< Chronicles I 5 >

1 And the sons of Ruben the firstborn of Israel (for he [was] the firstborn; but because of his going up to his father's couch, [his father] gave his blessing to his son Joseph, [even] the son of Israel; and he was not reckoned as firstborn;
Ruubeen Israaʼeliif ilma hangafa ture; taʼus sababii inni siree abbaa isaa xureesseef mirgi hangafummaa isaa ilmaan Yoosef ilma Israaʼel sanaatiif kenname. Kanaafuu inni akka mirga isaa kan dhalootaan argamuutti hidda dhalootaa keessatti hin galmeeffamne;
2 for Judas [was] very mighty even among his brethren, and one was to be a ruler out of him: but the blessing [was] Joseph's).
Yihuudaan obboloota isaa keessa nama jabaa fi kan mootummaan isa keessaa baʼe taʼu illee mirgi hangafummaa kan Yoosefii ti.
3 The sons of Ruben the firstborn of Israel; Enoch, and Phallus, Asrom, and Charmi.
Ilmaan Ruubeen ilma Israaʼel hangaftichaa: Henooki, Faluusoo, Hezroonii fi Karmii.
4 The sons of Joel; Semei, and Banaia his son: and the sons of Gug the son of Semei.
Ilmaan Yooʼeel: Shemaaʼiyaa ilma isaa, Googi ilma isaa, Shimeʼii ilma isaa,
5 His son [was] Micha, his son Recha, his son Joel,
Miikaa ilma isaa, Reʼaayaa ilma isaa, Baʼaal ilma isaatii fi
6 his son Beel, whom Thagla-phallasar king of Assyria carried away captive: he [is] the chief of the Rubenites.
Biʼeeraa ilma isaa kan mootiin Asoor Tiiglaat-Philneeser boojiʼee fudhatee dha. Beʼeeraan hoogganaa gosa Ruubeen ture.
7 And his brethren in his family, in their distribution according to their generations; the chief, Joel, and Zacharia.
Firoonni isaanii warri akkuma hidda dhaloota isaaniitti balbala balbalaan galmeeffaman kanneenii dha: Yeʼiiʼeel hangafticha, Zakkaariyaas,
8 And Balec the son of Azuz, the son of Sama, the son of Joel: he lived in Aroer, and even to Naban, and Beelmasson.
Beelaa ilma Aazaazi, ilma Shemaa, ilma Yooʼeel. Isaanis naannoo Aroʼeeri jalqabee hamma Neboo fi Baʼaal Meʼooniitti jiru keessa qubatan.
9 And he lived eastward to the borders of the wilderness, from the river Euphrates: for they had much cattle in the land of Galaad.
Isaanis sababii horiin isaanii Giliʼaadi keessatti baayʼateef karaa baʼa biiftuutiin hamma daarii gammoojjii kan gara laga Efraaxiisitti balʼatu sanaatti biyyattii qabatan.
10 And in the days of Saul they made war upon the sojourners [in the land]; and they fell into their hands, all of them dwelling in their tents eastward of Galaad.
Isaan jabana Saaʼol keessa Aggaariitti waraana kaasan; jarris harka isaaniitti moʼataman; isaanis iddoo jireenyaa warra Aggaar kan Giliʼaadiin gama baʼa biiftuu jiru guutumaan guutuutti qabatan.
11 The sons of Gad lived over against them in the land of Basan even to Sela.
Gosoonni Gaad isaanitti aananii Baashaan keessa lafa hamma Salkaatti argamu irra jiraatan; isaanis:
12 Joel the firstborn, and Sapham the second, and Janin the scribe in Basan.
Yooʼeel hangaftichi, Shaafaam itti aanaan isaa, Yaʼinayii fi Shaafaax Baashaan keessa jiraatan.
13 And their brethren according to the houses of their fathers; Michael, Mosollam, and Sebee, and Joree, and Joachan, and Zue, and Obed, seven.
Firoonni isaanii maatii maatiidhaan kanneenii dha: Miikaaʼel, Meshulaam, Shebaa, Yooraay, Yaakaan, Ziiʼaa fi Eeber; walumaa galatti torba turan.
14 These [are] the sons of Abichaia the son of Uri, the son of Idai, the son of Galaad, the son of Michael, the son of Jesai, the son of Jeddai, the son of Buz,
Isaan kunneen immoo ilmaan Abiihaayil ilma Huuri, ilma Yaarokaa, ilma Giliʼaad, ilma Miikaaʼel, ilma Yeshiishaayi, ilma Yakedoo, ilma Buuzii ti.
