< Kings I 25 >

1 And Samuel died, and all Israel assembled, and bewailed him, and they bury him in his house in Armathaim: and David arose, and went down to the wilderness of Maon.
Sama’ila ya rasu, sai dukan Isra’ila suka taru suka yi makoki saboda shi. Suka binne shi a gidansa a Rama. Sai Dawuda ya gangara zuwa cikin Jejin Faran.
2 And there was a man in Maon, and his flocks were in Carmel, and [he was] a very great man; and he had three thousand sheep, and a thousand she-goats: and he happened to be shearing his flock in Carmel.
A Mawon, akwai wani mutum wanda yake da dukiya a Karmel, mutumin mai arziki ne ƙwarai. Yana da awaki dubu ɗaya, da tumaki dubu uku waɗanda yake wa aski a Karmel.
3 And the man's name [was] Nabal, and his wife's name [was] Abigaia: and his wife [was] of good understanding and very beautiful in person: but the man [was] harsh, and evil in his doings, and the man [was] churlish.
Ana ce da shi Nabal, sunan matarsa kuwa Abigiyel. Tana da hikima ga ta kuma kyakkyawa, amma mijinta mai rowa ne marar mutunci. Shi daga kabilar Kaleb ne.
4 And David heard in the wilderness, that Nabal the Carmelite was shearing his sheep.
Lokacin da Dawuda yake a jeji, ya ji labari cewa Nabal yana askin tumaki.
5 And David sent ten young men, and he said to the young men, Go up to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and ask him in my name how he is.
Sai ya zaɓi samari goma ya aike su wurin Nabal a Karmel su gaishe shi a madadinsa,
6 And thus shall you say, May you and your house seasonably prosper, and all your be in prosperity.
su ce masa, “Ranka yă daɗe, ina maka fatan alheri, kai da gidanka da dukan abin da kake da shi!
7 And now, behold, I have heard that your shepherds who were with is in the wilderness are shearing your sheep, and we hindered them not, neither did we demand any thing from them all the time they were in Carmel.
“Na ji cewa, yanzu lokacin askin tumaki ne. Sa’ad da makiyayanka suke tare da mu, ba mu cuce su ba, kuma duk zamansu a Karmel ba abin da yake nasu da ya ɓata.
8 Ask your servants, and they will tell you. Let then your servants find grace in your eyes, for we are come on a good day; give we pray you, whatever your hand may find, to your son David.
Ka tambayi bayinka za su kuwa gaya maka. Saboda haka ka yi wa mutanena kirki, gama yau ranar biki ce. Ina roƙonka ka ba wa samarina, wato, bayinka, da ni ɗanka Dawuda, duk abin da kake iya ba su.”
9 So the servants come and speak these words to Nabal, according to all these words in the name of David.
Da mutanen Dawuda suka isa wurin Nabal, suka ba wa Nabal wannan saƙo a sunan Dawuda, sai suka jira.
10 And Nabal sprang up, and answered the servants of David, and said, Who [is] David? and who [is] the son of Jessae? Now-a-days there is abundance of servants who depart every one from his master.
Nabal ya ce wa mutanen Dawuda, “Wane ne wannan Dawuda? Wane ne wannan ɗan Yesse? Yawancin bayi suna tayar wa iyayengijinsu a kwanakin nan.
11 And shall I take my bread, and my wine, and my beasts that I have slain for my shearers, and shall I give them to men of whom I know not whence they are?
Don me zan ɗauki burodina da ruwana, da kuma naman da na yanka saboda masu yin wa tumakina aski in ba mutanen da ban ma san inda suka fito ba?”
12 So the servants of David turned back, and returned, and came and reported to David according to these words.
Mutanen Dawuda suka juya suka koma. Da suka iso sai suka faɗa wa Dawuda abin da Nabal ya ce.
13 And David said to his men, Gird on every man his sword. And they went up after David, about four hundred men: and two hundred abode with the stuff.
Dawuda ya ce wa mutanensa, “Kowa yă rataya takobinsa.” Sai duk suka yi haka. Dawuda kuma ya rataya nasa. Mutum wajen ɗari huɗu suka tafi tare da Dawuda, mutum ɗari biyu kuwa suka zauna suna gadin kayansu.
14 And one of the servants reported to Abigaia the wife of Nabal, saying, Behold, David sent messengers out of the wilderness to salute our lord; but he turned away from them.
Ɗaya daga cikin bayin Nabal ya gaya wa Abigiyel matar Nabal cewa, “Dawuda ya aiko da bayinsa daga jeji su gai da maigida, amma maigida ya zazzage su.
15 And the men were very good to us; they did not hinder us, neither did they demand from us any thing all the days that we were with them.
Waɗannan mutane kuwa sun yi mana kirki ƙwarai, ba su ba mu wata wahala ba. Babu abu guda da ya ɓace mana dukan lokacin da muke tare da su.
16 And when we were in the field, they were as a wall round about us, both by night and by day, all the days that we were with them feeding the flock.
