< Chronicles I 7 >

1 And [as] to the sons of Issachar, [they were] Thola, and Phua, and Jasub, and Semeron, four.
Torej Isahárjevi sinovi so bili: Tolá, Puvá, Jašúb in Šimrón, štirje.
2 And the sons of Thola; Ozi, Raphaia, and Jeriel, and Jamai, and Jemasan, and Samuel, chiefs of their fathers' houses [belonging to] Thola, men of might according to their generations; their number in the days of David [was] twenty and two thousand and six hundred.
Tolájevi sinovi: Uzí, Refajá, Jeriél, Jahmáj, Jibsám in Šemuél, poglavarji hiše njihovega očeta, namreč od Tolája. Bili so hrabri mogočni možje v svojih rodovih, katerih število je bilo v Davidovih dneh dvaindvajset tisoč šeststo.
3 And the sons of Ozi; Jezraia: and the sons of Jezraia; Michael, Abdiu, and Joel, and Jesia, five, all rulers.
Uzíjevi sinovi: Jizrahjá; in Jizrahjájevi sinovi: Mihael, Obadjá, Joél in Jišijá, pet. Vsi izmed njih vodilni možje.
4 And with them, according to their generations, according to the houses of their families, [were men] mighty to set [armies] in array for war, thirty and six thousand, for they had multiplied [their] wives and children.
Z njimi, po njihovih rodovih, po hiši njihovih očetov, so bile čete vojakov za vojno, šestintrideset tisoč mož, kajti imeli so veliko žena in sinov.
5 And their brethren among all the families of Issachar, also mighty men, [were] eighty-seven thousand—[this was] the number of them all.
Njihovi bratje med vsemi Isahárjevimi družinami so bili hrabri mogočni možje, prešteti po vseh njihovih rodovnikih, sedeminosemdeset tisoč.
6 The sons of Benjamin; Bale, and Bachir, and Jediel, three.
Benjaminovi sinovi: Bela, Beher in Jediaél, trije.
7 And the sons of Bale; Esebon, and Ozi, and Oziel, and Jerimuth, and Uri, five; heads of houses of families, mighty men; and their number [was] twenty and two thousand and thirty-four.
Belovi sinovi: Ecbón, Uzí, Uziél, Jerimót in Ir, pet; poglavarji hiše njihovih očetov, močni junaški možje; prešteti so bili po njihovih rodovnikih, dvaindvajset tisoč štiriintrideset.
8 And the sons of Bachir; Zemira, and Joas, and Eliezer, and Elithenan, and Amaria, and Jerimuth, and Abiud, and Anathoth, and Eleemeth: all these [were] the sons of Bachir.
Beherjevi sinovi: Zemirá, Joáš, Eliézer, Eljoenáj, Omri, Jerimót, Abíja, Anatót in Alémet. Vsi ti so Beherjevi sinovi.
9 And their number according to their generations, ([they were] chiefs of their fathers' houses, men of might), [was] twenty thousand and two hundred.
Njihovo število po njihovih rodovnikih, po njihovih rodovih, poglavarjev hiš njihovih očetov, močnih junaških mož, je bilo dvajset tisoč dvesto.
10 And the sons of Jediel; Balaan: and the sons of Balaan; Jaus, and Benjamin, and Aoth, and Chanana, and Zaethan, and Tharsi, and Achisaar.
Tudi Jediaélovi sinovi: Bilhán. Bilhánovi sinovi: Jeúš, Benjamin, Ehúd, Kenaaná, Zetán, Taršíš in Ahišáhar.
11 All these [were] the sons of Jediel, chiefs of their families, men of might, seventeen thousand and two hundred, going forth to war with might.
Vseh teh Jediaélovih sinov, po poglavarjih njihovih očetov, močnih junaških mož, je bilo sedemnajst tisoč dvesto vojakov, primernih, da gredo ven na vojsko in bitko.
12 And Sapphin, and Apphin, and the sons of Or, Asom, whose son [was] Aor.
Tudi Šupím in Hupím, Irova otroka in Huším, Ahêrjevi sinovi.
13 The sons of Nephthali; Jasiel, Goni, and Aser, and Sellum, his sons, Balam his son.
Neftálijevi sinovi: Jahaciél, Guní, Jecer in Šalúm, Bilhini sinovi.
14 The sons of Manasse; Esriel, whom his Syrian concubine bore; and she bore to him also Machir the father of Galaad.
Manásejevi sinovi: Asriél, ki mu je rodila ( toda njegova arámska priležnica je rodila Mahírja, Gileádovega očeta;
15 And Machir took a wife for Apphin and Sapphin, and his sister's name was Moocha; and the name of the second [son] was Sapphaad; and to Sapphaad were born daughters.
in Mahír je vzel za ženo sestro Hupíma in Šupíma, čigar sestri je bilo ime Maáha) in ime drugemu je bilo Celofhád; in Celofhád je imel hčere.
16 And Moocha the wife of Machir bore a son, and called his name Phares; and his brother's name [was] Surus; his sons [were] Ulam, and Rocom.
Mahírjeva žena Maáha je rodila sina in njegovo ime imenovala Pereš; in ime njegovega brata je bilo Šereš; njegova sinova pa sta bila Ulám in Rekem.
