< Chronicles I 29 >
1 And David the king said to all the congregation, Solomon my son, whom the Lord has chosen, [is] young and tender, and the work [is] great; for [it is] not for man, but for the Lord God.
Nadalje je kralj David vsej skupnosti rekel: »Moj sin Salomon, ki ga je izbral sam Bog, je še mlad in nežen, delo pa je veliko, kajti palača ni za človeka, temveč za Gospoda Boga.
2 I have prepared according to all [my] might for the house of my God gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, onyx stones, and costly and variegated stones for setting, and every precious stone, and much Parian [marble].
Sedaj sem z vso svojo močjo pripravil za hišo svojega Boga zlata za stvari, narejene iz zlata, srebra za stvari iz srebra, brona za stvari iz brona, železa za stvari iz železa, lesa za stvari iz lesa, oniksove kamne in kamne za vdelavo, lesketajoče kamne iz različnih barv in vse vrste dragocenih kamnov in marmornih kamnov v obilju.
3 And still farther, because I took pleasure in the house of my God, I have gold and silver which I have procured for myself, and, behold, I have given them to the house of my God over and above, beyond what I have prepared for the holy house.
Povrh vsega, ker sem svojo naklonjenost naravnal k hiši svojega Boga, sem dal od svojih lastnih dobrin, od zlata in srebra, ki sem ga dal k hiši svojega Boga, poleg vsega, kar sem pripravil za sveto hišo;
4 Three thousand talents of gold of Suphir, and seven thousand talents of fine silver, for the overlaying of the walls of the sanctuary:
celó tri tisoč talentov zlata, od zlata iz Ofírja in sedem tisoč talentov prečiščenega srebra, da se z njim prekrije stene hiš.
5 [for you to use] the gold for [things of] gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for every work by the hand of the artificers. And who is willing to dedicate himself in work this day for the Lord?
Zlata za stvari iz zlata, srebra za stvari iz srebra in za vsako vrsto dela storjenega z rokodelčevimi rokami. In kdo bo potem ta dan voljan uméstiti svojo službo Gospodu?«
6 Then the heads of families, and the princes of the children of Israel, and the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and the overseers of the works, and the king's builders, offered willingly.
Potem so vodje očetov in princev iz Izraelovega rodu in poveljniki nad tisočimi in nad stotimi, z voditelji kraljevega dela, prostovoljno darovali
7 And they gave for the works of the house of the Lord five thousand talents of gold, and ten thousand gold [pieces], and ten thousand talents of silver, and eighteen thousand talents of brass, and a hundred thousand talents of iron.
in dali za službo Božje hiše od zlata pet tisoč talentov in deset tisoč darejkov, od srebra deset tisoč talentov, od brona osemnajst tisoč talentov in sto tisoč talentov železa.
8 And they who had [precious] stone, gave it into the treasuries of the house of the Lord by the hand of Jeiel the Gedsonite.
Tisti, pri katerih so bili najdeni dragoceni kamni, so jih dali v zakladnico Gospodove hiše po roki Geršónca Jehiéla.
9 And the people rejoiced because of the willingness, for they offered willingly to the Lord with a full heart: and king David rejoiced greatly.
Potem se je ljudstvo veselilo, za to, kar so voljno darovali, ker so s popolnim srcem voljno darovali Gospodu. Tudi kralj David se je veselil z veliko radostjo.
10 And king David blessed the Lord before the congregation, saying, Blessed are you, O Lord God of Israel, our Father, from everlasting and to everlasting.
Zato je David blagoslovil Gospoda pred vso skupnostjo in David je rekel: »Blagoslovljen bodi ti, Gospod, Bog Izraela, našega očeta, na veke vekov.
11 Your, O Lord, [is] the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the might: for you are Lord of all things that are in heaven and upon the earth: before your face every king and nation is troubled.
Tvoja, oh Gospod, je veličina, oblast, slava, zmaga in veličastvo, kajti vse, kar je v nebesih in na zemlji, je tvoje. Tvoje je kraljestvo, oh Gospod in ti si kakor glava povišan nad vse.
12 From you [come] wealth and glory: you, O Lord, rule over all, the Lord of all dominion, and in your hand [is] strength and rule; and [you are] almighty with your hand to increase and establish all things.
Bogastvo in čast, oboje prihaja od tebe in ti kraljuješ nad vsem in v tvoji roki je oblast in moč in v tvoji roki je to, da narediš veliko in da daš moč vsem.
13 And now, Lord, we give thanks to you, and praise your glorious name.
Zdaj torej, naš Bog, se ti zahvaljujemo in hvalimo tvoje veličastno ime.
14 But who am I, and what [is] my people, that we have been able to be thus forward [in offering] to you? for all things [are] your, and of your own have we given you,
Toda kdo sem jaz in kaj je moje ljudstvo, da bi bili zmožni darovati tako voljno na takšen način? Kajti vse stvari prihajajo od tebe in od tvojega lastnega smo dali tebi.
