< Kings III 2 >
1 And the days of David drew near that he should die: and he addressed his son Solomon, saying, I go the way of all the earth:
A kad doðe vrijeme Davidu da umre, zapovjedi Solomunu sinu svojemu govoreæi:
2 but be you strong, and show yourself a man;
Ja idem kuda ide sve na zemlji; a ti budi hrabar i budi èovjek.
3 and keep the charge of the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, to keep the commandments and the ordinances and the judgments which are written in the law of Moses; that you may understand what you shall do in all things that I command you:
I drži što ti je Gospod Bog tvoj zapovjedio da držiš, hodeæi putovima njegovim i držeæi uredbe njegove i zapovijesti njegove i zakone njegove i svjedoèanstva njegova, kako je napisano u zakonu Mojsijevu, da bi napredovao u svemu što uzradiš i za èim se god okreneš,
4 that the Lord may confirm his word which he spoke, saying, If your children shall take heed to their way to walk before me in truth with all their heart, [I promise you], saying, there shall not fail you a man on the throne of Israel.
Da bi Gospod ispunio rijeè svoju koju mi je rekao govoreæi: ako uspaze sinovi tvoji na put svoj hodeæi preda mnom vjerno, svijem srcem svojim i svom dušom svojom, tada ti neæe nestati èovjeka na prijestolu Izrailjevu.
5 Moreover you know all that Joab the son of Saruia did to me, what he did to the two captains of the forces of Israel, to Abenner the son of Ner, and to Amessai the son of Jether, that he killed them, and shed the blood of war in peace, and put innocent blood on his girdle that was about his loins, and on his sandal that was on his foot.
A ti znaš šta mi je uèinio Joav sin Serujin, šta je uèinio dvjema vojvodama Izrailjevijem, Aveniru sinu Nirovu i Amasi sinu Jeterovu, koje ubi prolivši u miru krv kao u ratu, i okalja krvlju kao u ratu pojas svoj oko sebe, i obuæu svoju na nogu.
6 Therefore you shall deal [with him] according to your wisdom, and you shall not bring down his grey hairs in peace to the grave. (Sheol )
Uèini dakle po mudrosti svojoj, i nemoj dati da se sijeda glava njegova spusti s mirom u grob. (Sheol )
7 But you shall deal kindly with the sons of Berzelli the Galaadite, and they shall be among those that eat at your table; for thus they drew near to me when I fled from the face of your brother Abessalom.
Sinovima pak Varzelaja od Galada uèini milost, i neka budu meðu onima koji jedu za tvojim stolom, jer su tako došli k meni kad sam bježao od Avesaloma brata tvojega.
8 And, behold, [there is] with you Semei the son of Gera, a Benjamite of Baurim: and he cursed me with a grievous curse in the day when I went into the camp; and he came down to Jordan to meet me, and I swore to him by the Lord, saying, I will not put you to death with the sword.
I eto, kod tebe je Simej sin Girin od Venijamina iz Vaurima, koji me je ljuto ružio kad iðah u Mahanajim; ali mi doðe na susret na Jordan, i zakleh mu se Gospodom rekavši: neæu te ubiti maèem.
9 But you shall by no means hold him guiltless, for you are a wise man, and will know what you shall do to him, and shall bring down his grey hairs with blood to the grave. (Sheol )
Ali mu ti nemoj oprostiti, jer si mudar èovjek i znaæeš šta æeš mu uèiniti, da opraviš sijedu glavu njegovu s krvlju u grob. (Sheol )
10 And David slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David.
Tako poèinu David kod otaca svojih, i bi pogreben u gradu Davidovu.
11 And the days which David reigned over Israel [were] forty years; he reigned seven years in Chebron, and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
A carova David nad Izrailjem èetrdeset godina: u Hevronu carova sedam godina, a u Jerusalimu carova trideset i tri godine.
12 And Solomon sat on the throne of his father David, and his kingdom was established greatly.
I Solomun sjede na prijesto Davida oca svojega, i carstvo se njegovo utvrdi jako.
13 And Adonias the son of Aggith came in to Bersabee the mother of Solomon, and did obeisance to her: and she said, Do you enter peaceably? and he said, Peaceably:
Tada doðe Adonija sin Agitin k Vitsaveji materi Solomunovoj; a ona reèe: jesi li dobro došao? A on reèe: dobro.
14 I have business with you. And she said to him, Say on.
Potom reèe: imam nešto da ti kažem. A ona reèe: govori.
15 And he said to her, You know that the kingdom was mine, and all Israel turned their face toward me for a king; but the kingdom was turned [from me] and became my brother's: for it was [appointed] to him from the Lord.
