< Kings I 7 >

1 And the men of Cariathiarim come, and bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord: and they bring it into the house of Aminadab in the hill; and they sanctified Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
Kanaafuu namoonni Kiriyaati Yeʼaariim dhufanii taabota Waaqayyoo fudhatanii ol baʼan. Isaanis gara mana Abiinaadaab kan gaara irra jiruutti geessan; akka inni taabota Waaqayyoo eeguufis ilma isaa Eleʼaazaarin qulqulleessan.
2 And it came to pass from the time that the ark was in Cariathiarim, the days were multiplied, and [the time] was twenty years; and all the house of Israel looked after the Lord.
Taabonni sun erga gara Kiriyaati Yeʼaariim geeffamee yeroo dheeraa dha; walumaa galatti waggaa digdama taaʼe. Sabni Israaʼel hundinuus booʼichaan Waaqayyotti deebiʼe.
3 And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, If you do with all your heart return to the Lord, take away the strange gods from the midst of you, and the groves, and prepare your hearts to [serve] the Lord, and serve him only; and he shall deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.
Saamuʼeelis guutummaa mana Israaʼeliin akkana jedhe; “Yoo isin garaa keessan guutuudhaan Waaqayyotti deebitanii, waaqota ormaatii fi Ashtooretin waaqeffachuu dhiisuudhaan Waaqayyotti of kennitanii isa qofaaf tajaajiltan, inni harka Filisxeemotaa jalaa isin ni baasa.”
4 And the children of Israel took away Baalim and the groves of Astaroth, and served the Lord only.
Kanaaf Israaʼeloonni Baʼaalii fi Ashtooretin calaasanii Waaqayyoon qofa tajaajilan.
5 And Samuel said, Gather all Israel to Massephath, and I will pray for you to the Lord.
Kana irrattis Saamuʼeel, “Isin Israaʼeloota hundumaa Miisphaatti walitti qabaa; anis Waaqayyoon isiniif nan kadhadhaa” jedhe.
6 And they were gathered together to Massephath, and they drew water, and poured it out upon the earth before the Lord. And they fasted on that day, and said, We have sinned before the Lord. And Samuel judged the children of Israel in Massephath.
Isaanis yommuu Miisphaatti walitti qabamanitti bishaan waraabanii fuula Waaqayyoo duratti dhangalaasan. Gaafas soomanii, “Nu Waaqayyotti cubbuu hojjenneerra” jedhan. Saamuʼeelis Miisphaatti saba Israaʼel irratti murtii kenna ture.
7 And the Philistines heard that all the children of Israel were gathered together to Massephath: and the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel: and the children of Israel heard, and they feared before the Philistines.
Yommuu Filisxeemonni akka Israaʼel Miisphaatti walitti qabame dhagaʼanitti bulchitoonni Filisxeem isaan waraanuudhaaf ol baʼan. Ijoolleen Israaʼelis yommuu waan kana dhagaʼanitti Filisxeemota ni sodaatan.
8 And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry to the Lord your God for us, and he shall save us out of the hand of the Philistines.
Isaanis Saamuʼeeliin, “Akka inni harka Filisxeemotaa jalaa nu baasuuf gara Waaqayyo Waaqa keenyaatti nuu iyyuu hin dhiisin” jedhan.
9 And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it up as a whole burnt offering with all the people to the Lord: and Samuel cried to the Lord for Israel, and the Lord heard him.
Saamuʼeelis ilmoo hoolaa kan hodhu tokko fuudhee jiraa isaa aarsaa gubamu godhee Waaqayyoof dhiʼeesse. Qooda Israaʼelis gara Waaqayyootti iyye; Waaqayyos deebii kenneef.
10 And Samuel was offering the whole burnt offering; and the Philistines drew near to war against Israel; and the Lord thundered with a mighty sound in that day upon the Philistines, and they were confounded and overthrown before Israel.
Utuu Saamuʼeel aarsaa gubamu dhiʼeessaa jiruu Filisxeemonni Israaʼelin loluuf dhiʼaatan. Gaafas garuu Waaqayyo sagalee qaqawwee guddaa isaa isaan irratti qaqawweessaʼee waan isaan joonjesseef Filisxeemonni fuula Israaʼelootaa duratti ni moʼataman.
11 And the men of Israel went forth out of Massephath, and pursued the Philistines, and struck them to the parts under Baethchor.
Israaʼeloonnis Miisphaadhaa baʼanii Filisxeemota karaa irratti gorraʼaa hamma Beet Kaari jalaatti isaan ariʼan.
12 And Samuel took a stone, and set it up between Massephath and the old [city]; and he called the name of it Abenezer, stone of the helper; and he said, Hitherto has the Lord helped us.
Ergasii Saamuʼeel dhagaa tokko fuudhee Miisphaa fi Sheen gidduu dhaabe. Maqaa isaas, “Waaqayyo hamma harʼaatti nu gargaareera” jedhee, “Ebeenezer” jedhee moggaase.
13 So the Lord humbled the Philistines, and they did not anymore come into the border of Israel; and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.
Kanaafuu Filisxeemonni waan moʼatamaniif lammata deebiʼanii biyya Israaʼelootaa hin weerarre. Bara jireenya Saamuʼeel guutuu harki Waaqayyoo Filisxeemota irratti ni jabaate.
14 And the cities which the Philistines took from the children of Israel were restored; and they restored them to Israel from Ascalon to Azob: and they took the coast of Israel out of the hand of the Philistines; and there was peace between Israel and the Amorite.
Magaalaawwan Filisxeemonni Israaʼel irraa fudhatanii turan kanneen Eqroonii jalqabanii hamma Gaatitti jiran hundinuu Israaʼelootaaf ni deebiʼan. Israaʼelis daangaa ishee Filisxeemota harkaa baafate. Israaʼelii fi Amoorota gidduuttis nageenyi buʼee ture.
15 And Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life.
Saamuʼeelis bara jireenya isaa guutuu abbaa murtii saba Israaʼel ture.
16 And he went year by year, and went round Baethel, and Galgala, and Massephath; and he judged Israel in all these consecrated places.
Innis wagguma waggaan Beetʼeel, Gilgaalii fi Miisphaa keessa naannaʼee iddoo hundatti abbaa murtii saba Israaʼel ture.
17 And his return was to Armathaim, because there was his house; and there he judged Israel, and built there an altar to the Lord.
Ergasiis gara Raamaa iddoo jireenya isaatti deebiʼee achittis saba Israaʼel irratti murtii kenna ture. Achittis Waaqayyoof iddoo aarsaa ijaare.

< Kings I 7 >