< Kings III 21 >
1 And Achaab numbered the young men the heads of the districts, and they were two hundred and thirty: and afterwards he numbered the people, [even] every man fit for war, seven thousand.
Kwapera nguva yakati, pane imwe nyaya yakaitika pamusoro pomunda wemizambiringa waNabhoti muJezireeri. Munda wemizambiringa uyu waiva muJezireeri, pedyo nomuzinda waAhabhu mambo weSamaria.
2 And he went forth at noon, an the son of Ader was drinking [and] getting drunk in Socchoth, he and the kings, [even] thirty and two kings, his allies.
Ahabhu akati kuna Nabhoti, “Ndipe munda wako wemizambiringa kuti ndiuite bindu romuriwo, sezvo uri pedyo nomuzinda wangu. Ini ndichatsinhanhisa nokukupa munda wemizambiringa uri nani, kana kuti, kana uchida, ndichakuripa mari inoenderana nomutengo wawo.”
3 And the young men the heads of the districts went forth first; and they send and report to the king of Syria, saying, There are men come forth out of Samaria.
Asi Nabhoti akapindura akati, “Jehovha ngaazvirambidze kuti ndikupei nhaka yamadzibaba angu.”
4 And he said to them, If they come forth peaceably, take them alive; and if they come forth to war, take them alive:
Saka Ahabhu akaenda kumba akasuwa uye akashatirwa nokuti Nabhoti muJezireeri akanga ati, “Handisi kuzokupai nhaka yamadzibaba angu.” Akarara pamubhedha wake akazvidya mwoyo, akaramba kudya.
5 and let not the young men the heads of the districts go forth of the city. And the force that was behind them
Jezebheri, mukadzi wake, akapindamo akamubvunza akati, “Sei makasuwa kudai? Sei musiri kudya?”
6 struck each one the man next to him; and each one a second time struck the man next to him: and Syria fled, and Israel pursued them; and the son of Ader, [even] the king of Syria, escapes on the horse of a horseman.
Akamupindura akati, “Nokuti ndati kuna Nabhoti muJezireeri, ‘Nditengesere munda wako wemizambiringa; kana kuti, kana uchida, ndichakupa mumwe munda wemizambiringa kune imwe nzvimbo kuti, utsive uyu.’ Asi iye ati, ‘Handisi kuzokupai munda wangu wemizambiringa.’”
7 And the king of Israel went forth, and took all the horses and the chariots, and struck [the enemy] with a great slaughter in Syria.
Jezebheri, mukadzi wake akati, “Izvi ndizvo here zvamunoita samambo weIsraeri? Simukai mudye! Faranukai. Ndichakuwanirai munda wemizambiringa waNabhoti muJezireeri.”
8 And the prophet came to the king of Israel, and said, Strengthen yourself, and observe, and see what you shall do; for at the return of the year the son of Ader king of Syria comes up against you.
Naizvozvo akanyora matsamba muzita raAhabhu, akadhinda chidhindo chake padziri, akadzitumira kuvakuru nokumachinda aaigara nawo muguta raNabhoti.
9 And the servants of the king of Syria, even they said, The God of Israel [is] a God of mountains, and not a God of valleys; therefore has he prevailed against us: but if we should fight against them in the plain, verily we shall prevail against them.
Mumatsamba aya akanyora akati: “Daidzirai zuva rokutsanya mugogadzika Nabhoti panzvimbo yakakwirira pakati pavanhu.
10 And do you this thing: Send away the kings, each one to his place, and set princes in their stead.
Asi gadzai nhubu mbiri pakatarisana naye uye mugoita kuti dzipupure dzichiti akatuka Mwari namambo. Ipapo mutorei muende naye kunze mugomutaka namabwe kusvikira afa.”
11 And we will give you [another] army according to the army that was destroyed, and cavalry according to the cavalry, and chariots according to the chariots, and we will fight against them in the plain, and we shall prevail against them. And he listened to their voice, and did so.
Saka vakuru namachinda vaigara muguta raNabhoti vakaita sezvakanga zvarayirwa naJezebheri mumatsamba aakanga avanyorera.
12 And it came to pass at the return of the year, that the son of Ader reviewed Syria, and went up to Apheca to war against Israel.
Vakadaidzira zuva rokutsanya ndokugadzika Nabhoti panzvimbo yakakwirira pakati pavanhu.
13 And the children of Israel were numbered, and came to meet them: and Israel encamped before them as two little flocks of goats, but Syria filled the land.
Ipapo nhubu mbiri dzakauya dzikagara dzakatarisana naye dzikapomera Nabhoti mhosva pamberi pavanhu, dzichiti, “Nabhoti akatuka Mwari namambo.” Naizvozvo vakamutora vakaenda naye kunze kweguta vakamutaka namabwe kusvikira afa.
14 And there came the man of God, and said to the king of Israel, Thus says the Lord, Because Syria has said, The Lord God of Israel [is] a God of the hills, and he [is] not a God of the valleys, therefore will I give this great army into your hand, and you shall know that I [am] the Lord.
Ipapo vakatumira shoko kuna Jezebheri vachiti, “Nabhoti atakwa namabwe uye afa.”
