< Chronicles II 25 >

1 Amasias began to reign when he was twenty and five years old, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name [was] Joadaen of Jerusalem.
Беше Амасији двадесет и пет година кад поче царовати, и царова двадесет и девет година у Јерусалиму. Матери му беше име Јоадана из Јерусалима.
2 And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.
Он чињаше што је право пред Господом, али не целим срцем.
3 And it came to pass, when the kingdom was established in his hand, that he killed his servants who had slain the king his father.
И кад се утврди у царству, поби слуге своје који убише цара оца његовог.
4 But he killed not their sons, according to the covenant of the law of the Lord, as it is written, [and] as the Lord commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for the children, and the sons shall not die for the fathers, but they shall die each for his own sin.
Али синове њихове не погуби, него учини како пише у закону, у књизи Мојсијевој, где је заповедио Господ говорећи: Очеви да не гину за синове, ни синови за очеве, него сваки за свој грех нека гине.
5 And Amasias assembled the house of Juda, and appointed them according to the houses of their families for captains of thousands and captains of hundreds in all Juda and Jerusalem: and he numbered them from twenty years old and upwards, and found them three hundred thousand able to go out to war, holding spear and shield.
Иза тога скупи Амасија народ Јудин, и постави по домовима отачким хиљаднике и стотинике по свој земљи Јудиној и Венијаминовој, и изброја их од двадесет година и више, и нађе их триста хиљада војника избраних, који ношаху копље и штит.
6 Also he hired of Israel a hundred thousand mighty [men for] a hundred talents of silver.
И јоште најми између Израиљаца сто хиљада храбрих људи за сто таланата сребра.
7 And there came a man of God to him, saying, O king, let not the host of Israel go with you; for the Lord is not with Israel, [even] all the sons of Ephraim.
Али дође му човек Божји и рече: Царе, да не иде с тобом војска израиљска, јер Господ није с Израиљцима нити са синовима Јефремовим.
8 For if you shall undertake to strengthen [yourself] with these, then the lord shall put you to flight before the enemies: for it is of the Lord both to strengthen and to put to flight.
Него иди ти, и буди храбар у боју; иначе ће те оборити Бог пред непријатељем, јер Бог може и помоћи и оборити.
9 And Amasias said to the man of God, But what shall I do [for] the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God said, The Lord can give you much more than these.
Тада рече Амасија човеку Божјем: А шта ће бити са сто таланата што сам дао војсци Израиљевој? А човек Божји рече: Има Господ да ти да више од тога.
10 And Amasias separated from the army that came to him from Ephraim, that they might go away to their place; and they were very angry with Juda, and they returned to their place with great wrath.
И тако одвоји Амасија војску што му беше дошла од Јефрема да отиду у своје место; а они се врло расрдише на Јуду, и вратише се у своје место с великим гневом.
11 And Amasias strengthened [himself], and took his people, and went to the valley of salt, and struck there the children of Seir ten thousand.
А Амасија ослободивши се поведе народ свој и отиде у слану долину, и поби десет хиљада синова Сирових;
12 And the children of Juda took ten thousand prisoners, and they carried them to the top of the precipice, and cast them headlong from the top of the precipice, and they were all dashed to pieces.
И десет хиљада живих заробише Јудејци, и одведоше их на врх стене, и побацаше их са врх стене да се сви распадоше.
13 And the men of the host whom Amasias sent back so that they should not go with him to battle, [went] and attacked the cities of Juda, from Samaria to Baethoron; and they struck three thousand among them, and took much spoil.
А војници које Амасија посла натраг да не иду с њим у бој, навалише на градове Јудине од Самарије до Вет-Орона, и побише по њима три хиљаде, и запленише велик плен.
14 And it came to pass, after Amasias had returned from striking Idumea, that he brought home the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up for himself as gods, and bowed down before them, and he sacrificed to them.
А кад се врати Амасија разбивши Идумеје, донесе богове синова Сирових, и постави их себи за богове, и клањаше им се и кађаше им.
15 And the anger of the Lord came upon Amasias, and he sent him a prophet, and he said to him, Why have you sought the gods of the people, which have not rescued their own people out of your hand?