Tada reèe: ti znaš da je moje bilo carstvo, i da je u mene bio upro oèi sav Izrailj da ja budem car; ali se carstvo prenese i dopade bratu mojemu, jer mu ga Gospod dade.
16 And now I make one request of you, do not turn away your face. And Bersabee said to him, Speak [on].
Zato te sada molim za jedno; nemoj me odbiti. A ona mu reèe: govori.
17 And he said to her, Speak, I pray you, to king Solomon, for he will not turn away his face from you, and let him give me Abisag the Somanite for a wife.
A on reèe: govori caru Solomunu, jer ti on neæe odbiti, neka mi da za ženu Avisagu Sunamku.
18 And Bersabee said, Well; I will speak for you to the king.
A Vitsaveja reèe: dobro, ja æu govoriti caru za te.
19 And Bersabee went in to king Solomon to speak to him concerning Adonias; and the king rose up to meet her, and kissed her, and sat on the throne, and a throne was set for the mother of the king, and she sat on his right hand.
I doðe Vitsaveja k caru Solomunu da mu govori za Adoniju; a car usta i srete je i pokloniv joj se sjede na svoj prijesto, i zapovjedi te namjestiše stolicu materi njegovoj, i ona sjede njemu s desne strane.
20 And she said to him, I ask of you one little request; turn not away my face from you. And the king said to her, Ask, my mother, and I will not reject you.
Tada ona reèe: iskala bih od tebe jednu malu stvar, nemoj me odbiti. A car joj reèe: išti, majko, neæu te odbiti.
21 And she said, Let, I pray you, Abisag the Somanite be given to Adonias your brother to wife.
Ona reèe: podaj Avisagu Sunamku Adoniji bratu svojemu za ženu.
22 And king Solomon answered and said to his mother, And why have you asked Abisag for Adonias? ask for him the kingdom also; for he [is] my elder brother, and he has for his companion Abiathar the priest, and Joab the son of Saruia the commander-in-chief.
A car Solomun odgovori materi svojoj i reèe: zašto išteš Avisagu Sunamku za Adoniju? išti i carstvo za nj, jer je on brat moj stariji i ima uza se Avijatara sveštenika i Joava sina Serujina.
23 And king Solomon swore by the Lord, saying, God do so to me, and more also, [if it be not] that Adonias has spoken this word against his own life.
I zakle se car Solomun Gospodom govoreæi: tako da mi uèini Bog i tako da doda, sebi na smrt kaza to Adonija danas.
24 And now [as] the Lord lives who has established me, and set me on the throne of my father David, and he has made me a house, as the Lord spoke, this day shall Adonias be put to death.
I zato, tako da je živ Gospod, koji me je utvrdio i posadio me na prijestolu Davida oca mojega, i koji mi je naèinio kuæu kao što je rekao, danas æe poginuti Adonija.
25 So king Solomon sent by the hand of Banaeas the son of Jodae, and he killed him, and Adonias died in that day.
I posla car Solomun Venaju sina Jodajeva, koji uloži na nj, te pogibe.
26 And the king said to Abiathar the priest, Depart you quickly to Anathoth to your farm, for you are worthy of death this day; but I will not kill you, because you have borne the ark of the covenant of the Lord before my father, and because you was afflicted in all things wherein my father was afflicted.
A Avijataru svešteniku reèe car: idi u Anatot na njivu svoju, jer si zaslužio smrt, ali te neæu danas pogubiti, jer si nosio kovèeg Gospodnji pred Davidom ocem mojim i podnosio si sve nevolje koje je podnosio otac moj.
27 And Solomon removed Abiathar from being a priest of the Lord, that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he spoke concerning the house of Heli in Selom.
Tako Solomun svrgne Avijatara da ne bude sveštenik Gospodnji, da ispuni rijeè Gospodnju što reèe u Silomu za dom Ilijev.
28 And the report came to Joab son of Saruia; for Joab had turned after Adonias, and he went not after Solomon: and Joab fled to the tabernacle of the Lord, and caught hold of the horns of the altar.
I ovaj glas doðe do Joava; a Joav bješe pristao za Adonijom, premda za Avesalomom ne bješe pristao; i uteèe Joav u šator Gospodnji i uhvati se za rogove oltaru.
29 And it was told Solomon, saying, Joab has fled to the tabernacle of the Lord, and behold! he has hold of the horns of the altar. And king Solomon sent to Joab, saying, What ails you, that you have fled to the altar? and Joab said, Because I was afraid of you, and fled for refuge to the Lord. And Solomon sent Banaeas son of Jodae, saying, Go and kill him, and bury him.
