< Kings I 11 >

1 And it came to pass about a month after this, that Naas the Ammanite went up, and encamped against Jabis Galaad: and all the men of Jabis said to Naas the Ammanite, Make a covenant with us, and we will serve you.
Otprilike poslije mjesec dana dođe Amonac Nahaš i utabori se kod Jabeša Gileadskog. Svi Jabešani poručiše Nahašu: “Sklopi savez s nama pa ćemo ti se pokoriti.”
2 Naas the Ammanite said to them, On these terms will I make a covenant with you, that I should put out all your right eyes, and I will lay a reproach upon Israel.
Ali im Amonac Nahaš odgovori: “Ovako ću sklopiti savez s vama: svakome ću od vas iskopati desno oko, i tako ću učiniti sramotu svemu Izraelu.”
3 And the men of Jabis say to him, Allow us seven days, and we will send messengers into all the coasts of Israel: if there should be no one to deliver us, we will come out to you.
A jabeške mu starješine rekoše: “Ostavi nam sedam dana da pošaljemo glasnike u sve krajeve Izraelove, pa ako se ne nađe nitko da nas izbavi, predat ćemo se tebi.”
4 And the messengers came to Gabaa to Saul, and they speak the words into the ears of the people; and all the people lifted up their voice, and wept.
I dođoše poslanici u Šaulovu Gibeu te izložiše sve narodu da čuje. Tada sav narod zaplaka iza glasa.
5 And, behold, Saul came after the early morning out of the field: and Saul said, Why does the people week? and they tell him the words of the men of Jabis.
A gle, Šaul je upravo išao za govedima iz polja pa upita: “Što je ljudima te plaču?” I pripovjediše mu što su rekli Jabešani.
6 And the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul when he heard these words, and his anger was greatly kindled against them.
Kad je Šaul čuo te riječi, duh Jahvin siđe na njega i silan gnjev uskipje u njemu.
7 And he took two cows, and cut them in pieces, and sent them into all the coasts of Israel by the hand of messengers, saying, Whoso comes not forth after Saul and after Samuel, so shall they do to his oxen: and a transport from the Lord came upon the people of Israel, and they came out to battle as one man.
I uze on dva vola, isiječe ih i komade razasla po poslanicima u sve krajeve Izraelove i poruči: “Tko ne pođe za Šaulom, ovako će biti s njegovim govedima.” I strah Božji obuze ljude te pođoše kao jedan čovjek.
8 And he reviews them at Bezec in Bama, every man of Israel six hundred thousand, and the men of Juda seventy thousand.
Šaul ih izbroji u Bezeku: i bijaše sinova Izraelovih tri stotine tisuća, a Judinih ljudi trideset tisuća.
9 And he said to the messengers that came, Thus shall you say to the men of Jabis, To-morrow you shall have deliverance when the sun is hot; and the messengers came to the city, and told the men of Jabis, and they rejoiced.
Zatim reče poslanicima koji bijahu došli: “Ovako recite Jabešanima u Gileadu: sutra, kad sunce pripeče, stići će vam pomoć.” Kad su se poslanici vratili, javiše sve to Jabešanima i oni se obradovaše.
10 And the men of Jabis said to Naas the Ammanite, To-morrow we will come forth to you, and you shall do to us what seems good in your sight.
I poručiše Nahašu: “Sutra ćemo izaći k vama, pa učinite s nama što vam bude drago.”
11 And it came to pass on the morrow, that Saul divided the people into three companies, and they go into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and they struck the children of Ammon until the day was hot; at it came to pass that those who were left were scattered, and there were not left among them two together.
Sutradan Šaul razdijeli narod u tri čete, koje provališe u tabor o jutarnjoj straži i tukoše Amonce do najveće dnevne žege; a što preživje, rasprša se da ni dvojica ne ostaše zajedno.
12 And the people said to Samuel, Who has said that Saul shall not reign over us? Give up the men, and we will put them to death.
Tada narod reče Samuelu: “Tko je onaj što je govorio: 'Zar će Šaul kraljevati nad nama?' Dajte te ljude da ih pogubimo!”
13 And Saul said, No man shall die this day, for today the Lord has wrought deliverance in Israel.
Ali Šaul odgovori: “Neka se ne pogubi u ovaj dan nitko, jer je danas Jahve izvojevao pobjedu u Izraelu.”
14 And Samuel spoke to the people, saying, Let us go to Galgala, and there renew the kingdom.
Tada Samuel reče narodu: “Hajdemo u Gilgal da ondje potvrdimo kraljevstvo.”
15 And all the people went to Galgala, and Samuel anointed Saul there to be king before the Lord in Galgala, and there he offered meat-offerings and peace-offerings before the Lord: and Samuel and all Israel rejoiced exceedingly.
I sav narod krenu u Gilgal i ondje postaviše Šaula za kralja pred Jahvom, u Gilgalu. Ondje žrtvovaše pred Jahvom žrtve pričesnice i ondje je Šaul sa svim Izraelcima slavio slavlje.

< Kings I 11 >