Dare da rana sun zama mana katanga kewaya da mu, a duk tsawon lokacin da muke kiwon tumakinmu kusa da su.
17 And now do you consider, and see what you will do; for mischief is determined against our lord and against his house; and he [is] a vile character, and one can’t speak to him.
Ki yi nazari a kai, ki ga ko za ki iya yin wani abu, domin masifa yana nan rataye a wuyan maigidanmu da dukan iyalin gidansa. Shi mugun mutum ne wanda ba wani da zai iya yin masa magana.”
18 And Abigaia hasted, and took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five ephahs of fine flour, and one homer of dried grapes, and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them upon asses.
Abigiyel ba tă ɓata lokaci ba. Ta ɗauki burodi guda ɗari biyu, da salkar ruwan inabi biyu da tumaki biyar da aka gyara, da soyayyen hatsi mudu biyar, da waina guda ɗari na’ya’yan inabi, da masa ɗari biyu na kauɗar ɓaure ta labta wa jakuna.
19 And she said to her servants, Go on before me, and behold I come after you: but she told not her husband.
Sai ta ce wa bawanta, “Yi gaba, zan bi ka”. Amma ba tă gaya wa Nabal, mijinta ba.
20 And it came to pass when she had mounted her ass and was going down by the covert of the mountain, behold, David and his men came down to meet her, and she met them.
Da tana tafiya a kan jaki, ta kai gindin wani dutse ke nan, sai ga Dawuda da mutanensa suna gangarowa zuwa wajen da take. Sai ta tafi, ta sadu da su.
21 And David said, Perhaps I have kept all his possessions in the wilderness that he should wrong me, and we did not order the taking anything of all his goods; yet he has rewarded me evil for good.
Bai daɗe ba da Dawuda ya ce a ransa, “Ashe, a banza ne na yi ta lura da dukan abin da yake na mutumin nan a jeji, har ba abinsa da ya ɓace. Ga shi, ya rama mini alheri da mugunta.
22 So God do to David and more also, if I leave one male of all that belong to Nabal until the morning.
Bari Allah yă yi duk abin da ya ga dama da ni in na bar ko ɗaya daga mazan da suke da tare shi, gobe da safe.”
23 And Abigaia saw David, and she hasted and alighted from her ass; and she felt before David on her face, and did obeisance to him, [bowing] to the ground
Da Abigiyel ta ga Dawuda, sai ta gaggauta ta sauka daga kan jaki, ta rusuna a gaban Dawuda da fuskarta har ƙasa.
24 [even] to his feet, and said, On me, my lord, be my wrong: let, I pray you, your servant speak in your ears, and hear you the words of your servant.
Ta fāɗi a ƙafafunsa ta ce, “Bari laifin yă zama nawa, ranka yă daɗe. Ina roƙonka ka bar baiwarka ta yi magana, ka ji abin da baiwarka za tă ce.
25 Let not my lord, I pray you, take to heart this pestilent man, for according to his name, so is he; Nabal [is] his name, and folly [is] with him: but I your handmaid saw not the servants of my lord whom you did send.
Kada ranka yă daɗe, yă kula da Nabal, mugun mutumin nan. Shi dai kamar sunansa ne, sunansa Wawa ne, kuma wawanci yana cikinsa. Amma ni baiwarka, ban ga mutanen da ranka yă daɗe ya aika ba.
26 And now, my lord, [as] the Lord lives, and your soul lives, as the Lord has kept you from coming against innocent blood, and from executing vengeance for yourself, now therefore let your enemies, and those that seek evil against my lord, become as Nabal.
Da yake yanzu, ya mai girma, Ubangiji ya hana ka zubar da jini da kuma ɗaukan wa kanka fansa, muddin Ubangiji yana raye, kai kuma kana a raye, bari maƙiyinka da dukan waɗanda suke niyya su cuci shugabana su zama kamar Nabal.
27 And now accept this token of goodwill, which your servant has brought to my lord, and you shall give it to the servants that wait on my lord.
Bari kuma ka karɓi wannan kyautar da baiwarka ta kawo don samarin da suke binka.
28 Remove, I pray you, the trespass of your servant; for the Lord will surely make for my lord a sure house, for the Lord fights the battles of my lord, and there shall no evil be ever found in you.
Ina roƙonka ka gafarta wa baiwarka laifinta gama tabbatacce Ubangiji zai ba shugabana dawwammamiyar sarauta, gama kana yin yaƙin Ubangiji ne. Kuma ba wani mugun abin da zai same ka muddin kana a raye.
29 And [if] a man shall rise up persecuting you and seeking your life, yet shall the life of my lord be bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord God, and you shall whirl the life of your enemies [as] in the midst of a sling.
Ko da yake wani mutum yana fafaranka domin yă kashe ka, Ubangiji Allahnka zai kiyaye ranka. Amma za a wurgar da rayukan maƙiyanka kamar yadda ake wurga dutsen majajjawa.