15 [who was] the brother of the son of Abdiel, the son of Guni, [he was] chief of the house of their families.
Ahiin ilmi Abdiʼeel, hangafa maatii isaanii ture; Abdiʼeel immoo ilma Guunii ti.
16 They lived in Galaad, in Basan, and in their villages, and [in] all the country round about Saron to the border.
Warri Gaad Giliʼaad keessa, Baashaanii fi gandoota daarii isheetti argaman, akkasumas lafa tikaa kan Shaaroon keessatti argaman hundaa fi qarqara isaa jiraatan.
17 The enumeration of [them] all took place in the days of Joatham king of Juda, and in the days of Jeroboam king of Israel.
Isaan kunneen hundi jabana Yootaam mootii Yihuudaa turee fi jabana Yerobiʼaam mootii Israaʼel ture keessa galmee hidda dhalootaa keessatti galmeeffaman.
18 The sons of Ruben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasse, of mighty men, bearing shields and sword, and bending the bow, and skilled in war, [were] forty and four thousand and seven hundred and sixty, going forth to battle.
Ruubeenonni, Gaadonnii fi walakkaan gosa Minaasee namoota dandeettii lolaa qaban 44,760 qaban ture; isaanis namoota jajjaboo warra gaachanaa fi goraadee qabachuu dandaʼan, warra xiyya darbachuu dandaʼanii fi warra waraanaaf leenjifaman turan.
19 And they made war with the Agarenes, and Itureans, and Naphiseans, and Nadabeans,
Jarri kunis warra Aggaariitti, warra Yexuuritti, Naafiishiittii fi Noodaabiitti waraana ni banan.
20 and they prevailed against them: and the Agaraeans were given into their hands, [they] and all their tents: for they cried to God in the battle, and he listened to them, because they trusted on him.
Sababii isaan waraana sana irratti gara Waaqaatti iyyatanii turaniif Waaqni isaan gargaaree warra Aggaariitii fi garee isaanii hunda dabarsee harka isaaniitti kenne. Innis sababii isaan isa amanataniif kadhannaa isaaniitiif deebii kenne.
21 And they took captive their store; five thousand camels, and two hundred and fifty thousand sheep, two thousand asses, and a hundred thousand men.
Isaanis horii warra Aggaar gaala kuma shan, hoolaa kuma dhibba lamaa fi shantamaa fi harree kuma lama saaman. Akkasumas nama kuma dhibba tokkoo boojiʼan;
22 For many fell slain, because the war [was] of God. And they lived in their place until the captivity.
sababii lolli sun kan Waaqaa tureef namoonni biraa baayʼeen ni ajjeefaman. Isaanis hamma bara boojuutti biyya sana keessa ni jiraatan.
23 And the half-tribe of Manasse lived from Basan to Baal, Ermon, and Sanir, and [to] the mount Aermon: and they increased in Libanus.
Walakkaan gosa Minaasee baayʼee turan; isaanis Baashaanii jalqabanii hamma Baʼaal Hermooniitti, hamma Seniir Tulluu Hermoonitti biyya sana keessa qubatan.
24 And these were the heads of the houses of their families; Opher, and Sei, and Eliel, and Jeremia, and Oduia, and Jediel, mighty men of valour, men of renown, heads of the houses of their families.
Isaan kunneen hangafoota maatii isaanii ti: Eefer, Yishiʼii, Eliiʼeel, Azriiʼeel, Ermiyaas, Hoodayiwaa fi Yadiiʼeel. Isaan kunneen loltoota gootota, namoota bebbeekamoo fi hangafoota maatii isaanii ti.
25 But they rebelled against the God of their fathers, and went a-whoring after the gods of the nations of the land, whom God cast out from before them.
Isaan garuu Waaqa abbootii isaaniitiif amanamuu didanii waaqota saboota biyyattii wajjin sagaagalan; saboonni kunneenis warra Waaqni fuula isaanii duraa balleessee dha.
26 And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Phaloch king of Assyria, and the spirit of Thagla-phallasar king of Assyria, and carried away Ruben and Gaddi, and the half-tribe of Manasse, and brought them to Chaach, and Chabor, and to the river Gozan, until this day.
Kanaafuu Waaqni Israaʼel hafuura Fohaa mooticha Asoor jechuunis hafuura Phuuli kakaasee akka inni gosoota Ruubeen, kan Gaadiitii fi walakkaa gosa Minaasee boojiʼu godhe. Innis warra kanneen gara Halaa, Haaboor, Haaraatii fi gara qarqara laga Goozaaniitti geesse; isaanis hamma harʼaatti achuma jiraatan.

< Chronicles I 5 >