I javiše caru Solomunu: Joav uteèe u šator Gospodnji, i eno ga kod oltara. A Solomun posla Venaju sina Jodajeva govoreæi: idi, uloži na nj.
30 And Banaeas son of Jodae came to Joab to the tabernacle of the Lord, and said to him, Thus says the king, Come forth. And Joab said, I will not come forth, for I will die here. And Banaeas son of Jodae returned and spoke to the king, saying, Thus has Joab spoken, and thus has he answered me.
I ušav Venaja u šator Gospodnji reèe mu: car je kazao: izidi. A on reèe: neæu; nego ovdje hoæu da umrem. A Venaja javi caru govoreæi: tako reèe Joav i tako mi odgovori.
31 And the king said to him, Go, and do to him as he has spoken, and kill him: and you shall bury him, and you shall remove this day the blood which he shed without cause, from me and from the house of my father.
A car mu reèe: uèini kako je rekao, uloži na nj, i pogrebi ga, i skini s mene i s doma oca mojega krv pravu koju je prolio Joav.
32 And the Lord has returned upon his own head the blood of his unrighteousness, inasmuch as he attacked two men more righteous and better than himself, and killed them with the sword, and my father David knew not of their blood, [even] Abenner the son of Ner the commander-in-chief of Israel, and Amessa the son of Jether the commander-in-chief of Juda.
I neka Gospod obrati krv njegovu na njegovu glavu, što uloži na dva èovjeka pravednija i bolja od sebe, i ubi ih maèem bez znanja oca mojega Davida: Avenira sina Nirova vojvodu Izrailjeva i Amasu sina Jeterova vojvodu Judina;
33 And their blood is returned upon his head, and upon the head of his seed for ever: but to David, and his seed, and his house, and his throne, may there be peace for ever from the Lord.
Neka se dakle krv njihova vrati na glavu Joavovu i na glavu sjemena njegova dovijeka; a Davidu i sjemenu njegovu i domu njegovu i prijestolu njegovu neka bude mir dovijeka od Gospoda.
34 So Banaeas son of Jodae went up, and attacked him, and killed him, and buried him in his house in the wilderness.
I otide Venaja sin Jodajev, i uloži na nj i pogubi ga, i bi pogreben kod kuæe svoje u pustinji.
35 And the king appointed Banaeas son of Jodae in his place over the host; and the kingdom was established in Jerusalem; and [as for] Sadoc the priest, the king appointed him to be high priest in the room of Abiathar. And Solomon son of David reigned over Israel and Juda in Jerusalem: and the Lord gave understanding to Solomon, and very much wisdom, and largeness of heart, as the sand by the sea-shore.
Tada postavi car Venaju sina Jodajeva na njegovo mjesto nad vojskom, a Sadoka sveštenika postavi car na mjesto Avijatarovo.
Potom posla car i dozva Simeja, i reèe mu: sagradi sebi kuæu u Jerusalimu, pa tu sjedi, i ne izlazi odatle nikuda.
Jer u koji dan izideš i prijeðeš preko potoka Kedrona, znaj zacijelo da æeš poginuti, i krv æe tvoja pasti na tvoju glavu.
A Simej reèe caru: dobra je ta rijeè; kako je rekao gospodar moj car, tako æe uèiniti sluga tvoj. I sjedje Simej u Jerusalimu dugo vremena.
Ali se dogodi poslije tri godine, te utekoše dvije sluge Simejeve k Ahisu sinu Mašinu caru Gatskom. I bi javljeno Simeju: eno ti slugu u Gatu.
Tada usta Simej, i osamari svoga magarca, i otide u Gat k Ahisu da traži sluge svoje. I vrati se Simej, i dovede natrag sluge svoje iz Gata.
I javiše Solomunu da je Simej bio otišao iz Jerusalima u Gat, i da se vratio.
Tada car poslav dozva Simeja, i reèe mu: nijesam li te zakleo Gospodom i nijesam li ti tvrdo rekao: u koji dan izideš kuda mu drago, znaj zacijelo da æeš poginuti? I ti mi reèe: dobra je ta rijeè koju èuh.
Zašto dakle nijesi držao zakletve Gospodnje i zapovijesti koju sam ti zapovjedio?
Potom reèe car Simeju: ti znaš sve zlo za koje zna srce tvoje, što si uèinio Davidu ocu mojemu; Gospod vraæa tvoje zlo na tvoju glavu.
A car æe Solomun biti blagosloven i prijesto Davidov utvrðen pred Gospodom dovijeka.
I zapovjedi car Venaji sinu Jodajevu, te izide i uloži na nj, te pogibe. I carstvo se utvrdi u ruci Solomunovoj.