30 And it shall be when the Lord shall have wrought for my lord all the good things he has spoken concerning you, and shall appoint you to be ruler over Israel;
Sa’ad da Ubangiji ya cika kowane alherinsa da ya yi wa shugabana alkawari, ya kuma keɓe shi sarki a bisa Isra’ila,
31 then this shall not be an abomination and offense to my lord, to have shed innocent blood without cause, and for my lord to have avenged himself: and so may the Lord do good to my lord, and you shall remember your handmaid to do her good.
kada yă zama cewa zuciyarka ta ba ka laifi ko ka damu cewa kana da alhakin jini, kada ka yi ramuwa da kanka. Sa’ad da Ubangiji ya nuna maka alheri, ka tuna da ni, baiwarka.”
32 And David said to Abigaia, Blessed [be] the Lord God of Israel, who sent you this very day to meet me:
Dawuda ya ce wa Abigiyel, “Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, wanda ya aiko ki don ki same ni yau.
33 and blessed [be] your conduct, and blessed [be] you, who have hindered me this very day from coming to shed blood, and from avenging myself.
Bari Allah yă albarkace ki saboda hikima yanke hukuncinki da kuma hana ni zubar da jini da ɗauka wa kaina fansa da hannuna a wannan rana.
34 But surely as the Lord God of Israel lives, who hindered me this day from doing you harm, if you had not hasted and come to meet me, then I said, There shall [surely] not be left to Nabal till the morning one male.
Ubangiji, ya hana ni in yi miki ɓarna. Da ba don kin zo kin sadu da ni ba, na rantse da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila Mai Rai, babu ko ɗaya daga cikin mazan gidan Nabal da zai rage gobe da safe.”
35 And David took of her hand all that she brought to him, and said to her, Go in peace to your house: see, I have listened to your voice, and accepted your petition.
Sa’an nan Dawuda ya karɓi abin da ta kawo masa daga hannunta, ya kuma ce mata, “Ki koma gida kada ki damu, na ji koke-kokenki, zan kuma biya miki bukatarki.”
36 And Abigaia came to Nabal: and, behold, he had a banquet in this house, as the banquet of a king, and the heart of Nabal [was] merry within him, and he [was] very drunken: and she told him nothing great or small till the morning light.
Da Abigiyel ta kai gida sai ta sami Nabal cikin gida yana ta fama biki iri na sarakuna. Yana ji wa ransa daɗi, ya kuma bugu tilis, saboda haka ba tă ce masa kome ba sai da gari ya waye.
37 And it came to pass in the morning, when Nabal recovered from his wine, his wife told him these words; and his heart died within him, and he became as a stone.
Da safe sa’ad da Nabal ya natsu, sai matarsa ta gaya masa dukan abin da ya faru. Sai zuciyarsa ta tsinke, ya zama kamar dutse.
38 And it came to pass after about ten days, that the Lord struck Nabal, and he died.
Bayan kusan kwana goma, Ubangiji ya bugi Nabal, sai ya mutu.
39 And David heard it and said, Blessed [be] the Lord, who has judged the cause of my reproach at the hand of Nabal, and has delivered his servant from the power of evil; and the Lord has returned the mischief of Nabal upon his own head. And David sent and spoke concerning Abigaia, to take her to himself for a wife.
Da Dawuda ya sami labarin mutuwar Nabal, sai ya ce, “Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji, wanda ya sāka mini a kan irin renin da Nabal ya yi mini. Ya hana bawansa yin mugunta, ga shi ya ɗora wa Nabal muguntar da ya yi.” Sai Dawuda ya aika wa Abigiyel cewa tă zama matarsa.
40 So the servants of David came to Abigaia to Carmel, and spoke to her, saying, David has sent us to you, to take you to himself for a wife.
Bayin Dawuda suka tafi Karmel suka ce wa Abigiyel, “Dawuda ya aike mu gare ki, mu zo mu ɗauke ki ki zama matarsa.”
41 And she arose, and did reverence with her face to the earth, and said, Behold, your servant [is] for an handmaid to wash the feet of your servants.
Sai ta rusuna da fuskarta har ƙasa ta ce, “Ni baranyarka ce, na shirya in bauta maka in kuma wanke ƙafafun bayin shugabana.”
42 And Abigaia arose, and mounted her ass, and five damsels followed her: and she went after the servants of David, and became his wife.
Abigiyel ta tashi da sauri ta hau jaki, ta kuma sa’yan mata biyar da suke mata hidima su bi ta, suka tafi tare da’yan saƙon Dawuda. Ta kuwa zama matarsa.
43 And David took Achinaam out of Jezrael, and they were both his wives.
Dawuda a lokacin ya riga ya auri Ahinowam daga Yezireyel, dukansu suka zama matansa.
44 And Saul gave Melchol his daughter, David's wife, to Phalti the son of Amis who was of Romma.
Amma Shawulu ya aurar da Mikal,’yarsa, matar Dawuda, ga Falti ɗan Layish wanda yake daga Gallim.

< Kings I 25 >