17 And the sons of Ulam; Badam. These [were] the sons of Galaad, the son of Machir, the son of Manasse.
Ulámovi sinovi: Bedán. To so bili sinovi Gileáda, sinú Mahírja, Manásejevega sina.
18 And his sister Malecheth bore Isud, and Abiezer, and Maela.
Njegova sestra Moléheta je rodila Išhóda, Abiézeja in Mahlája.
19 And the sons of Semira were, Aim, and Sychem, and Lakim, and Anian.
Šemidájevi sinovi so bili: Ahján, Šehem, Likhí in Aniám.
20 And the sons of Ephraim; Sothalath, and Barad his son, and Thaath his son, Elada his son, Saath his son,
Efrájimovi sinovi: Šutélah, njegov sin Bered, njegov sin Tahat, njegov sin Eladá in njegov sin Tahat,
21 and Zabad his son, Sothele his son, and Azer, and Elead: and the men of Geth who were born in the land killed them, because they went down to take their cattle.
njegov sin Zabád, njegov sin Šutélah, Ecer in Elád, ki so jih usmrtil možje iz Gata, ki so bili rojeni v tej deželi, ker so prišli dol, da odvzamejo njihovo živino.
22 And their father Ephraim mourned many days, and his brethren came to comfort him.
Njihov oče Efrájim je mnogo dni žaloval in prišli so njegovi bratje, da ga tolažijo.
23 And he went in to his wife, and she conceived, and bore a son, and he called his name Beria, because, [said he], he was afflicted in my house.
Ko je odšel k svoji ženi, je spočela, rodila sina in njegovo ime je imenoval Berijá, ker je z njegovo hišo šlo slabo.
24 And his daughter [was] Saraa, and he was among them that were left, and he built Baethoron the upper and the lower. And the descendants of Ozan [were] Seera,
(Njegova hči je bila Šeêra, ki je zgradila spodnji in zgornji Bet Horón ter Uzén Šeêro.)
25 and Raphe his son, Saraph and Thalees his sons, Thaen his son.
Refah je bil njegov sin, tudi Rešef in njegov sin Telah in njegov sin Tahan,
26 To Laadan his son [was born his] son Amiud, his son Helisamai, [his] son
njegov sin Ladán, njegov sin Amihúd, njegov sin Elišamá,
27 Nun, [his] son Jesue, [these were] his sons.
njegov sin Non in njegov sin Ješua.
28 And their possession and their dwelling [were] Baethel and her towns, to the east Noaran, westward Gazer and her towns, and Sychem and her towns, as far as Gaza and her towns.
Njihove posesti in prebivališča so bila Betel in njegova mesta, proti vzhodu Naára, proti zahodu Gezer s svojimi mesti; tudi Sihem in njegova mesta, do Gaze in njenih mest;
29 And as far as the borders of the sons of Manasse, Baethsaan and her towns, Thanach and her towns, Mageddo and her towns, Dor and her towns. In this the children of Joseph the son of Israel lived.
in pri mejah Manásejevih otrok, Bet Šeán in njegova mesta, Taanáh in njegova mesta, Megída in njegova mesta ter Dor in njegova mesta. V teh so prebivali otroci Izraelovega sina Jožefa.
30 The sons of Aser; Jemna, and Suia, and Isui, and Beria, and Sore their sister.
Aserjevi sinovi: Jimnáh, Jišvá, Jišví, Berijá in njihova sestra Sêraha.
31 And the sons of Beria; Chaber, and Melchiel; he [was] the father of Berthaith.
Berijájeva sinova: Heber in Malkiél, ki je Birzájitov oče.
32 And Chaber begot Japhlet, and Samer, and Chothan, and Sola their sister.
Heber je zaplodil Jafléta, Šomerja, Hotáma in njihovo sestro Šuo.
33 And the sons of Japhlet; Phasec, and Bamael, and Asith: these [are] the sons of Japhlet.
Jaflétovi sinovi: Pasáh, Bimhál in Ašvát. To so Jaflétovi sinovi.
34 And the sons of Semmer; Achir, and Rooga, and Jaba, and Aram.
Šemerjevi sinovi: Ahí, Rohgá, Hubá in Arám.
35 And the sons of Elam his brother; Sopha, and Imana, and Selles, and Amal.
Sinovi njegovega brata Heléma: Cofah, Jimná, Šeleš in Amál.
36 The sons of Sopha; Sue, and Arnaphar, and Suda, and Barin, and Imran,
Cofahovi sinovi: Suah, Harnéfer, Šuál, Berí, Jimrá,
37 and Basan, and Oa, and Sama, and Salisa, and Jethra, and Beera.
Becer, Hod, Šamá, Šilšá, Jitrán in Beerá.
38 And the sons of Jether, Jephina, and Phaspha, and Ara.
Jeterjevi sinovi: Jefuné, Pispá in Ará.
39 And the sons of Ola; Orech, Aniel, and Rasia.
Ulájevi sinovi: Aráh, Haniél in Ricjá.
40 All these [were] the sons of Aser, all heads of families, choice, mighty men, chief leaders: their number for battle array—their number [was] twenty-six thousand men.
Vsi ti so bili Aserjevi otroci, poglavarji njihovih očetnih hiš, izbrani in močni junaški možje, vodje princev. Število tistih, ki so bili po rodovniku zmožni za vojno in bitko, je bilo šestindvajset tisoč mož.

< Chronicles I 7 >