Тада се разгневи Господ на Амасију, и посла к њему пророка, који му рече: Зашто тражиш богове тог народа, који не избавише свој народ из твоје руке?
16 And it came to pass when the prophet was speaking to him, that he said to him, have I made you king's counsellor? take heed lest you be scourged: and the prophet forebore, and said, I know that [God] is disposed against you to destroy you, because you have done this thing, and have not listened to my counsel.
И кад говораше цару, он му рече: Јеси ли постављен цару за саветника? Престани; зашто да погинеш? И тако преста пророк, али рече: Знам да те је Бог наумио истребити кад то радиш а не слушаш савет мој.
17 And Amasias king of Juda took counsel, and sent to Joas, son of Joachaz, son of Jeu, king of Israel, saying, Come, and let us look one another in the face.
Тада смисли Амасија, цар Јудин, и посла к Јоасу сина Јоахаза сина Јујевог, цару Израиљевом, и поручи: Ходи да се огледамо.
18 And Joas king of Israel sent to Amasias king of Juda, saying, The thistle that was in Libanus sent to the cedar that was in Libanus, saying, Give your daughter to my son to wife; but, behold, your wild beasts of the field that are in Libanus shall come: and the wild beasts did come, and trod down the thistle.
А Јоас цар Израиљев посла к Амасији цару Јудином и поручи му: Трн на Ливану посла ка кедру на Ливану, и поручи: Дај своју кћер сину мом за жену. Али наиђе зверје ливанско и изгази трн.
19 You have said, Behold, I have struck Idumea, and your stout heart exalts you: now stay at home; for why do you implicate yourself in mischief, that you should fall, and Juda with you.
Велиш, побио си Едомце, па се понесе срце твоје, и тражиш славе; седи код куће своје; зашто би се заплетао у зло да паднеш и ти и Јуда с тобом?
20 Nevertheless Amasias listened not, for it was of the Lord to deliver him into [the enemy's] hands, because he sought after the gods of the Idumeans.
Али не послуша Амасија, јер од Господа то би да их да у руке непријатељу, што тражише богове едомске.
21 So Joas king of Israel went up; and they saw one another, he and Amasias king of Juda, in Baethsamys, which is of Juda.
И отиде Јоас цар Израиљев, и огледаше се, он и Амасија цар Јудин, у Вет-Семесу Јудином.
22 And Juda was put to flight before Israel, and they fled every man to his tent.
Али Јуду разби Израиљ, те побегоше сваки ка свом шатору.
23 And Joas king of Israel took prisoner Amasias king of Juda, [son] of Joas, son of Joachaz, in Baethsamys, and brought him to Jerusalem; and he pulled down [part] of the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits.
А Амасију цара Јудиног, сина Јоаса сина Јоахазовог, ухвати Јоас цар Израиљев у Вет-Семесу, и одведе га у Јерусалим; и обори зид јерусалимски од врата Јефремових до врата на углу, четири стотине лаката.
24 And [he took] all the gold and the silver, and all the vessels that were found in the house of the Lord and with Abdedom, and the treasures of the king's house, and the hostages, and he returned to Samaria.
И узе све злато и сребро и све посуђе што се нађе у дому Божијем у Овид-Едома и у ризници дома царског, и таоце, па се врати у Самарију.
25 And Amasias the [son] of Joas king of Juda lived after the death of Joas the [son] of Joachaz king of Israel fifteen years.
И поживе Амасија син Јоасов цар Јудин по смрти Јоаса сина Јоахаза цара Израиљевог петнаест година.
26 And the rest of the acts of Amasias, the first and the last, Behold! are they not written in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel?
А остала дела Амасијина прва и последња, ето нису ли записана у књизи о царевима Јудиним и Израиљевим?
27 And at the time when Amasias departed from the Lord, then they formed a conspiracy against him; and he fled from Jerusalem to Lachis: and they sent after him to Lachis, and killed him there.
И пошто Амасија одступи од Господа, дигоше буну на њ у Јерусалиму, а он побеже у Лахис. Али послаше за њим у Лахис, и убише га онде.
28 And they took him up on horses, and buried him with his fathers in the city of David.
И донесоше га на коњима и погребоше га код отаца његових у граду Јудином.

< Chronicles II 25 >