sanaa irratti qopheessee dha.
2 And he began to build in the second month, in the fourth year of his reign.
Innis bara mootummaa isaa keessa waggaa afuraffaatti, bultii lammaffaa jiʼa lammaffaatti ijaaruu jalqabe.
3 And thus Solomon began to build the house of God: the length in cubits—even the first measurement from end to end, was sixty cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits.
Solomoonis mana qulqullummaa Waaqaa ijaaruudhaaf jedhee hundee dheerinni isaa akka safartuu duriitti dhundhuma jaatama taʼee dhundhuma digdama balʼatu ni buuse.
4 And the portico in front of the house, its length in front of the breadth of the house [was] twenty cubits, and its height a hundred and twenty cubits: and he gilded it within with pure gold.
Gardaafoon fuula mana qulqullummaa dura tures lafa irra dheerinni isa akkuma balʼina mana qulqullummaatti dhundhuma digdama, ol dheerinni isaa immoo dhundhuma dhibba tokkoo fi digdama ture. Innis keessa manichaatti warqee qulqulluu uffise.
5 And he lined the great house with cedar wood, and gilded it with pure gold, and carved upon it palm-trees and chains.
Kutaa guddaa mana sanaattis muka birbirsaa maxxansee warqee qulqulluu itti uffise; fakkii meexxiitii fi foncaatiinis ni miidhagse.
6 And he garnished the house with precious stones for beauty; and he gilded it with gold of the gold from Pharuim.
Mana qulqullummaa sanas dhagaawwan gati jabeeyyiitiin ni bareeche. Warqeen inni itti fayyadames warqee Farwaayim ture.
7 And he gilded the house, and its [inner] walls, and the door-posts, and the roofs, and the doors with gold; and he carved cherubs on the walls.
Innis dareeraawwan, michichilawwan balbalaa, dhaaba manaatii fi cufaawwan mana qulqullummaatti warqee uffise; keenyan manaa sana irrattis fakkii Kiirubeelii soofe.
8 And he built the holy of holies, its length was according to the front [of the other house], the breadth of the house [was] twenty cubits, and the length twenty cubits: and he gilded [it] with pure gold for cherubs, to [the amount of] six hundred talents.
Innis Iddoo Iddoo Hunda Caalaa Qulqulluu taʼe ijaare; lafa irra dheerinni iddoo sanaas balʼina mana qulqullummaatiin wal qixxee taʼee dheerinni isaa dhundhuma digdama, balʼinni isaa immoo dhundhuma digdama ture. Keessa isaa illee warqee qulqulluu taalaantii dhibba jaʼa itti uffise.
9 And the weight of the nails, [even] the weight of each was fifty shekels of gold: and he gilded the upper chamber with gold.
Mismaaronni warqees saqilii shantama ulfaatu ture. Kutaawwan ol aananittis akkasumas warqee uffise.
10 And he made two cherubs in the most holy house, wood-work, and he gilded them with gold.
Iddoo Iddoo Hunda Caalaa Qulqulluu taʼe keessatti kiirubeelii lama hojjechiisee warqee itti uffise.
11 And the wings of the cherubs were twenty cubits in length: and one wing of five cubits touched the wall of the house: and the other wing of five cubits touched the wing of the other cherub.
Qoochoon kiirubeelii lamaanii walumatti dhundhuma digdama ture. Qoochoon kiirubii jalqabaa tokkichi dhundhuma shan dheeratee keenyan mana qulqullummaa tuqa; qoochoon isaa kaan immoo dhundhuma shan dheeratee Qoochoon kiirubii lammaffaa tuqa.
Akkasumas qoochoon kiirubii lammaffaa inni tokko dhundhuma shan dheeratee gama kaaniin keenyan mana qulqullummaa tuqa; qoochoon isaa kaan immoo dhundhuma shan dheeratee qoochoo kiirubii jalqabaa sanaa tuqa.
13 And the wings of these cherubs expanded were of the length of twenty cubits: and they stood upon their feet, and their faces were toward the house.
Qoochoowwan kiirubeelii kanneenii dhundhuma digdamii shan diriirfaman. Kiirubeeliin kunneenis fuula isaanii gara galma guddichaatti deebifatanii miilla isaaniitiin dhaabatan.
14 And he made the vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and wove cherubs in it.
Innis kirrii bifa cuquliisaa, dhiilgee, bildiimaa fi quncee talbaa haphii irraa golgaa hojjetee fakkii kiirubeelii isa irratti tolche.
15 Also he made in front of the house two pillars, in height thirty-five cubits, and their chapters of five cubits.
Innis fuula mana qulqullummaa duratti utubaawwan lama kanneen walumatti dhundhuma soddomii shan dheeratan tolche; tokkoon tokkoon isaaniis guutuu dhundhuma shan dheeratu mataa irraa qabu turan.
16 And he made chains, [as] in the oracle, and put [them] on the heads of the pillars; and he made a hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.
Foncaa wal keessa loofames hojjetee mataa utubaawwanii irra kaaʼe. Akkasumas roomaanoota dhibba tokko hojjetee foncaa sanatti qabsiise.
17 And he set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the right hand and the other on the left: and he called the name of the one on the right hand 'Stability,' and the name of the one on the left 'Strength.'
Innis utubaawwan sana tokko karaa kibbaatiin kaan immoo karaa kaabaatiin fuula mana qulqullummaa dura dhadhaabe. Utubaa karaa kibbaatiin Yaakiin kan karaa kaabaatiin immoo Boʼeez jedhee moggaase.

< Chronicles II 3 >