15 And they encamp one over against the other before them seven days. And it came to pass on the seventh day that the battle drew on, and Israel struck Syria, [even] a hundred thousand footmen in one day.
Jezebheri paakangonzwa chete kuti Nabhoti akanga atakwa namabwe akafa, akati kuna Ahabhu, “Simukai muende mundotora munda wemizambiringa waNabhoti muJezireeri waakaramba kukutengeserai. Haachisiri mupenyu, asi afa.”
16 And the rest fled to Apheca, into the city; and the wall fell upon twenty-seven thousand men that were left: and the son of Ader fled, and entered into an inner chamber, into a closet.
Ahabhu paakanzwa kuti Nabhoti akanga afa, akasimuka akaenda kundotora munda wemizambiringa waNabhoti.
17 And he said to his servants, I know that the kings of Israel are merciful kings: let us now put sackcloth upon our loins, and ropes upon our heads, and let us go forth to the king of Israel, if by any means he will save our souls alive.
Zvino shoko raJehovha rakasvika kuna Eria muTishibhi richiti,
18 So they girded sackcloth upon their loins, and put ropes upon their heads, and said to the king of Israel, Your servant the son of Ader says, Let our souls live, I pray you. And he said, Does he yet live? He is my brother.
“Buruka pasi undosangana naAhabhu mambo weIsraeri, uyo ari kutonga muSamaria. Iye zvino ari mumunda wemizambiringa waNabhoti, waaenda kundotora.
19 And the men divined, and offered drink-offerings; and they caught the word out of his mouth, and said, Your brother the son of Ader. And he said, Go you in and fetch him. And the son of Ader went out to him, and they cause him to go up to him into the chariot.
Uti kwaari, ‘Zvanzi naJehovha: Hauna here kuuraya munhu ukamutorera zvinhu zvake?’ Ipapo uti kwaari, ‘Zvanzi naJehovha: Panzvimbo yakananzvwa ropa raNabhoti nembwa, imbwa dzichananzva ropa rakowo ipapo, hongu, rako!’”
20 And he said to him, The cities which my father took from your father I will restore to you; and you shall make streets for yourself in Damascus, as my father made streets in Samaria; and I will let you go with a covenant. And he made a covenant with him, and let him go.
Ahabhu akati kuna Eria, “Saka wandiwanaka, muvengi wangu!” Akapindura akati, “Ndakuwana nokuti wazvitengesa kuti uite zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha.
21 And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said to his neighbor by the word of the Lord, Strike me, I pray, And the man would not strike him.
‘Ndichauyisa dambudziko guru pamusoro pako. Ndichaparadza vana vako ndigouraya murume wose weimba yaAhabhu muIsraeri, muranda neasiri muranda.
22 And he said to him, Because you have not listened to the voice of the Lord, therefore, behold, as you depart from me, a lion shall strike you: and he departed from him, and a lion found him, and struck him.
Ndichaita kuti imba yako ifanane neyaJerobhoamu mwanakomana waNebhati neyaBhaasha mwanakomana waAhija, nokuti waita kuti ndishatirwe uye waita kuti Israeri iite chivi.’
23 And he finds another man, and says, Strike me, I pray you. And the man struck him, and in striking wounded [him].
“Zvino kana ari Jezebheriwo, Jehovha anoti: ‘Imbwa dzichadya Jezebheri pamasvingo eJezireeri.’
24 And the prophet went and stood before the king of Israel by the way, and bound his eyes with a bandage.
“Imbwa dzichadya avo vaAhabhu vachafira muguta, uye shiri dzedenga dzichadya avo vachafira musango.”
25 And it came to pass as the king passed by, that he cried aloud to the king, and said, Your servant went out to war, and, behold, a man brought [another] man to me, and said to me, Keep his man; and if he should by any means escape, then your life shall go for his life, or you shall pay a talent of silver.
Hapana kumbova nomunhu akaita saAhabhu, akazvitengesa kuti aite zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha, achikurudzirwa naJezebheri mukadzi wake.
26 And it came to pass, that your servant looked round this way and that way, and the man was gone. And the king of Israel said to him, Behold, you have also destroyed snares [set] for me.
Akaita zvinonyangadza kwazvo nokutevera zvifananidzo, sezvakanga zvaitwa navaAmori, avo vakanga vadzingwa naJehovha pamberi pavaIsraeri.
27 And he hasted, and took away the bandage from his eyes; and the king of Israel recognized him, that he was one of the prophets.
Ahabhu paakanzwa mashoko aya, akabvarura nguo dzake, akapfeka masaga akatsanya. Akapfeka masaga akafamba achizvininipisa.
28 And he said to him, Thus says the Lord, Because you have suffered to escape out of your hand a man appointed to destruction, therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.
Ipapo shoko raJehovha rakauya kuna Eria muTishibhi richiti,
29 And the king of Israel departed confounded and discouraged, and came to Samaria.
“Waona here kuti Ahabhu azvininipisa sei pamberi pangu? Nokuti azvininipisa, handichauyisa dambudziko guru iri mumazuva ake, asi ndichariuyisa paimba yake mumazuva omwanakomana wake.”