15 for we are strangers before you, and sojourners, as all our fathers [were]: our days upon the earth [are] as a shadow, and there is no remaining.
Kajti mi smo tujci pred teboj in začasni prebivalci, kakor so bili vsi naši očetje. Naši dnevi na zemlji so kakor senca in nobenega ni, ki bi ostal.
16 O Lord our God, as for all this abundance which I have prepared that a house should be built to your holy name, it is of your hand, and all [is] your.
Oh Gospod, naš Bog, vsa ta zaloga, ki smo jo pripravili, da ti zgradimo hišo za tvoje sveto ime, prihaja iz tvoje roke in vse je tvoje.
17 And I know, Lord, that you are he that searches the hearts, and you love righteousness. I have willingly offered all these things in simplicity of heart; and now I have seen with joy your people here present, willingly offering to you.
Tudi jaz vem, moj Bog, da ti preizkušaš srce in imaš veselje v iskrenosti. Kar se mene tiče, sem v iskrenosti svojega srca voljno daroval vse te stvari in sedaj sem z radostjo videl tvoje ljudstvo, ki je tukaj prisotno, da ti voljno daruje.
18 O Lord God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, preserve these things in the thought of the heart of your people for ever, and direct their hearts to you.
Oh Gospod, Bog Abrahama, Izaka in Izraela, naših očetov, varuj to na veke v zamisli misli srca svojega ljudstva in si pripravi njihovo srce.
19 And to Solomon my son give a good heart, to perform your commandments, and [to observe] your testimonies, and your ordinances, and to accomplish the building of your house.
Mojemu sinu Salomonu daj popolno srce, da varuje tvoje zapovedi, tvoja pričevanja in tvoje zakone in da stori vse te stvari in da zgradi palačo, za katero sem naredil preskrbo.«
20 And David said to the whole congregation, Bless you the Lord our God. And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers, and they bowed the knee and worshipped the Lord, and [did obeisance] to the king.
David je vsej skupnosti rekel: »Sedaj blagoslovite Gospoda, svojega Boga.« In vsa skupnost je blagoslovila Gospoda, Boga svojih očetov, sklonila svoje glave in oboževala Gospoda in kralja.
21 And David sacrificed to the Lord, and offered up whole burnt offerings to the Lord on the morrow after the first day, a thousand calves, a thousand rams, a thousand lambs, and their drink-offerings, and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel.
Žrtvovali so klavne daritve Gospodu in darovali so žgalne daritve Gospodu naslednji dan po tem dnevu, celó tisoč bikcev, tisoč ovnov in tisoč jagnjet, z njihovimi pitnimi daritvami in v obilju klavnih daritev za ves Izrael.
22 And they ate and drank joyfully that day before the Lord: and they made Solomon the son of David king a second time, and anointed him king before the Lord, and Sadoc to the priesthood.
Z velikim veseljem so na ta dan jedli in pili pred Gospodom. Kralja Salomona, Davidovega sina, so drugič postavili za kralja, ga mazilili Gospodu za glavnega voditelja, Cadóka pa za duhovnika.
23 And Solomon sat upon the throne of his father David, and was highly honored; and all Israel obeyed him.
Potem se je Salomon usedel na Gospodov prestol kakor kralj namesto svojega očeta Davida in uspeval in ves Izrael ga je ubogal.
24 The princes, and the mighty men, and all the sons of king David his father, were subject to him.
Vsi princi in mogočni možje in tudi vsi sinovi kralja Davida so se podredili kralju Salomonu.
25 And the Lord magnified Solomon over all Israel, and gave him royal glory, such as was not upon any king before him.
Gospod je silno poveličal Salomona v očeh vsega Izraela in mu podelil takšno kraljevo veličastvo, kakršno ni bilo v Izraelu na nobenem kralju pred njim.
26 And David the son of Jessae reigned over Israel forty years;
Tako je Jesejev sin David kraljeval nad vsem Izraelom.
27 seven years in Chebron, and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
Časa, ko je kraljeval nad Izraelom, je bilo štirideset let. Sedem let je kraljeval v Hebrónu, triintrideset let pa je kraljeval v Jeruzalemu.
28 And he died in a good old age, full of days, in wealth, and glory: and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.
Umrl je v dobri visoki starosti, izpolnjen z dnevi, bogastvi in častjo. Namesto njega je zakraljeval njegov sin Salomon.
29 And the rest of the acts of David, the former and the latter, are written in the history of Samuel the seer, and in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the history of Gad the seer,
Torej dejanja kralja Davida, prva in zadnja, glej, ta so zapisana v knjigi vidca Samuela, v knjigi preroka Natána in v knjigi vidca Gada,
30 concerning all his reign, and his power, and the times which went over him, and over Israel, and over all the kingdoms of the earth.
z vsem njegovim vladanjem in njegovo močjo in časi, ki so prešli nad njim in nad Izraelom in nad vsemi kraljestvi dežel.